Attention Rotarians and Guests

Starting Tues, January 27, 2025, meetings will be held at The Bethel Inn Resort in the Terrace Area of Millbrook Tavern.
We thank Brenda and Carl Blond of the Gracenote Inn for all their hospitality and extend best wishes on their next adventures!
Attention Rotarians and Guests 2025-01-20 05:00:00Z 0

Rotary's Annual Senior Citizen Holiday Luncheon

The 2024 Annual Senior Luncheon was a joy-filled event and Rotarians would like to thank all who attended!  A huge shout-out of thanks to the Good Food Store for preparing the delicious food and to the Jackson Silver Am Legion Post 68 for hosting the event!  Wishing All a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays! 
See Bethel Rotary's FACEBOOK page above for a reel of pictures from this year's event!
May be an image of 3 people
Rotary's Annual Senior Citizen Holiday Luncheon 2024-12-09 05:00:00Z 0

Christmas for Children 2024

This 2024 Holiday Season, we assisted over 40 families and over 100 children in our area. 
This would not be possible without the support and generosity of the many donors to this program.
Many thanks for helping make this season merry and bright!
Christmas for Children 2024 2024-11-20 05:00:00Z 0
Sign Up for Rotary 5K! 2024-08-14 04:00:00Z 0
What Does Bethel Rotary Do? 2024-08-14 04:00:00Z 0

Rotary Clubs hold Clothing Jamboree

SUN JOURNAL 7/9/2024 SUBMITTED PHOTO Two Maine Rotary Clubs came together recently for a Clothing Jamboree organized by the Rotary Club of Bethel in partnership with Maine Immigrant and Refugee Services (MEIRS). The Bethel Rotarians traveled to Lewiston with more than 200 large bags filled with clean clothing, shoes, bedding, and other essentials to distribute to local families. Members of the Lewiston-Auburn Rotary Club joined in to help out. From left are Ed Plourde, L-A Rotary; Peter Fetchko, Bethel Rotary; and Larry Delhagen, the new president of the L-A Rotary Club.
Rotary Clubs hold Clothing Jamboree 2024-07-10 04:00:00Z 0
2024 Bethel Rotary Yard Sale 2024-07-10 04:00:00Z 0

Bethel Rotary Celebrates 50 Years

Our History
By Robert Laux
Reprinted from the Club's 50th Charter Anniversary Program
Rotary Clubs are formed when a group of like-minded citizens unite in “common values” with a desire to address their community needs. All members of Rotary International pledge to live and work by the “Rotary Four Way Test of the Things We Think, Say or Do:”
  1. Is it the truth?
  2. Is it fair to all concerned?
  3. Will it build good will and better friendships?
  4. Will it be beneficial to all concerned?
In September of 1974, sponsored by The Rotary Club of Rumford, 21 local business professionals, formed The Bethel Rotary Club. Our first President was Romeo Baker while John Head and Roland Glines were Vice-Presidents. Other officers rounding out the charter included Basil Kinney as Secretary and Ray Moran as Treasurer. Members in Rotary were selected by profession so as not to have too many lawyers, bankers or accountants but rather representing the diversity each community entails. Our Club originally met for lunch at The Bethel Inn.
Bethel Rotary Celebrates 50 Years 2024-06-09 04:00:00Z 0
50th Charter Anniversary 2024-04-27 04:00:00Z 0

Rotary's Educational Assistance Awards Application 2024

Bethel Rotary is now accepting  2024 Educational Assistance Award Applications.  Please find the Application in the Download Section of this Home Page - See Lower Left.
Completed Applications must be received by April 15.
Rotary's Educational Assistance Awards Application 2024 2024-03-19 04:00:00Z 0
Save the Date! 2024-02-25 05:00:00Z 0
District 7780 A Concert For Peace 2024-02-04 05:00:00Z 0
Letter to the Editor - Christmas for Children 2023-11-27 05:00:00Z 0
Christmas for Children 2024 2023-11-09 05:00:00Z 0
November is Rotary Foundation Month 2023-11-04 04:00:00Z 0
World Polio Day - October 24th 2023-10-14 04:00:00Z 0
2023 Mahoosuc Art and Agriculture Tour 2023-08-19 04:00:00Z 0
2023 APPLICATION  Rotary/MKA 5K Run/Walk 2023-08-19 04:00:00Z 0
2023 Rotary/MKA 5K Run/Walk 2023-07-24 04:00:00Z 0

Letter to the Editor - The Bethel Citizen

To the Editor,   (abbreviated 8 Aug 2023)
The members of the Rotary Club of Bethel are excited to be planning for our upcoming events and activities. We invite you to mark your calendars and support/attend these!
Our largest fundraising event is our Annual Yardsale, which is scheduled for Tuesday, August 1st to Monday, August 7th ... Thank you to Everyone who partook in the 2023 Yard Sale.  We're excited that the event exceeded expectations and we look forward to sharing its success with the Community. 
On Sunday, September 10th, from 10am – 2pm, you are all invited to the 3rd Annual Mahoosuc Art & Agriculture Tour. For $20 per vehicle, you can enjoy a tour of local farms, with an added bonus of purchasing their products and potentially lunch, visiting with a potentially purchasing from area artists and artisans who will be at each farm location, and talking with Rotarians who will serve as hosts at each farm. The tickets/map will be for sale at the Rotary tent set up on the lawn next to the Gem Theater on Cross St., Bethel beginning at 9am. More details will be forthcoming as the date approaches.  This event is held in partnership with BAAM (Bethel Area Arts & Music), the Bethel Area Chamber of Commerce and the Local Food Connection. 
We would appreciate you marking your calendars for the Annual Rotary 5K and 1 mile event, sponsored by HealthReach Community Health Centers, which is scheduled for Sunday, September 17th at the Valentine Farm Conservation Center on the North Rd., Bethel. The 1 mile event begins at 8:30 am and the 5K runner/walking event begins at 9:00 am. The event is open to both runners and walkers and a remote option is available for those who cannot make it to Bethel that day.   Registration is $15 in advance for adults and FREE for anyone 18 and under and $20 the day-of. The first 100 registrants receive a commemorative amenity gift and there will be prizes and refreshments for finishers. This event’s proceeds are dedicated to supporting after school and enrichment programs for the youth of the Bethel area.  Recent recipients of funds have been Toe, Tap & Jazz Dance School, Mahoosuc Kids Association, the Museums of the Bethel Historical Society’s summer “Mornings at the Museum” program, the Crescent Park School’s Girls on the Run program, the Bethel Library Summer Reading Program, the Paint Doodle Create summer art program and the Mt. Abram Ski Resort’s after school ski program for the youth of SAD 44.  This year’s event is being held in partnership with The Mahoosuc Kids Association.  Registration is available online at
Thank you for your support of and participation in the programs and events of the Rotary Club of Bethel!  The success of these programs relies on your support!
Robin Zinchuk, Public Image & Jean Benedict, Club President
Letter to the Editor - The Bethel Citizen 2023-04-01 04:00:00Z 0
Christmas for Children 2022-11-27 05:00:00Z 0
World Polio Day - October 24 2022-09-27 04:00:00Z 0
Rotary's 2022 5K Event 2022-08-15 04:00:00Z 0
2022 Rotary Yard Sale 2022-06-22 04:00:00Z 0
2022 Rotary Scholarship Application 2022-02-28 05:00:00Z 0
Donate 2021-11-29 05:00:00Z 0
Christmas For Children 2021 2021-11-29 05:00:00Z 0


In response to COVID19, our weekly Club Meetings will be virtual until further notice. Meetings will begin at 7:30 am every Tuesday please reach out to for the ZOOM link.  ~ Updated 9/28/2021 
PLEASE NOTE *** ZOOM MEETINGS Steve Smith 2021-09-06 04:00:00Z 0
Rotary 2021 Yard Sale 2021-08-06 04:00:00Z 0
Bethel Rotary 5K Run/Walk 2021-06-12 04:00:00Z 0
Rotary's Virtual 5K Run/Walk 2020 2020-08-16 04:00:00Z 0

President's Message

Hello fellow Rotarians!
            I hope that this e-bulletin finds you and your family safe and well in your homes.  I trust that, by now, you’ve gotten into a routine with work, family time, hobbies, etc. and are making the most of this time.  It’s been a challenge but I can’t help thinking that something very positive is going to come out of this, at every level—local, national, global—and that we will have a new awareness of and respect for one another because of it.
            Being a pastor, I am thinking in terms of suffering leading to resurrection.  But, whatever you believe (or even if you aren’t a person of faith at all), we have to hope and trust that kindness, compassion, and love will prevail and that adversity and suffering will lead to something new being born.  OK, time for me to stop preaching!       
Wow, I never expected my year as club President would go like this!  It was good to see many of you at our 5th Tuesday ZOOM Happy Hour last week.  I have missed gathering with all of you and I am feeling the need to try to meet virtually more often.  The Board is discussing having every-other-week meetings beginning Tuesday, April 14th, and you’ll be hearing more about that soon.
Though we have had to cancel or postpone the Spring Country Breakfast and May Day 5K, we hope that we will still be able to do our June Auction and Yard Sale.  There are so many unknowns right now…but we know that we will get through this and be stronger for it.  In the meantime, remember to send in your weekly Happy Dollars, keep us informed about how you’re doing, and stay positive!
In Rotary Spirit,
President's Message 2020-03-31 04:00:00Z 0


TODAY! 5th Tuesday Social

ZOOM Social ... looking forward to "seeing" all of you this evening ...
Tim LeConey is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Bethel Rotary 5th Tuesday Social
Time: Mar 31, 2020 05:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 902 315 587
Password: 596114
One tap mobile
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+13126266799,,902315587# US (Chicago)
Dial by your location
        +1 929 205 6099 US (New York)
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        +1 301 715 8592 US
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        +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
        +1 253 215 8782 US
Meeting ID: 902 315 587
Find your local number:
TODAY! 5th Tuesday Social 2020-03-31 04:00:00Z 0


SCOTT H:  I am happy to say that Foghorn is expecting; that is, he is expecting some of those eggs he is setting on to hatch, sometime in late May.  I haven’t counted these eggs yet, but it is probably six or fewer, because that’s all he can fit between his legs as he lies comatose on the ground; more than six means he has to keep some outside his legs, where I might have found them with the one hand I was able to devote to the task.  Once these eggs hatch, I’ll have to separate the chicks from the adult female emus, for their safety, but this time I’ll try to sequester Foghorn with them.
MICHELE: Thanks to those who attended last week's LIVE Grants Management Seminar - appreciate the support!
MICHELE: Happy $20 when we meet in person again ... this April 2020, I've been a Rotarian for 20 years!
HAPPY DOLLARS :-) $ 2020-03-23 04:00:00Z 0

President's Message ...

            I hope that you and your family are safe and well as we enter week two of this new reality.  Chances are that you may be going a little stir crazy but, hopefully, you have had the chance to get outside and enjoy the very beginning of spring (I say as we’re about to get 7 + inches of snow)…
            This last week has been a steep learning curve for me, both as pastor of the West Parish Congregational Church and the president of this club with things like learning to schedule and host ZOOM meetings and record a worship service to be put on You Tube and Facebook.  I’m sure that others are discovering the new world of connecting virtually with family, friends, and work in so many new ways.
            This week what is hitting me especially hard is that Opening Day of baseball season was supposed to start.  Baseball, along with every other sport, is suspended indefinitely.  Opening Day has always been like a national holiday to me and the truest indication of the beginning of spring.  So, this year, I will have to find other ways to mark the beginning of spring.  As a pastor, I’m sure it will be even stranger when Easter services will need to be held online.  All of which makes me believe that, once we are through this time and things return to “normal,” it will be one heck of a celebration. 
            In what ways are you keeping your spirits up and your focus outward during this time?  The Bethel Area Neighborhood Response continues to be a great way that neighbors are coming together to support one another during this time.  The Bethel Food Pantry will be open every Wednesday throughout the immediate future and can use volunteers (especially those under 60).  You can contact Dave Bean at to sign up.  There are other volunteer opportunities through the flyer that Steve sent to everyone this past week and through the Chamber of Commerce website. 
            Remember, please continue to send those Happy Dollars to Michele by Monday of each week.  Be safe and well and let’s all look forward to the celebration when we will be able to meet in person again. 
In Rotary spirit,
President's Message ... 2020-03-23 04:00:00Z 0

 Club This & That

$$$ - Send in Happy Dollars to 
**** Follow-up to March 29th CXLD Country Breakfast ... Treas John and Asst Treas Michele are looking to identify what tickets, if any, were sold for the Spring Country Breakfast.  Please contact them if you have sold any.  To-date, they do not have any record of any sold and hence we would not have to have concerns about honoring spring tickets this fall.  Thanks!
NEW DATE - May Day 5K postponed to Bethel Rotary 5K on Sun, Sept 20th.
The Bethel Food Pantry is in receipt of our $1,600 donation to help our community in the fight against COVID-19.
April Board Meetings scheduled for next week - Wed, April 15.
Look for Zoom information to join in a Club Meeting next Tues, April 14.
Happy April Birthday to Craig Harris!
Club This & That 2020-03-20 04:00:00Z 0

 Assistance and Volunteering

A Mask for a Mask Facebook Group
All the directions on patterns/sewing guidance/drop off spots, are right there.
If someone is not FB savvy, Robin is offering assistance - please contact her by clicking here.
Bethel Food Pantry
See Flyer in Download Files section.
BANR (Bethel Area Neighborhood Response)
See Flyer in Download Files section.
SAD 44 Student & Community Meals
See Flyer in Download Files section.
Assistance and Volunteering 2020-03-20 04:00:00Z 0

 Explore Rotary

Any graduating high school senior living in the SAD 44 area is eligible to apply for our educational assistance.  The deadline has been extended to April 27th.  Please see the Download File section for a copy of the application.  Kevin Finley is our Scholarship Chairman.
At this time, please direct anyone wishing to make a financial contribution in support of our efforts to make a check out to ROTARY CLUB OF BETHEL FOUNDATION and send to PO Box 471, Bethel ME 04217.  Thanks!
DO YOU KNOW THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN Rotary Club of Bethel ME vs. Rotary Club of Bethel Foundation?
Answer in next week's eBulletin ...
Explore Rotary 2020-03-20 04:00:00Z 0
Happy Dollars 2020-03-20 04:00:00Z 0

A Message from our President ...

Greetings Bethel Rotary Club!    
I hope this finds you and your family safe and well.  What a strange time we are going through right now.  The spread of the coronavirus has already caused so much disruption to our everyday life, here in our small town and on a national and global scale.  It has made us re-think so many things, including how we stay connected with one another. 
Though we have had to cancel our regular Tuesday morning breakfast meetings and the March 29th Spring Country breakfast, our club will be staying connected via a weekly E-Bulletin that will go out early each week to the entire club.  It will include a president’s message, news about Board decisions, and ways that you can get involved with community relief efforts.  It will also be a way that we can continue the tradition of Happy Dollars.  Michele has graciously agreed to put together this weekly E-Bulletin so please send Happy Dollars to her each week, no later than Monday afternoon.  You can also send her stories of inspiration from around the community, personal messages you’d like to send to the club…and any humor you would like to share. After all, we are going to continue to need updates on what’s going on with Scott’s emus!   
The Board will continue to meet via ZOOM and we will keep you updated on decisions that are made about postponing events.  As you may have heard, there have been many great community food relief efforts already, under the name of BANR (Bethel Area Neighborhood Response).  Dave Bean and the Bethel Food Pantry is working with Sunday River Brew Pub and the Good Food Store to provide meals to elderly people in the community and individuals and families who are being hit hard by the economic impact of the virus.  The Board has voted to earmark $1600 which will go towards these efforts.  We are very glad that we can support such a great community initiative and proud of the way people in our community are coming together to help each other. 
That, to me, says a lot about our community.  The spread of the virus is really bringing out the best in each other as people are putting “service above self.”  We are seeing the opportunities in this huge problem and people are coming together to care for the most vulnerable people in our community.  This is what we are all about.  If you would like to find out how you can volunteer for BANR relief efforts, see the sheet that Steve Smith will be sending out soon.
On another note, the May Day 5K is, of course, postponed and will be rescheduled for some time in the Fall at a date still to be determined.  We’ll have more info about that soon.
That’s all for now, send in those Happy Dollars, stories, and humor to Michele, and hopefully we will be able to meet again in person sometime soon.  Let’s send our support and best wishes to those people who are working in health care right now and those making key decisions about what happens next.  Some final words from Mother Teresa: “We ourselves feel that what we are doing is just a drop in the ocean.  But the ocean would be less because of that missing drop.” 
In Rotary spirit,
A Message from our President ... 2020-03-20 04:00:00Z 0

2020 Educational Assistance Application

2020 Educational Assistance Applications now available for graduating high school students from the area of SAD #44.  CLICK on the application page above or in the "Download File" section of this website to download load the application.
2020 Educational Assistance Application 2020-03-17 04:00:00Z 0
MARCH 29 -A COUNTRY BREAKFAST - *CXLD* 2020-03-15 04:00:00Z 0
A Country Breakfast - 29 March 2020 2020-02-23 05:00:00Z 0

Senior Citizens' Holiday Luncheon

Dear Bethel Area Senior Citizens,
    We invite you and all of our “senior” friends to our annual holiday luncheon on Tuesday, Dec. 10th, at the Locke Mills Legion Hall #68 on the Gore Rd. in Greenwood. The complete ham dinner is served at noon, so please feel welcome to arrive as early as 11:30 am to allow time to visit and make new friends!  All attendees will be provided a gift, compliments of the Rotarians.
     If you are new to the community, and unfamiliar with this fun-filled event, please know that you are welcome!  You are certain to meet some new friends, enjoy a delicious meal, learn a bit about what the Rotary Club of Bethel does, and open a gift as a small token of our friendship.
     We look forward to seeing you!
Senior Citizens' Holiday Luncheon 2019-10-27 04:00:00Z 0
Celebrate World Polio Day! 2019-09-25 04:00:00Z 0
Christmas for Children 2019 2019-08-23 04:00:00Z 0
22 June 2019 - Annual Yard Sale & Auction 2019-05-06 04:00:00Z 0
2019 RYLA Brochure  2019-04-07 04:00:00Z 0
May Day 5K 2019 2019-02-12 05:00:00Z 0
Spring Country Breakfast - March 17 2019-02-12 05:00:00Z 0

Country Breakfast Nov 2018 - Thank you

Thank you Everyone!
Today's Country Breakfast - Nov 25, 2018 - was terrific. 
Proceeds benefit our scholarship and community projects.
The Omelet Station was a fun addition!
Country Breakfast Nov 2018 - Thank you 2018-11-25 05:00:00Z 0
Lobster Roll Booth, Mollyockett Day 2019 2018-07-29 04:00:00Z 0


Hello Fellow Rotarians
We are piloting a Club eBulletin - let us know your thoughts.
For the very latest, please visit our website
Information and happenings can also be found on our Facebook Page.
Welcome 2018-07-29 04:00:00Z 0
Last Week's Program 2018-07-29 04:00:00Z 0

Visiting a Neighboring Club

Last Friday, Lucy, Mariann and Michele visited the White Mountain - Berlin/Gorham NH Club.
Fellowship and ideas were shared.
Visiting a Neighboring Club 2018-07-29 04:00:00Z 0

Educational Assistance Awards

At a recent meeting, PP Michele and Pres Mike handed out more of the June 2018 education assistance award pledges.  These area students - Caroline Finley and Dylan Richmond - are from Gould Academy and Hebron Academy respectfully.  We look forward to these students returning after their first semester and hearing all about their new experiences.
Educational Assistance Awards 2018-07-29 04:00:00Z 0

Friend of Rotary

Recently we recognized and thanked Alison Aloisio and The Bethel Citizen as a Friend of our Rotary Club.  Here, PP Michele and Pres Mike present Alison with a Peace Plant.  Alison, a former Rotarian, faithfully assists us in washing the dishes at our Country Breakfasts and she facilitated the sponsorship for us with The Citizen of displaying our Christmas for Children donation thermometer in the holiday issues.  Thanks Alison!
Friend of Rotary 2018-07-29 04:00:00Z 0

New Rotary Year

Pres Mike introduces the new Rotary Year Theme ...
Be the Inspiration
New Rotary Year 2018-07-29 04:00:00Z 0


About AmazonSmile
AmazonSmile is a website operated by Amazon with the same products, prices, and shopping features as The difference is that when you shop on AmazonSmile, the AmazonSmile Foundation will donate 0.5% of the purchase price of eligible products to the charitable organization of your choice.
Every item available for purchase on is also available on AmazonSmile ( at the same price. You will see eligible products marked "Eligible for AmazonSmile donation" on their product detail pages.
Once at ( find Rotary Club of Bethel Foundation in the Supporting drop down as the charity to benefit from your donation
For more information about the AmazonSmile program, go to
AmazonSmile 2018-07-15 04:00:00Z 0
Lobster Roll Booth 2018 2018-07-15 04:00:00Z 0
Lobster Roll Booth 2018 2018-07-15 04:00:00Z 0
Lobster Raffle 2018 2018-07-15 04:00:00Z 0

Bethel Rotary's 31st Annual Auction & Yard Sale

On Saturday, June 23rd, the Rotary Club of Bethel will be sponsoring its 31st Annual Yard Sale and Auction at Telstar High School.  The Yard Sale will begin at 8:00 a.m. and will continue throughout the day on Saturday and Sunday. The preview for the auction starts at 5:30 p.m. Saturday evening, followed by the auction at 6:30 p.m. sharp. As always, it promises to be a lively event with hundreds of items, including an assortment of gift certificates from
local merchants. 
In the past, this auction has successfully raised funds for scholarships, senior citizen activities and other community related projects. Businesses or individuals interested in making a donation to this worthwhile event are encouraged to do so. We are currently seeking donations to support this effort. Due to a lack of storage space, we have not been able to collect items throughout the year like we have done in the past. We would be very willing to arrange pick up times for anyone willing to contribute items of value to this cause over the next few weeks.  Individuals wishing to donate items to the auction may call/text at (207) 653-9297 or email to arrange for pick up.
This year, the Rotary Club is again inviting interested individuals to consider donating “big ticket” items such as antiques, vehicles, snowmobiles, etc. with a percentage of the final price going to the club and the remainder going back to the donor.
The Bethel Rotary Club has been fortunate to enjoy the overwhelming support of the community for many years.  That level of support has been greatly appreciated.  We hope you will join us on June 23rd for another exciting event.
Bethel Rotary's 31st Annual Auction & Yard Sale 2018-06-12 04:00:00Z 0

2018 May Day 5K Results

Please see Download section, lower left, of this website for the results of the 2018 May Day 5K.  Thank you All!
2018 May Day 5K Results 2018-05-22 04:00:00Z 0

District Training Assembly - April 7

*Reprinted, abbreviated, from District 7780 - March 2018 Newsletter*


District Training Assembly
WHEN: Saturday, April 7, 2018
WHERE: York County Community College - Pratt & Whitney Building
112 College Drive, Wells, Maine
TIME:  8:00 am - 12:45 pm
COST:  $20.00 per person
What better way to welcome new members to the family of Rotary. It’s time again to pull your team together and register for the District Training Assembly (DTA).  Once a year we gather to share ideas, fellowship and more than a few laughs.
If you are a President, President Elect, Club Secretary, Treasurer, Foundation Chair or Protection Officer- this assembly is for you!  Whether you are a new member or veteran member- there is something at DTA for everyone!
DTA is a great way to get all of your club members, officers and committee chairs networking, engaged and aware of what’s happening with the clubs in our District. Your friends and neighboring Rotarians will be showcasing their great work, promoting opportunities and leading discussions on how their projects and ideas are taking flight. For example; you’ll have an opportunity to see what kinds of International projects need partners, to hear best practices in putting together collaborative projects, to learn about the progress our district is making in the Opioid Recovery process and you’ll be the first to hear the winning speech of the Four-Way test competition- It’s all happening during the DTA!
This year we are in a beautiful new location, York County Community College in Wells, Maine. The Pratt-Whitney Building is a brand new, state-of-the-art facility with plenty of onsite parking. A more affordable training opportunity will be hard to come by.  At $20.00 per person- a fresh continental breakfast, loads of ideas and the highly coveted “time with friends” – all included.
Register at
Need more information?  Contact Michele Bois-Gilbody, District Trainer at or see Pres Michele, PE Mike or Sec Steve
District Training Assembly - April 7 2018-03-05 05:00:00Z 0
2018 May Day 5K - May 12 2018-03-05 05:00:00Z 0
A Country Breakfast 2018-03-05 05:00:00Z 0


     Holiday Season 2017 
        A most humble and sincere  thank you to All who donated and worked on our Christmas for     Children   program.   We assisted over 165 children this season! 
CHRISTMAS FOR CHILDREN 2017 2017-12-18 05:00:00Z 0

Hurricane Relief

Reprinted from District 7780 Website (Includes new information as of September 30, 2017.)
Here is a summary of the three Rotary Foundation Donor-Advised Funds that will provide Hurricane relief from the recent storms.  
Puerto Rico (Hurricane Maria), a new fund has been set up:
Account name: Puerto Rico Recovery Fund 
Account #614.
Hurricane Irma: (Impact on Caribbean and Florida): Hurricane Emergency Relief Fund 
Account #296.
Hurricane Harvey: Gulf Coast Disaster Relief Fund (Texas/Alabama region)
Account #608
Here’s how to donate to any of these three funds, which will be distributed under the direction of the Rotary districts involved in each region, 
You can contribute by check or wire transfer or online with a credit card at the following link. You'll need to provide the DAF account name and number listed above. If you would like a credit card receipt, please check the address box to share your address with Rotary.
In addition, our district clubs are working on new communication channels to funnel more specific support to clubs in Southwest Florida and Puerto Rico.  We will be sharing more information on these specific efforts in the coming weeks.   Thank you for caring, and for making a difference in lives of neighbors who have been badly disrupted by these three hurricanes.
Dave Underhill, District 7780 Governor
Hurricane Relief 2017-10-02 04:00:00Z 0


Rotary Club of Bethel’s
Saturday 25 June 2016
Telstar High School
8 am … Yard Sale Start
5:30 pm … Auction Preview
6:30 pm … Auction Starts
             Come check out the furniture, antiques, treasures,
                          gift certificates and much more.
     If you would like to donate items to the yard sale or auction,         
            please contact (207) 653-9297.  We can also arrange
                                  pick-up of items.
Proceeds from the Auction and Yard Sale benefit the Rotary Club of Bethel’s programs including scholarships, local community projects and more!   It’s one of the Club’s biggest fun and fundraisers of the year.  You’re in for a treat and lots of treasures – all while helping the local community!
ANNUAL YARD SALE AND AUCTION - JUNE 25th 2016-06-03 04:00:00Z 0
Social Meeting Tues March 29 (No Morning Meeting) 2016-03-27 04:00:00Z 0

May 19 - Rotary Foundation

Our own Bob Laux presented a program about the updates to Rotary Foundation.  One of the biggest changes is that Districts have more control.  There are six areas of focus which are * peace & conflict resolution, * water & sanitation, * basic education & literacy, * disease prevention & treatment, * maternal & child health, and * economic & community development.  
Some of the highlights included a review of the EREY (Every Rotarian Every Year) program, how to give as an individual or club and the SHARE program.  The SHARE program is annual giving and stays in investment for a minimum of 3 years at which time the available grant monies are distrbuted 50% to district and 50% to global.
For more information, see
May 19 - Rotary Foundation 2015-05-26 00:00:00Z 0

2015 District 7780 Change-Over Dinner

2015 District 7780 Change-Over Dinner 2015-05-18 00:00:00Z 0


wh-286   Reminder next Meeting is Tues June 23.  Program Chair is Pres Ellie with Greeter Rick Whitney.    TOPIC:  Year-End celebration and review with Passing of the Gavel


                   See "SPEAKERS" Section of for upcoming Program Chairs, Greeters, and Presentations.


NEXT MEETING - TUES JUNE 23 2015-05-16 04:00:00Z 0

Celebrate Years of Service

  Congratulations to the following members on their years of service (on the 5 years) with our Club!
                                                  Al Barth          25 years
                                                  Ian Blair            5 years
                                                  Michele Cole    15 years
                                                  Jim Mann         20 years
                                                  Bruce Powell     30 years
Celebrate Years of Service 2015-04-19 00:00:00Z 0

APRIL 14 - Club Assembly

Nice to see guest Read Dickinson!  Members we missed this week: Blair, Dennis, Fraher, Griffin, Kulik, McGrew, Murphy, Thrall, Zinchuk 
Dan Hart announced for Youth Services that we have 6 applicants for RYLA 2015.  Look for more information in coming months - it's believed that RYLA is June 23 - 27.  The Youth Protection Policy has been completed with all members.
Pat Roma shared the financial results of the Country Breakfast and Beer & Wine Tasting events.  Plus there are still bottles available.
Club Service's Mike Steven welcomes the quiet of events for early this spring.  Clean-up days at Camp Sue and 4-H are on the horizon.
Steve Wight attended the Grants Seminar and shared the manual with incoming Chair Steve Smith.  The Foundation Committee discussed potential projects of local foods/edible paths and elementary school children aspirations.  A reminder that the Bulgarian Team Visit is looking to be scheduled in our area around June 1st.
Kevin Finley for Membership spoke of the new ideas in the District for membership like corporate memberships.  On another note, scholarship applications are due April 15th.
The membership is inclined to volunteer at Am Lung's Trek Across Maine on Thu June 18 from 3 - 9 pm - this will be at Sunday River Resort.  Ellie will be providing the details soon.  And, the date for our Annual Yard Sale and Auction is set for Sat, June 27th!
APRIL 14 - Club Assembly 2015-04-19 00:00:00Z 0
Service Above Self! Lynn Arizzi 2011-10-07 00:00:00Z 0
How to Use the New Website Lynn Arizzi 2011-04-27 00:00:00Z 0
Mark Your Calendars! Michele Varuolo 2010-08-25 00:00:00Z 0

Other Area Clubs 


                         Rotarians Mark and Per at the Yard Sale 2022!


RIVER VALLEY: Monday, Hope Assoc, Noon, Rumford  

OXFORD HILLS: Wednesday 7:30 am, First Congo Church, So Paris

BRIDGTON-LAKE REGION: Thurs. 7:30 am, Stella on the Square

FRYEBURG: Tues. 7:30 am,  St  Eliz-Ann Seton Catholic Church

WHITE MT.:  Fridays, Noon, Androscoggin Valley Hospital, Berlin, NH



Other Area Clubs  0

*** CONTACT US ***

story thumbnail

The Bethel Rotary Club's email address is

Please contact us via this email address to learn more about our Club and how to become a member.

Our mailing address is: 

Rotary Club of Bethel, Maine
PO Box 471
Bethel ME 04217

*** CONTACT US *** 0

2016-2017 Rotary Year

Rotary International President – John F. Germ
7780 District Governor – Marge Baker
Assistant District Governor – Cathy Sullivan

President: Robin Zinchuk

President-Elect: Michele Varuolo Cole

Vice President: Mike Steven

Treasurer: Pat Roma

Secretary: Steve Smith

Sargeant-at-Arms: Rene McGrew

Service Committee Chair: Ellie Andrews

Membership Committee Chair: Scott Hynek

Foundation Committee Chair: Steve Wight, Vice: Bob Laux

Public Image Committee Chair: Kathy Ruby

New Generations Committee Chair: Mike Steven, Vice: David Fraher

Past President: Kevin Finley


2016-2017 Rotary Year 0


District Conference 2015

(Click thru here to reach the District website and see "Mark Your Calendar" for more information and for online registration)

Wentworth by the Sea

Apr 24 – 26, 2015



GUESTS: Lu Tuggle (Finley)

MEMBERS WE MISSED: Blair, Dennis, Griffin, Kulik, Murphy, Whitney

 Jim Mann shared with us the properties of mica and what it is used today.  Look it up – interesting stuff.  Thanks Jim for giving pieces of mica to each of us.



GUESTS: Lu Tuggle (Finley)

MEMBERS WE MISSED: Blair, Dennis, Hart, Mann, Murphy, Ruby

Updates from Club Assembly …


* Sat March 28 = Wine and Beer Tasting Event

* Sun March 29 = Country Breakfast

* Tue March 31 = 5th Tuesday Social Meeting

* Sat June 13 = Fruit Kabob Booth for the Moose Festival

Letters will be going out soon to beneficiaries.


The Committee brainstormed on projects and is researching how to partner with Mahoosuc Kids.  Bob will present a Foundation program in the near future and EREY remains a project.


Will continue posts on FaceBook and promote the upcoming events.


Perhaps the social on March 31 could also be “Invite a Friend.”  Noon meetings will soon be an open forum topic.


New members are completing their Youth Protection applications and Interact meets twice a month.


2015-2016 Theme Announced: Be a gift to the world

Rotary International Presidential Theme 2015-16  2015-16: Be a Gift to the World​


RI President-elect K.R. "Ravi" Ravindran chose Be a Gift to the World as his theme for 2015-16. Ravindran urges Rotary members to give the gifts of time, talent, and knowledge to improve lives in communities across the globe. "Through Rotary, we can take these gifts and make a genuine difference in the lives of others and in our world."

ImageThank you Bob Laux for bringing this to our attention.

2015-2016 Theme Announced: Be a gift to the world 0

DECEMBER 30 - Jim Mann: His Career In The Rock Pile

Guests:  ADG Sheila Rollins and the EA Recipients

Members we missed: Blair, Dennis, Fraher, Kulig, Murphy, Ruby, Steven

Educational Assistance recipients receive their awards ... from left to right ...

Dakota Verrill attending CMCC; Anna Saucier attending BU; Shyanne Shannan attending Husson; Kayla Verrill attending CMCC; Jen Wakefield attending SMCC and Samantha Mallory attending USM.  Congratulations Ladies!

Jim shared with us his unconventional career path and unique combination of talent and passion that carried him through the ups and downs of his career as a rock hound.  His fascination with rocks started at 10 years old and you can see it's still with him today.

In other news, Steve Wight is taking the lead in organizing a team for the Annual BBBS Bowl-Athon on April 18th at the south Paris Lanes.  4-5 persons are needed for a team; please see Steve if you are interested.



DECEMBER 30 - Jim Mann: His Career In The Rock Pile 0

DECEMBER 23 - Community Relationships

Posted by Walter Hatch

Guests:  (scholarship recipients) Jordan Kulig  (Finley) and Autum Morin  (Finley)

Members We Missed:  Blair, Cole, Dennis, Fraher, Kulik, Murphy, Smith, Steven

Christmas for Children donations are going well, it was reported, having reached $11,500 through Dec. 20. 

The Jan. 6 social, which will replace the morning meeting, will be at 6:00 at the Sudbury Inn's Bistro.

The two scholarship recipients gave a brief rundown of their educational plans and career aspirations.

Bob Laux's program presentation had the theme of building relationships in the community, and Rotary's part in this.  He noted that it is particularly difficult for people with disabilities to become connected and active in the community, and that this as an area for Rotarians to ask "How can I help?"  One of the best ways for a person to feel connected is work side-by-side with other community members on a project for community enhancement or for assisting those in need.  To the extent Rotary can facilitate such endeavors -- i.e., helping other people to help -- everybody benefits, including the Rotary club who has a good chance of attracting someone to join.  The Spirit of Rotary can be contagious.

DECEMBER 23 - Community Relationships Walter Hatch 0

Cape Elizabeth town manager puts global spin on service

As a link with pictures: PPH Story

Excerpted from the Portland Press Herald, Posted December 26

Cape Elizabeth town manager puts global spin on service

Mike McGovern travels the world to promote the Rotary's effort to eradicate poliomyelitis.

By Kelley Bouchard Staff Writer | @KelleyBouchard | 207-791-6328

CAPE ELIZABETH — A year ago, Mike McGovern heard Ban Ki-moon, secretary-general of the United Nations, speak in Budapest, Hungary.

This month, McGovern met Margaret Chan, director general of the World Health Organization, in Geneva.

McGovern, who has been town manager here for nearly three decades, chatted with Chan during a meeting of the Global Polio Eradication Initiative. Major partners in the initiative include Rotary International and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. McGovern was there as chairman of The Rotary Foundation’s International PolioPlus Committee.

“Ban Ki-moon told us that 1 billion people in the world don’t have a toilet in their home,” McGovern recalled. “Margaret Chan is the person in charge of controlling Ebola in the world. The issues we face in Cape Elizabeth are important, but when you encounter people like that, it puts everything in perspective.”

Since 2006, McGovern has traveled thousands of miles across the United States and to more than 20 other countries promoting Rotary’s signature campaign against poliomyelitis, a highly infectious disease that attacks the nervous system and can cause paralysis and sometimes death in a matter of hours. The U.S. has been polio-free for more than three decades because of effective vaccines, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Since Rotary started promoting polio vaccination in 1979, the number of polio cases reported worldwide each year has dropped from more than 350,000 to fewer than 350, mostly in Nigeria, Afghanistan and Pakistan. McGovern heads a fundraising program that spent $128.9 million in 2013-14 with a goal to wipe out polio by the end of 2015.

In November alone, McGovern’s itinerant humanitarian efforts took him to the United Nations in New York City; Cleveland, Tennessee; Alexandria, Virginia; Marrakesh, Morocco; and Manila, Philippines, where he spent Thanksgiving week. As a result of his globe-trotting, McGovern has friends in every state and on every continent, which isn’t necessarily unusual in the Rotary, which has 1.2 million members in 34,000 clubs worldwide.

McGovern’s commitment, however, is uncommon.

“Mike is what I would call an exemplary Rotarian,” said Lawrence Furbish, district governor of 40 Rotary clubs in southern Maine and coastal New Hampshire. Furbish, 69, is a retired nonpartisan researcher for the Connecticut Legislature.

“Making a commitment to serve in Rotary leadership is like a full-time job,” Furbish said. “A very enjoyable job, but it’s still a lot of work. For a guy from a little town in Maine, Mike has had an outstanding Rotary career.”


McGovern, 58, doesn’t talk much about his Rotary work, so few people know about it. He considers it his “hobby,” which is a good thing, because that’s how he spends all of his vacation and professional development time. He schedules travel around holidays and weekends to limit his time away from work, but he still had to take 11 unpaid days this year. And while Rotary pays for his travel and hotel costs, he covers everything else.

“I enjoy meeting lots of diverse people,” McGovern said. “You make friends in your local Rotary, then across the state, then across the nation and now across the world. I get emails every day from people I know all over the world. I’m getting Christmas greetings from every continent.”

McGovern, who grew up in Portland, downplays any fun he might have on Rotary trips, saying that he spends most of his time in meetings. Still, he does get to see some tourist attractions, including kangaroos in Australia and the markets in Marrakesh.

And he enjoys seeing various community health and economic development projects funded by Rotary. In November, he visited a tree-planting, erosion-control project in Morocco, as well as an orphanage, a maternity hospital and a day care center in the Philippines.

“I was brought up to do whatever we could to help other folks,” McGovern said. “I can see how the different projects are making a difference in the lives of so many people.”

McGovern, who is single, can do what he does for Rotary largely because his bosses on the Town Council allow it. McGovern said he’s fortunate to be able to leave municipal duties in the capable hands of other municipal employees and town councilors. Councilors note that, as town manager, McGovern is basically always on the job. So even when he’s in another time zone, he’s only a phone call or email away.

“I can call him on his cell and I don’t know whether he’s in Cape Elizabeth or Shanghai,” said Councilor Katharine Ray, a fellow Rotarian. “It’s pretty exciting work that he’s doing and we appreciate the commitment he’s making.”

Councilor Caitlin Jordan agrees. “What he does helps so many people,” Jordan said. “We’re lucky to have someone in our community who does that kind of work.”


Managing municipal operations from a distance once in a while usually isn’t complicated. Major questions that faced town residents this year ranged from how to develop the town center to how to quiet a raucous rooster on Farm Hill Road.

Sometimes, being away isn’t easy. McGovern was devastated when his friend, Herbert Dennison, a former public works director, died last month after being struck by a vehicle in an accident at the town’s solid-waste transfer station. McGovern was in the Philippines. Dennison was one of the town officials who hired McGovern after he graduated from the University of Maine.

“Everything about it was awful,” McGovern said. Throughout the crisis, he was in regular contact with other town officials, who were handling the town’s response in his absence.

McGovern’s commitment to fighting polio started when he joined the Rotary Club of South Portland-Cape Elizabeth in 1986. The year before, he had been promoted from assistant town manager. A fellow club member asked him to donate $1,000 to the polio campaign.

“At the time, I was making about $25,000 a year, so that was a lot of money,” McGovern said. He made the donation anyway.

McGovern expects his travel demands to lessen in July, when he will no longer be vice chairman of The Rotary Foundation’s board of trustees. He’ll serve on the board until July 2016. In the meantime, it’s the goal of the International PolioPlus Committee to eradicate polio by the end of 2015.

McGovern believes it can happen. He’s in the fight for the long haul. He views the Philippines as an example for the rest of the world. The island nation hasn’t had a reported case of polio since 1993.

“I’ll still be working on polio until it gets done,” McGovern said. “It was a thrill last month to stand in the spot in the Philippines where the first vaccine drops were given by Rotary in 1979. If we can do it in the Philippines, why can’t we do it everywhere?”

Cape Elizabeth town manager puts global spin on service 0

Christmas for Children Donation

Posted by Robin Zinchuk


Rooster's Roadhouse owner Steve Etheridge presents a check to Club president Ellie Andrews in the amount of $2,500 for Rotary's Christmas for Children!

Christmas for Children Donation Robin Zinchuk 0


Posted by Walter Hatch

Guest:  Ellen Whitney  (Whitney)

Members We Missed:  Blair, Cole, Dennis, Fraher, Griffin, Hart, McGrew, Murphy, Zinchuk

The program was by Rick Whitney, assisted by Ellen, covering the origins and evolvement of Maine Line Products, which is celebrating its 35th anniversary this year.  Rick was a sophomore at the Univ. of Maine when he took the first step, putting $350 together with $350 from his older brother as the initial investment.  Their initial foray into the market was a trip to display lamps at a flea market in Revere, MA, netting a sale of one lamp.  After starting in a barn on lower Main St. in Bethel, Rick and Ellen in 1983 purchased their current property on upper Main St., serving as both residence and store.  As the business expanded, he recalled working frantically to fill an order for 35,000 small wooden crates, filling 4 large tractor trailers.  The difficulty of handling large trucks and the need for larger manufacturing space, led to acquiring the Locke Mills building with retail space in front and manufacturing space in back.  Among the many interesting episodes Rick recalled, the nation-wide celebrity from moose-drop jewelry was a highlight -- triggered by an Associated Press release and leading to radio interviews, calls from DJ's, you name it.  Rick and Ellen concluded by giving everyone a weather stick, a product which has had long-standing appeal both in the U.S. and in other countries.


Christmas for Children 2014

Dear Friends and Neighbors,

   The Rotary Club of Bethel is gearing up to once again launch its Christmas for Children program.  For over a quarter of a century, the generosity of our community has helped this program to support hundreds of families in need during the holiday season.  Last year alone over 190 children were provided for.  We understand that many charities compete for your donation during this time of year.  We hope that you will consider making a contribution to this proven program.  The Rotary Club of Bethel will continue to use your gift to assist needy families during this 2014 holiday season.

      Please make checks payable to: Rotary Club of Bethel Foundation - Christmas for Children and mail to:    Rotary Club of Bethel, Christmas for Children, PO Box 471, Bethel ME 04217.

     Best wishes and thank you,

           Ellie Andrews, Club President and David W. Murphy, Ed.D., Chairman

                         Christmas for Children Program        wh-4p



Christmas for Children 2014 0


Posted by Walter Hatch

Guest:  Kyle Tilsley  (speaker)  (Hart)

Members We Missed:  Blair, Cole, Dennis, Griffin, McGrew, Murphy, Smith, Thrall

Sign-up sheets were circulated for the Senior Luncheon on Dec. 9, and for bell ringing on Dec 13/14 and Dec. 20/21. 

Kyle Tilsley of the Maine State Police presented the program.  Kyle was originally from California, then made a big leap to Fort Fairfield, Maine.  He has been a state trooper since 1994, and currently covers Northern Oxford County, supervising seven other troopers.  He describes his job as a "front row ticket to the greatest show on earth," involving everything from barking dogs to multiple homicides.  Only two police departments in the state, Portland and Bangor, deal with homicides themselves, the rest being referred to the state police.  Kyle highlighted the role of technology in state police work, and also the struggle to keep up with the rapid changes in technology.  Examining and analyzing a suspect's cell phone (requiring a search warrant, except under exigent circumstances) is a key element in investigations.  The State Police have one analyst who devotes his entire time to cell phone analysis, and Kyle said he wished there were five instead of just one.  



Posted by Walter Hatch

Visiting Rotarian:  Chris Summers  (Oxford Hills)

Guests: Kristen O'Connor  (speaker)  (Finley), Rebecca Diaz  (Finley), Scott Smith  (Powell)

Members We Missed:  Dennis, Andrews, Hart, Murphy, Thrall, Whitney

Members were asked whether they would support a proposal to offer $1,000 to the American Legion in Locke Mills to help purchase a new commercial dishwasher, the current one being subject to problems and notably out of action for last year’s Senior Xmas Luncheon.  There was a show of hands in the affirmative, with comments that this could be with the understanding that the Legion would not expect a use-of-facilities donation from our club for the next five years or so.

Chris announced that the Oxford Hills club is again having a "cheese" fund-raiser, with a 2 lb. package from Cabot Cheese of Vermont selling for $17.

Kristen's presentation was on the Western Maine Budo Arts School, located on the Parkway in Bethel.  The school has classes for both adults and children ages 6 - 12.  She noted that the children learn more than just martial arts, particularly when they travel to competitions where they interact with people from other countries as well as other regions of the U.S.  The standards for protective equipment have recently been raised regarding chest guards and face shields, she said, and the school and parents are jointly involved in fund raising for this purpose.  An idea that she is considering for her school is to add a community service component to the normal "black belt" requirements.



Posted by Walter Hatch

Guests:  Austin Bear  (Fraher), Kellen True   (Fraher)

 Members We Missed:  Blair, Cole, Dennis, Mann, Murphy, Thrall, Whitney

The program was on the status of Telstar's Interact program, presented by Austin (Co-President) and Kellen (Treasurer).  There are currently 15 members of the Interact group.  Finding a suitable time to meet has been difficult, and meeting attendance has not been as high as they would like.  They are looking for an international project, either on their own or joining with other Interact groups.  Local activities coming up include helping with Rotary's Country Breakfast, and wrapping presents for Rotary's Senior Christmas Luncheon.  They are looking for ways to collaborate with Gould Academy's Reach Out program.



Posted by Walter Hatch

Guest:  Dave Brunett  (Hynek)

Members We Missed:  Blair, Dennis, Griffin, Hart, Murphy, Smith, Thrall, Whitney

During happy dollars, Bruce recounted his notable drive on the golf course at St. Andrews -- his drive being at the wheel of an automobile, apparently mistaking a cart path for a narrow road such as he had often encountered in Scotland. 

It was announced that starting this year, the proceeds from Santa Sunday at Sunday River are no longer specifically earmarked for Rotary, but go into Sunday River's Charitable Fund, to which charitable organizations may apply.  We were not made aware of this until after the normal deadline for application had passed, but have now applied and have been assured that, one way or another, we will end up getting a similar donation to previous years.

Kevin's program covered the history of the Bethel Family Health Center since its first beginning in 1979 on Main St. where Philbrook Place is now located.  The move to the present location, under the auspices of the Northern Oxford Health & Service Council, occurred in 1985.  The site previously had an IGA grocery store and a liquor store.  Shirley Powell was the first Executive Director of the new Health Center.  Kevin and Dr. DeCarolis came on board in 1992.  Operating as a Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC), a category used for medically underserved areas, it was urged by the government to become affiliated with a larger organization, and this was done in 1999 by affiliating with HealthReach Community Health Centers.  Kevin noted that the Health Center's practice of the provider on call coming to the office after hours to handle emergencies will end November 1.  He said there are essentially no general practice groups in Maine doing this any more, and the after-hours requirement proved to be a stumbling block when interviewing physician assistant applicants earlier this year.



Posted by Walter Hatch

Guest:  Dave Brunett  (Hynek)

Members We Missed:  Blair, Cole, Dennis, Hart, Murphy, Powell, Roma, Thrall, Whitney, Wight, Zinchuk

Steve Smith and Kathy Ruby gave classification talks.

Steve Smith was originally from Norwalk, Conn.  His professional career of 40 years in the field of education took him to other locations, including principal ship of the regional high school in Topsfield, Mass.  He later worked as an educational consultant.  He first established roots in the Bethel area 28 years ago with a seasonal home, which was upgraded 2 years ago into a permanent home for him and his wife Lee.  He takes full advantage of the outdoor recreational opportunities of the area, and is active in local organizations including the Western Mountains Senior College and Mahoosuc Land Trust.

Kathy Ruby's field is College Finance, which she currently practices as a consultant with the College Coach organization.  Previously, she was Senior Financial Aid Officer at St. Olaf College in Minnesota, and prior to that worked in financial aid offices at several other universities.  She received her bachelor's degree from Carleton College -- which she says her parents didn't see until her graduation -- and it was there that she met husband Matt.  She later received a master's degree from Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania.  She and Matt moved to Bethel when Matt became Head of School at Gould Academy.  Along with her consulting work, her time includes volunteering at Telstar High School and playing in the Mahoosuc Community Band, as well as Rotary.

Look who was in Rio! 0


Posted by Walter Hatch

Guest:  Dave Brunett  (Hynek)

Members We Missed:  Cole, Dennis, Hart, Kulik, Murphy, Powell

Dates for future events include the Country Breakfast on Nov. 30, Senior Luncheon on Dec. 9, bell ringing on Dec. 13 and 20, and food boxes on either Dec. 16 or 23 (Bruce to be contacted about date).  Youth Services reported that Telstar's Interact group plans to meet once a month on Friday morning this year, and that the group is looking to collaborate with Gould Academy's Reach Out group.  The Board has voted to become a member of the Bethel Area Nonprofit Collaborative (BANC).

WOODSPLITTING - October 11, 2014 Stephen Wight 0

October 7 - Membership Discussion: Meeting Times

Posted by Walter Hatch

Guest:  Shirley Powell  (Powell)

Members We Missed:  Blair, Hynek, Murphy, Thrall, Whitney, Zinchuk

Ellie led a discussion of possible changes to our current meeting time to increase attendance.  She has had several people tell her that they are unable to attend breakfast meetings, and she is also aware that many other Rotary clubs are trying different meeting times and formats to better match people's needs.  Regarding luncheon meetings, it was noted that some current members who can attend breakfasts could not attend luncheons.  She asked members' opinion of alternating between breakfast and luncheon meetings -- for example, breakfast 1st & 3rd Tuesdays, luncheon 2nd & 4th Tuesdays, and a social when there's a 5th Tuesday.  The final consensus seemed to be that the alternating times would be too confusing, especially for potential visitors.  A factor that likely increases attendance is a "notable" speaker, with advance notice of this to club members. It was agreed that a structured survey was needed to get better input on what meeting times and formats would attract the best participation.   With regard to socials that replace regular meetings, the setting should promote the feel of a cohesive Rotary activity, including some elements of a regular Rotary meeting.  Such a social is planned for Jan. 6.

October 7 - Membership Discussion: Meeting Times Walter Hatch 0

SEPT 30 - Dave Murphy and Andover's SAD 44 Withdrawal

Posted by Walter Hatch

Members We Missed:  Cole, Dennis, Hart, McGrew, Thrall

Announcements included a reminder of wood splitting from 9 - 12 on Saturday, Oct. 11 at the Dunhams.  Michele and Bruce will be assisting Dave Murphy with the Christmas for Children program this year.  Bud advised that the vegetable drop-off table at his house was highly successful, being especially appreciated by residents of the Bethel House.

Dave Murphy presented information related to Andover's withdrawal from SAD 44.  He noted that the Andover elementary school had about 120 students when he was first involved with SAD 44, dwindling to only 33 students now.  The greatly reduced enrollment and resulting high cost per pupil led to SAD 44's decision in 2011 to discontinue the school unless Andover was willing to contribute the excess cost compared to having the students attend school in Bethel.  Andover citizens ultimately elected to withdraw from SAD 44, and received permission from the State to do this.  They will "go it alone" using their own elementary school and tuitioning about 55 older students to schools of their choosing.  They will be responsible for transport of students to the latter schools, but as part of the withdrawal agreement, they will be given three of SAD 44's school buses.  The withdrawal will have minimal effect on overall SAD 44 overall finances, Dave said.

SEPT 30 - Dave Murphy and Andover's SAD 44 Withdrawal Walter Hatch 0

Erin Murphy Exchanging Banners

Posted by David Murphy

Erin Murphy exchanging banners with the St. Andrews Rotary Club while she was there working on her MLitt in International Business and Marketing.

Erin Murphy Exchanging Banners David Murphy 0

SEPT 23 - Steve Eldridge, Interim Town Manager

Posted by Walter Hatch

Guests:  Stephen Eldridge  (speaker)  (Powell), Dave Freiday  (Friend of Rotary)

Members We Missed:  Blair, Dennis, Hart, Kulik, Mann, Murphy, Steven, Thrall, Wight, Zinchuk

Steve Eldridge, interim Town Manager of Bethel, outlined his background and gave some highlights of town projects.  He has been pleased at all aspects of the job so far -- the many town activities, the welcoming people, the competent town office staff, the knowledgeable Board of Selectmen.  He has applied as a candidate for the permanent position, noting that unlike many other towns, this is one that his wife would be willing to relocate to.  Regarding "what's going on" in the town, he advised that a part time recreation director will be hired, possibly becoming full time in the future.  The town will take over the Ethel Bisbee School in November, and many people are hoping it could be turned into a community center.  Negotiations are underway to acquire property adjacent to the Bingham Forest parcel, or an easement on this property, to provide access to planned recreational trails in the Bingham Forest.  Work is underway on an updated Comprehensive Plan, and input is being sought on what people's visions are for Bethel over the next 10 years.

SEPT 23 - Steve Eldridge, Interim Town Manager Walter Hatch 0


Posted by Walter Hatch


 Guest:  Pat Jaeger  (Thrall)

 Members We Missed:  Dennis, Fraher, Hart, Murphy, Roma, Ruby, Steven, Whitney

During committee reports, we were advised that up to $500 had been approved for new auction/yard sale signs and $2,000 from the "rainy day fund" has been earmarked for the Telstar Football Boosters for refurbishing of helmets.  Nearly $200 of school supplies were provided to the SAD 44 elementary schools.  Wood splitting has been scheduled for Oct. 11.   Robin is seeking pictures taken at Rotary events, for publicizing on the web.

  Greeter Jim Mann and Sergeant-at-Arms Scott Hynek

​Committees at work ...



 Membership and Public Image


SEPT 16 - CLUB ASSEMBLY Walter Hatch 0


Posted by Walter Hatch

Visiting Rotarians: Lawrence Furbish  (District Governor)  (Sanford-Springvale), Barbara Sutcliffe  (spouse of D.G.), Beth Abbott  (Asst. Distr. Gov.)  (Oxford Hills)

Members We Missed:  Blair, Dennis, Griffin, Hart, Mann, Murphy, Steven, Thrall, Whitney, Zinchuk

In the District Governor's presentation, he outlined the three essentials of Rotary's strategic plan:  Strengthen Clubs, Increase Humanitarian Service, and Enhance Public Awareness.  Strengthening clubs requires attention to both recruiting and retention.  A key element of recruiting is simply to ask people.  He noted that someone once asked him why he joined Rotary instead of Kiwanis (where he already had previous connections) and he replied "because nobody from Kiwanis asked him."  Regarding retention, it is important to put new members to work right away.  Increasing humanitarian service is important not only for the help is gives the recipients, but because working on humanitarian projects has proven to galvanize members and build club spirit.  He cited the playground construction project he was once involved with, as an example.  Enhancing public awareness of Rotary's activities should not be shied away from as "patting ourselves on the back," but as a way of getting the public's support for efforts such as polio eradication, and also of generating people's interest in joining the action as members.



Posted by Walter Hatch

Guests: David Frum  (speaker)  (Laux), Robin Gilbert  (Laux), Pat Jaeger  (Thrall), Steve Smith  (Wight)

Members We Missed:  Blair, Cole, Dennis, Hart, Murphy, Roma, Steven, Whitney

On Sept. 9, when the District Governor will be attending our morning meeting, there will be a social with other area clubs at Papoose Pond starting at 5:30.  Our club's assignment is to bring salads.

David Frum, CEO of the Bridgton and Rumford hospitals, presented information on the current health care situation and the Affordable Care Act.  He noted that when Medicare and Medicaid came into being in 1965, the ratio of workers to beneficiaries was 5, but that this ratio is now 1.8, highlighting the need to contain costs.  One technique, now in effect, is that Medicare/Medicaid will no longer pay hospitals for extra treatments resulting from a mistake or lack of proper care, and the patient does not have to pay either.  Reduced reimbursements from Medicare/Medicaid have been cited as one of the reasons that some small hospitals have been forced to close.  With respect to whether the Affordable Care Act is reducing the number of uninsured as intended, David thinks it is questionable but probably too early to draw conclusions.


Membership Proposals

Posted by Michele Cole

The Board of Directors submits membership proposals for the following:

  • Maisey Griffin with the classification of Community Organizer, sponsor Ellie Andrews
  • Jessie Perkins ... Jessie has decided not to join at this time
  • Katharine (Kathy) Ruby with the classification of College Finance Consultant, sponsor Scott Hynek
  • Stephen (Steve) Smith with the classification of Educational Consultant, sponsor Steve Wight

If no written objection to the proposals is received by either Pres Ellie Andrews or Sec Michele Cole within seven (7) days, then the above will become members at the Tues September 2nd  meeting.

Membership Proposals Michele Cole 0


Posted by Walter Hatch


Visiting Rotarians: James Audiffred  (Biddeford-Saco), Barbara Brewton  (Lake Chatuge - Hiawassee, Georgia

Guests: Ernie Freda (guest of Barbara Brewton), Kathy Ruby  (Hynek), Ella Blair  (Blair

Members We Missed:  Cole, Dennis, Dunham, Kulik, Mann, Murphy, Roma, Steven, Tyler

Dan Hart conducted interviews with several members, as part of the Bethel Rotary Youth Volunteer Application process.  A date of Sept 27 was set for the next wood-splitting event.   Kathy reminded everyone of the Rotary Foundation's goal of "Every Rotarian Every Year."

AUG 12 - CLUB ASSEMBLY Walter Hatch 0


Posted by Walter Hatch

Visiting Rotarian:  Mike Holland  (San Diego, Calif.)

Guests: Steve Smith  (Wight), Kathy Ruby  (Hynek)

Members We Missed:  Blair, Dennis, Dunham, Hart, Murphy, Steven, Thrall, Tyler, Whitney, Zinchuk

Visiting Rotarian Mike gave a rundown on the San Diego club.  It has over 400 members, and is the 4th largest club in the world.  It relies on "fines" as a major source of income for its outreach projects.  Unlike our $1 fine for things like not wearing a Rotary pin, the San Diego club's fine is $250 ! (that is not a misprint).

Bud Kulik's program was a description of the recent Redneck Olympics (the latter word actually unauthorized and illegal), held on a 250-acre privately owned property in Hebron.  He attended to assist Jim Sysko with his zip-line, which was part of the many activities.  It was one of tamer activities at this three day gathering, and didn't attract a lot attention until the price was drastically lowered and it was announced that women going topless could ride for free.  Of the many zany competitions, the mud pit was one of the highlights.  Bud noted that this included a family Subaru with the windows down, a top-of-the-line luxury car, a snowmobile, and a garden tractor -- among the many other vehicles.  Mud was also a feature of other non-vehicle competitions.

On a separate subject, Bud pointed out that newer members often aren't sure what duties go with various jobs such as Greeter.  He suggested that a written outline of duties for each job be available.


JULY 29 - RYLA Past and Present

Posted by Walter Hatch

Visiting Rotarian:  Joel Spielman  (Oxford Hills)

RYLA Guests:  Austin Bear, Ashley Savage, Becca Howard, Maddie Prentice, Maisey Griffin, Nick Johnson

Other Guests: Lou Horvath  (Zinchuk), Steve Smith  (Hynek)

Members We Missed:  Blair, Dennis, Dunham, Kulik, Murphy, Steven

The program was devoted to RYLA attendees -- this year's and previous years' -- recounting their experiences.  RYLA is a 4 day/3 night outdoor leadership training program, of which our club is a strong supporter, sponsoring more students each year than most other District 7780 clubs.  Shortly after arrival at the camp, the students are split into Leadership Exploration Groups (LEGs) of 10 people, who work as a team on the various challenges and trust activities for the rest of session.  The students' comments were universally positive and enthusiastic.  It brought out their strengths and gave them confidence.  It let them see that there are different types of leadership, such as leadership by ideas, which contribute to a team's success.  Knowing that the whole group supported them enabled some to perform activities they thought they could never do. 

JULY 29 - RYLA Past and Present Walter Hatch 0


 Membership Updates ... Congratulations to Cynthia Moran-Laux on becoming an Honorary Member of our Club!  Regretfully, the Club accepts the resignations of Lorena Tyler and Suzanne Dunham.  The Club joins me in thanking you for your service.  Lorena, we hope to see you before you leave later this year.  Suzanne, we wish you well and hope you will not be a stranger.

Membership Updates ... Please see Membership Proposals.  If there are no objections, induction will be at the September 2nd Meeting.

Board Updates ...  After last week's club meeting, the Board met and voted to contribute $200 worth of school supplies for the SAD #44 Elementary School.  Kathy T is organizing the purchases and the monies will be deducted from the 14/15 Community Project budget line item.




Posted by Walter Hatch

Guests:  Sarah Lane  (speaker)  (Hynek); Kathy Ruby  (Hynek); Louis Horvath  (Robin's father)  (Zinchuk)

Members We Missed:  Blair, Cole, Dennis, Dunham, Fraher, Kulik, Roma, Steven, Thrall, Tyler, Whitney

The success of the Mollyockett Day lobster roll booth was noted.  They were sold out early.

Sarah's presentation was on fluoride in drinking water, on which she had done considerable research -- urging others to do the same.  There is considerable controversy in the scientific and medical communities on the benefits and potential risks, as well as the ethical issue of governmental bodies imposing mass medication without a person's choice.  A large number of countries, including a majority of the developed countries, do not fluoridate water -- many having stopped the practice after having done this initially.  Although Sarah has come to believe there are significant health risks with water fluoridation, her main point was that individuals should be given a choice.   Such a choice is possible because fluoride can be used topically with toothpastes and mouth rinses.



Posted by Walter Hatch

Guests: Amy Scott  (speaker)  (Hatch), Logan Bartlett  (student of the month)  (Hart), Michelle Bartlett  (family of S.O.M.), Sarah Bartlett  (family of S.O.M.), Shyanne Shannon  (Finley), Lu Tuggle  (Finley), Molly Wight  (Wight), Stephen Smith  (Hynek), Kathy Ruby  (Hynek)

Members We Missed:  Blair, Dennis, Dunham, Fraher, Mann, Murphy, Whitney

Logan was recognized as Telstar student of the month during the recent school year.

Shyanne received a scholarship from the club, and gave a rundown of her plans.

Amy presented an overview of the Bethel Area Nonprofit Collaborative (BANC), in which she has served as Network Facilitator since Jan. 2013.  BANC was founded in 2008 by a task force representing nine local nonprofits, and has grown to a current membership of thirty organizations.  Its mission is to aid all nonprofits' efforts to improve the quality of place in the Bethel area through educational, cultural, environmental, recreational, economic development and health and wellness initiatives.  Although each nonprofit has its own mission and specific objectives, there is much to be gained by sharing ideas and considering ways to work together on projects that are either beyond the capability of a single organization or could be greatly enhanced by a joint effort.  Also, with the assistance of the Network Facilitator, BANC can provide members with help in finding grant sources for funds, and for organizational development and board training.

Logan Bartlett, Student of the Month, and President Ellie



Posted by Walter Hatch

Guest:  Kathy Ruby  (Hynek)

Members We Missed:  Blair, Dennis, Dunham, Finley, Kulik, Mann, Murphy, Powell, Roma, Tyler, Zinchuk

Members were reminded of the July 10th 40th anniversary social event, and also the lobster roll booth at Mollyockett Days.  Reports from the Secretary and committees included the allocation of $9,000 from the Rainy Day Fund to the Harvest for Health program at the 4H camp.  From the Monahan Fund, $30,000 is to be donated to Mahoosuc Pathways for the Pathway extension to Angevine Park.  A $2,000 grant from the Rotary Foundation has been approved for the same purpose.  The Youth Services report brought up the question of how the interviews of Rotary volunteer applicants should be carried out, such interviews being required by the recently adopted policy.

Draft Meeting Minutes from the July 1st Board Meetings: Internal and External

JULY 8 - CLUB ASSEMBLY Walter Hatch 0
Congratulations Rotarian of the Year - Dan Hart! 0
We Celebrate Our 40th Anniversary Michele Cole 0
Bethel Rotary To Celebrate 40 years 0


Posted by Walter Hatch

Guests: Dave Freiday  (Hynek), Lu Tuggle  (Finley)

Members We Missed:  Blair, Dennis, Dunham, Hart, Murphy

During happy dollars, Michele once again turned in a full year's late dollars ($52) in advance. 

The program was a discussion of the previous week's yard sale and auction.  Pat reported that the event brought in over $8,000 compared to the budget figure of $6,000, and overall was considered a success.  Special note was made of the work put in by Dave Freiday, who received a standing ovation.  An issue was raised about gift certificates sometimes getting only a fraction of their face value, resulting in unhappiness for the business owner donating the certificate.  There was no immediate answer as to how to resolve this, and it needs further discussion.



Posted by Walter Hatch


Guest:  Lu Tuggle (Finley)

Members We Missed:  Blair, Cole, Dunham, Murphy, Roma

Responsibilities for advance preparations and the June 28th Yard Sale/Auction were reviewed.  We were reminded of the upcoming July 10th 40th anniversary party, at which time the Rotarian of the Year will be named.

Scott Hynek received recognition and a special pin for bringing in a new member during the year.

Outgoing president Rene gave some personal highlights of her term as president, and then passed the gavel to incoming president Ellie.



Posted by Walter Hatch

Members We Missed:  Blair, Cole, Dennis, Hart, Mann, Murphy, Whitney

During announcements, Bruce noted that he and Shirley were having a celebration of the 30th anniversary of the Stony Brook Campground, and invited club members to attend -- Thurs. 6/19 at 5 pm.

Suzanne's program presentation was on "Living Gluten Free."  She noted that about 3 million people in the U.S. have celiac disease, caused by gluten which occurs in the grains wheat, barley, and rye.   Celiac disease is an autoimmune disorder in which the lining of the small intestine is severely damaged and nutrients from food are not properly absorbed.  A much larger number of people have non-celiac gluten sensitivity, a less serious category in which a person may not feel quite right but be unaware of the cause.  A gluten-free diet is the answer for both categories.  She noted that avoiding gluten completely is more difficult that you might think, with many "hidden" sources of gluten.  It can be present in food additives, even though the main product is gluten free.  There can also be cross contamination, if the same food processing, cooking, or serving equipment is used for both gluten-containing and gluten-free food.  



Posted by Walter Hatch

Visiting Rotarians: Joel Speakman  (Oxford Hills), Nelson Durgin  (Bangor)

Guests: Kathy Ruby  (Hynek), Anita Remington  (former member and past president)

Members We Missed:  Dennis, Hart, Kulik, Murphy, Wight, Zinchuk.

Notes from committee reports:  Five students to attend RYLA (one had to drop out).  Four likely membership prospects for an upcoming fireside chat.  Yard Sale/Auction preparations will be assisted by Interact students and 4-H Camp staffers, a Dunkin' Donuts donation of morning coffee and donuts is expected, and.  Club members were asked to help with follow-up calls to the businesses solicited for gift certificates.  A tent has been ordered for the 40th anniversary event on July 10.  Lobster flags will be obtained to better attract people to the Mollyockett Day lobster roll booth.

JUNE 10 - CLUB ASSEMBLY Walter Hatch 0

JUNE 3 - Upcoming Rotary Events

Posted by Walter Hatch

Guests: Ryan Vail  (student of the month)  (Hart), Christopher Chappie  (student of the month from Jan.)  (Hart), Shelly Corriveau  (parent of S.O.M.)  (Hart), Donald Hebert  (grandparent of S.O.M.)  (Hart)

                                                                                                    Thank you Robin for the pix

Members We Missed:  Blair, Dunham, Finley, Murphy, Tyler, Whitney

The program was a review of upcoming Rotary events.  It was decided to have a booth and sell lobster rolls at Mollyockett Day, as was done last year.  A 40th anniversary party will be held July 10 (not July 17 as previously reported) at the Riverview Resort, to be catered by the Good Food Store.  Camp Susan Curtis cleanup day was announced as June 6, with people gathering to leave Bethel at 8:30 am.  Bryant Pond 4-H Camp open house day was announced as June 7, with an opportunity to help repair the greenhouse which collapsed in the winter's ice storm.  The Rotary Yard Sale/Auction is on Sat. June 28, requiring much preparation work during the several preceding days.

JUNE 3 - Upcoming Rotary Events Walter Hatch 0

Upcoming Program Chair and Greeter Schedule

Posted by Michele Cole

If you are not able to perform the below duties on the dates requested, kindly arrange for your own coverage or switching.  Thank you.

June 3 -  PC:Scott Dennis  GREETER: Mike Steven

June 10 - PC: Club Assembly  GREETER: Kathy Thrall

June 17 - PC: Suzanne Dunham  GREETER: Lorena Tyler

June 24 - PC: Pres Rene  GREETER: Rick Whitney

July 1 - PC: Kevin Finley  GREETER: Robin Zinchuk

July 8 - PC: Club Assembly  GREETER: Steve Wight

July 15 - PC: David Fraher  GREETER: Ian Blair

July 22 - PC: Ian Blair  GREETER: Scott Dennis

July 29 - PC: Walter Hatch  GREETER: Suzanne Dunham


Upcoming Program Chair and Greeter Schedule Michele Cole 0


Posted by Walter Hatch

Telstar Honor Student Guests: Samantha Mallory, Samantha Corriveau, Kathryn Coolidge, Alexandra Risko, Anneliese Smith, Anna Saucier, Alyssa Brands

Other Guests: Mary Gage, Steve Smith, Kathy Ruby

Members We Missed:  Blair, Dennis, Dunham, Mann, Murphy, Steven, Thrall, Tyler

A celebration of the club's 40th anniversary is being planned for July 17th, and everyone is asked to advise Rene of the names of former club members (and their spouses) who should be invited.

Special note was made of the major contribution Telstar students made to the success of the joint Telstar/Gould musical "A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum," presented last week.

After being recognized and congratulated, the Telstar Class-of-2014 honor students gave a brief description of where they live, who their parents are, what they plan to do after graduation, and a special "memorable moment" they recall from their high school experience.  The May 22 Citizen includes write-ups on all of the honor students, including four who were not able to attend today's meeting.

(photo by Kevin Finley)



Posted by Walter Hatch

Guests: Dalit Wolfe  (speaker)  (Andrews), Barbara Berger  (Andrews), Rick Churchill  (Andrews), Laurie Herron  (Powell), Ryder Scott  (Wight), Kellen True  (student of the month)  (Hart), Koley True  (sister of Kellen)  (Hart), Carol Cox  (grandmother of Kellen)  (Hart)

Members We Missed:  Cole, Dunham, Thrall, Whitney

Kellen True was recognized and congratulated as Telstar's underclass student of the month.

Ryder Scott thanked the club for its long-time support of the Bryant Pond 4-H Camp, and invited us to their open house on June 7 from 9:00 to 3:00.

Dalit Wolfe gave a moving presentation of her Rotoplast visit to Guatemala earlier this year, at which Ellie also participated with responsibility for equipment sterilization along with other duties.  Dalit noted that over the years Rotoplast has completed over 200 missions in 65 cities in 24 countries, and treated over 16,500 cases of cleft lip and cleft palate.  The teams are all volunteers, both medical and non-medical participants.  During this recent visit, 124 children were treated.  The surgery is truly life-changing, for otherwise a child is treated as an outcast, will never go to school, and may be abandoned.  The gratitude of a treated child's family is illustrated by occasionally having a mother faint from emotion when first seeing the results.  Along with such heart-warming experiences for the Rotoplast team, there is also the heart-breaking aspect of having to turn away those who cannot be handled in the time available.  As to causes for cleft lip and palate, Dalit advised that the basic answer is "we don't know" -- although smoking while pregnant, air and water pollution, and vitamin lack are possible contributing factors.

MAY 20 - ROTOPLAST Walter Hatch 0


Posted by Walter Hatch



Members We Missed:  Blair, Dennis, Dunham, Hart, Kulik, Murphy, Roma, Thrall

Miscellaneous notes from committee reports:  Auction/Yard Sale scheduled for Sat. 6/28, with Yard Sale continuing Sun. morning.  Club will pay cost of special Interact T-shirts.  Wood splitting offered again to 4-H Camp.  Club has allocated $2,000 from "rainy-day fund" for restoring musical instruments at Telstar, and has applied for a $2,000 grant to assist the Pathway extension project.  Club volunteers to accompany Interact members in a day trip to help in the Preble Street soup kitchen in Portland.  Our club's extra-strong sponsorship of RYLA students (six this year) is perhaps deserving of more publicity.  Latest Rotarian magazine features articles on membership recruiting/retention strategies.  Bruce brought up the idea of having alternate breakfast and lunch meetings, with a social whenever there's a 5th Tuesday in a month.

MAY 13 - CLUB ASSEMBLY Walter Hatch 0


Posted by Walter Hatch

Visiting Rotarians:  Carolyn Johnson (District Governor) (Yarmouth)

Guests:  Gabe Perkins (speaker) (Zinchuk); Kathy Ruby (Hynek)

Members We Missed:  Blair, Dennis, Dunham, Laux, McGrew, Murphy, Roma, Thrall, Whitney, Wight

Carolyn Johnson outlined the featured programs and speakers at the upcoming May 16-18 District Conference in Portland, and urged club members to attend at least a portion of the activities.  The website for registration is

Gabe Perkins, Project Director for Mahoosuc Pathways, described the organization's recent activities and future plans.  Founded in 2011, their mission involves building, maintaining and advocating for trails -- with primary focus on the Bethel area, but extending further as opportunities arise.  A recent project was re-routing and improvement of the North Ledges Section of the Mt. Will Trail, assisted by the Oxford Co. Conservation Corps.  Another project which has been started is a mountain biking trail network in the Bingham Forest -- 1 1/2 miles have been completed, but there is a potential for 50 miles of trails.  Completion of a pathway to Telstar continues as a goal.  Perhaps the highest priority goal is a multi-use pathway to Angevine Park -- extending from where the Bethel Pathway now ends at the Big Adventure Center.  It is visualized that initially this would be surfaced similarly to the current Pathway extension across the Mahoosuc Land Trust's Gateway property; asphalt paving could be added at a later date.



Posted by Walter Hatch

Guests: Eric Lowell  (Hart), Kathryn Coolidge  (Hart), Savanna Patenaude  (student of the month)  (Hart)

Members We Missed:  Dennis, Dunham, Laux, McGrew, Murphy, Roma, Thrall, Tyler, Whitney

Savanna was recognized and congratulated as upper-class student of the month.


Eric, Kathryn, and Savanna described the Class of 2014 Project Graduation itinerary, which will start with a 9:15 pm departure from Telstar and end there at 7:30 am for breakfast and door prizes.  Activities will include:

+ Dinner at Pizza Hut in Oxford

+ Seacoast Adventure Park in North Windham

+ Yankee Bowling Lanes in Portland/Westbrook

+ Sunrise at Pine Point Beach in Scarborough

Their fundraising activities included a polar plunge at Songo Pond, featured in this week's Citizen.

Bud Kulik's program presentation covered the ins and outs of small gasoline engine repair, and the proper maintenance and safe operation of the various pieces of equipment using these engines.  He particularly emphasized that children should not ride along with parents on riding equipment, and should not even be in the vicinity of operating equipment such as mowers and snow blowers.  Avoid the temptation to deactivate safety features, he said, even it causes inconvenience.  He outlined the potential problems with alcohol-containing gasoline when allowed to sit for an extended period, examples being a lawn mower or snow blower at the end of a season, or a generator that is seldom used. 

APRIL 29 - SMALL MOWERS 101 Walter Hatch 0


Posted by Walter Hatch

Guests:  Barry Patrie  (speaker)  (Laux),  Sadie Sindland  (Thrall)

Members We Missed:  Blair, Dunham, Hart, Murphy, Roma, Tyler, Whitney

Barry's presentation was on the SCORE organization, whose mission is "to grow successful small businesses across America, one business at a time."  SCORE is staffed by 13,000 volunteers in 350 chapters, 7 of which are in Maine.  Its business counseling services are free.  Barry is marketing coordinator of the Oxford Hills chapter, located at 2 Market Square in South Paris..  Members of the chapter cover a wide range of expertise, and assist not only early-stage entrepreneurs but also already-established small businesses looking to improve and expand.  Assistance includes mentoring, workshops and roundtables, and templates and tools including a "Small Business Resource Guide."  A frequent and important area of advice is how to prepare a business plan.   SCORE works in partnership with the both the Chamber of Commerce and the Small Business Association.

APRIL 15 - SCORE Walter Hatch 0


Posted by Walter Hatch

Guests:  Kathy Ruby  (Hynek),  Avry Griffin  (student of the month)  (Hart),  Heather Carver  (mother of S.O.M.),  Evan Leach  (brother of S.O.M.)

Members We Missed:  Blair, Dennis, Dunham, Fraher, Hart, Laux, Powell, Roma, Steven, Zinchuk

Avry was recognized and congratulated on being named underclass student of the month.

  Avery with Pres Rene. Thank you Kevin photo.

Dave Murphy's presentation covered the history and some amusing highlights of Rotary's auction and yard sale, starting in 1987 when he first became involved.  Initially it was an auction only, and with a large number of small items to dispose of, the auction could last until 2:00 - 3:00 a.m.  At this point, a whole table's worth of items might be offered for one dollar.  Over the years, a number of different ideas were tried, including having five used cars from Ripley & Fletcher to be auctioned on commission.  A couple of years, trailer loads of miscellaneous items available at distress prices were purchased and then offered for sale at a series of events during the year.  Extensive radio and newspaper advertising has been tried, but Dave believes the most effective advertising is having the big tents in place during the week preceding the auction/yard sale.  He stressed the need to keep thinking of fresh ideas.

APRIL 22 - ROTARY YARD SALE & AUCTION: P, P & F Walter Hatch 0


Posted by Walter Hatch


Members We Missed:  Blair, Dennis, Dunham, Laux, Murphy, Roma, Andrews

During committee reports, we were advised that ways are being sought to assist the Telstar music program in funding the repair of non-working musical instruments, even though a Rotary foundation grant is not available.  Telstar's Interact group is thriving, with 22 members, recently-acquired distinctive T-shirts, and discussions of both a local and an international project.   Assisting in the Chamber of Commerce's "Bethel Cleanup Day" on May 3 is an opportunity for both Interact and for our Club.  Applicants for RYLA will be interviewed soon, with the Club sponsoring up to 5 students.


There was considerable discussion of the Monahan bequest, and the committee's difficulty in coming up with a suitable single project.  There was some thought that the funds could be used in increments for a number of small projects instead.  However, the consensus seemed to be to keep aiming for a single large project, and to consider the possibility of using the Monahan funds as the local match for a larger grant that could be sought.  It was agreed that this topic should be the program of an upcoming Tuesday meeting, preferably including non-Rotarian guests with special knowledge of community needs.


APRIL 8 - CLUB ASSEMBLY Walter Hatch 0


Posted by Walter Hatch

Guests:  Paul Legault  (speaker)  (Thrall), Alicia Taylor  (Thrall)


Members We Missed:  Dennis, Dunham, Hart, Laux, Murphy, Tyler, Zinchuk


Re the April 12 bowling event for Big Brothers/Big Sisters,  Steve Wight invited members to sign up for a contribution, if they are not able to be part of a team.


Paul Legault's presentation was on his 1813 Wedding Barn on Mayville Rd., opposite Rooster's Roadhouse.  (He noted that it is the house itself -- the Thadeus Twitchell House -- that was built in 1813, with the barn coming along later in 1888.)   He sees this area as having much to offer for wedding couples -- its natural beauty, recreational opportunities, and historical heritage.  The Thadeus Twitchell House has 7 bedrooms accommodating 16 guests, and includes a dining room and bridal salon.  The spacious barn has an elegant rustic feel, with pine walls and hand turned posts and beams, and includes wrap-around decks.  The overall property has well-cared-for lawns and beautiful manicured gardens.  There is ample parking in the rear behind the barn.  Regarding the historical attraction of the Bethel area, Paul thinks that more could be done in the way of placards at historical sites, as he has seen in other spots in New England.

APRIL 1 - 1813 WEDDING BARN Walter Hatch 0


Posted by Walter Hatch

 Visiting Rotarian:


Peter Redman  (Waterville)


Sierra Ryerson  (student of the month)  (Hart)

Tanya Mason  (parent of S.O.M.)  (Hart)

Natasha Mason (family of S.O.M.)  (Hart)

Maureen Glover  (student of the month)  (Hart)

Sylvanus Glover  (parent)

Kathleen Glover  (parent)

Members We Missed:  Andrews, Blair, Dennis, Laux, Murphy, Whitney, Zinchuk

The students of the month were recognized and congratulated -- Sierra as under class, and Maureen as upper class.

The program involved a review by Dan Hart of the latest version of proposed Volunteer Management Policy and Procedures, followed by questions and discussion.  The Policy and Procedures are for Bethel Rotary Club members who work with youth (Grades K-12).  One area of questions and discussion concerned the rules for a Rotarian providing a youth a ride in his/her vehicle -- for example, is another adult's presence needed if there is another youth present, and is another person's presence needed if the youth's parent has asked the Rotarian to give the youth a ride?.  Possible wording changes for clarification will be considered.  At the next meeting, club members will be asked to turn in their completed Volunteer Application forms and sign the Expectations sheet.



Posted by Walter Hatch

Guests:  Peter Adams (speaker)  (Powell)


Members We Missed:  Andrews, Blair, Dunham, Fraher, Hart, Laux, Murphy, Powell, Roma, Thrall, Tyler, Whitney, Wight


Peter Adams, executive director of Maine Adaptive, described its history, current activities, and vision for the future.  It was the initial idea of Dr. Omar (Chip) Crothers, who joined with Les Otten to found Maine Handicapped Skiing in 1982.  Dr. Crothers had observed that a young cerebral palsy patient could ski surprisingly well, and was impressed with the therapeutic effect it had.  The organization has grown steadily over the years, in both size and scope of activities.  Its activities first expanded to include cross-country skiing and snowshoeing, and more recently has expanded to include summer activities such as cycling, kayaking/canoeing, and golf.  The expanded scope led to changing the name to Maine Adaptive Sports and Recreation.  There are now over 400 volunteers serving over 500 students.  It is entirely free -- the largest free adaptive program in the country.  One of the primary fundraisers is the annual spring Ski-A-Thon, scheduled for March 29 this year.  As to a future vision, Peter sees the possibility of <u1:U1:CITY w:st="on"><u1:U1:PLACE w:st="on">Bethel becoming a world-class visitor destination as a "center of adaptive excellence."  His presentation concluded by demonstrating (with Scott Hynek' assistance) a state-of-the-art mono-ski device, which allows a person with no leg strength to ski from a sitting position.



Posted by Walter Hatch


Members We Missed:   Andrews, Dennis, Dunham, Hart, Laux, Murphy, Thrall, Tyler, Whitney, Zinchuk

Club Assembly

MARCH 11 - CLUB ASSEMBLY Walter Hatch 0

MARCH 4 - Telstar Air Quality and Energy Efficiency Project

Posted by Walter Hatch

Scholarship recipient Carlee Beatson with Scholarship Committee Chair Kevin Finley.

Guests: Ron Deegan (speaker) (Murphy),  Sierra Ryerson  (Murphy), Carlee Beatson  (scholarship recipient)  (Hart)

Members We Missed:  Dunham, Kulik, Laux, Thrall, Tyler, Whitney

Regarding the Wine Tasting event on March 8, Bruce asked everyone to let him know the number of people they have invited or sold tickets to, as input for estimating the total attendance.

Sienna described a project for which she and other students are raising funds -- an extended educational visit to several European countries by a group of about 30.

Carlee received a scholarship check and outlined her college activities at Susquehanna in Pennsylvania.  She is majoring in psychology.  One or her extra-curricular activities is Big Brothers/Big Sisters.

The presentation by Ron Deegan, manager of facilities for Telstar, covered the extensive $2.5 million air quality and energy efficiency project recently completed at Telstar.  This included lighting as well as heating and ventilation.  The new facilities feature state-of-the-art monitoring and control for each individual room and for critical equipment items, and the ability to carry out monitoring and control from a remote location.  The settings are programmed to match the schedule of use for the particular areas involved.  During the question-and-answer period, Ron advised that while oil heat is used currently, studies are being made of a possible new biomass boiler.  The study envisions the latter being in a separate new structure, rather than removing the existing two oil fired boilers.


MARCH 4 - Telstar Air Quality and Energy Efficiency Project Walter Hatch 0


Posted by Walter Hatch

Visiting Rotarian: Peter Skeels-Piggins  (Falmouth, England)

Guests: Allen Jenkins  (Peter), Carla Boyle-Wight  (Student of the Month)  (Hart), Allison Kelly  (Student of the Month)  (Hart), Patricia Boyle-Wight  (parent),Mike Kelly  (parent)

Members We Missed:  Dennis, Dunham, Laux, Murphy, Tyler, Zinchuk

Carla and Allison were honored as Students of the Month.

Upcoming events noted were Wine Tasting on March 8, Country Breakfast on March 30, and Bowl for Kids on April 12.

Jim Mann led a general discussion of membership -- attracting new members and retention of existing members.  Among the ideas exchanged was visiting Rotarian Peter's description of what is being tried in England for new members, a system of associate membership for a year in which the person does not have the same responsibilities for attendance and other participation as regular members.


President Rene (middle) with Student of the Month recipients underclassman Carla Boyle-Wight (left) and upperclassman Allison Kelly (right).  Thank you Kevin for the photo. 



Posted by Walter Hatch

Visiting Rotarian:  Peter Redman (Waterville)

Guests: Ella Kellogg  (Andrews), Grady Kellogg  (Andrews),  Nate Collette  (Andrews)

Members We Missed:  Blair, Dunham, Finley, Hart, Laux, Murphy, Roma, Thrall, Tyler, Whitney

There was no "program" as such.  Happy Dollars were extended in time, and there was a short discussion of reasons for diminishing membership.  With regard to potential new members, the thought came out that perhaps we put too much emphasis too soon on the time and effort expected of Rotary members.  Peter Redman mentioned that at the Waterville club it is customary to start out by a Rotarian inviting someone to their luncheon meeting -- often several times -- without any mention of membership.  The person has an enjoyable time, and also becomes aware of members' efforts in a gradual manner.



Posted by Walter Hatch
Guests: Ricky James  (scholarship recipient)  (Finley); Tammy James  (parent)  (Finley)

Members We Missed:  Blair, Cole, Dennis, Dunham, Hart, Kulik, Laux, Mann, Murphy, Roma, Thrall, Tyler

Scholarship recipient Ricky James described his activities at Univ. of Maine, Orono where he plans a double major -- Political Science and Journalism.

During committee reports, Kevin urged the use of Facebook to publicize events, and described how he is doing this for the Wine Tasting event.  A Foundation grant will be sought to aid Telstar in building an outdoor center for classes to be held as part of a special-learning-methods program.  The Service committee is circulating a draft calendar of events for the next Rotary year, including a list of what's needed for each event.  The need for special effort on the upcoming Country Breakfast was emphasized, noting the below-expected attendance at the previous breakfast.  

Bethel Rotary proud to present scholarship to Telstar Alum, Rick James. Rick is a Freshman at the University of Maine, Orono, in the Honors College. He is declaring a double major in Political Science and Journalism. Rick is pictured here with Dr. Kevin Finley, Scholarship Committee Chair.

Thank you Robin




Dear Membership,

At Tuesday’s Club Assembly Meeting, you will be asked to vote on the below slate as recommended by the Board of Directors.

Proposed Slate for Officers and Board for the Year 2014/2015:

Past President: Rene McGrew

President: Ellie Andrews

President-Elect: Kevin Finley

Vice President: Robin Zinchuk

Treasurer: Pat Roma

Secretary: Michele Cole

Sergeant-at-Arms: Scott Hynek

Service Committee Chair: Mike Steven

              Ass’t Service Chair: Bruce Powell

Foundation Committee Chair: Kathy Thrall

              Ass't Foundation Chair: Steve Wight

Membership Committee Chair: Ian Blair

Youth Services Chair: Dan Hart

              Ass’t Youth Svc Chair: Dave Fraher

Public Image Committee Chair: Suzanne Dunham

Respectfully submitted,
Michele Cole, Secretary
Rotary Club of Bethel, Maine



Posted by Walter Hatch

There was no "program" today.  There was an extended Happy Dollars period which occupied the time, along with announcements.

 Guest:   Mike Ryan (Blair)

 Members We Missed:  Cole, Dunham, Hart, Kulik, Laux, Murphy, Thrall, Whitney




Posted by Walter Hatch

Visiting Rotarian:  Joel Speakman  (Oxford Hills)



Allen Cressy  (speaker)  (Hart)

William Andrews  (speaker)  (Hart)

Katie Merrill  (student of the month)  (Hart)

Rick Merrill  (parent)

Jen Merrill  (parent)

Josh Eliot  (student of the month)  (Hart)

John Eliot (parent)

Tania Eliot  (parent)

Cameron Kulik  (Kulik)


Members We Missed:  Blair, Dunham, Laux, Murphy, Tyler, Whitney


The students of the month, Katie (upper class) and Josh (under class), were recognized and congratulated, along with their parents.


A wine tasting event at Sunday River will be held on March 8. 


Al Cressy and William Andrews outlined the background and current status of an effort they are spearheading to get the community more engaged with Telstar high school students.  Their effort was triggered by the unfavorable "grade" the high school received a few months ago, but the speakers emphasized that strong community involvement should continue regardless of future "grades."   Their group, currently a dozen people, wants to add other interested citizens.  The community is rich in talent and resources, they said.  Their emphasis will be to respond to specific needs expressed by teachers, other school staff, and students, rather than to devise their own proposals of how they could help.  This will be part of a "Principles of Partnership" between the group and the school, along with other agreed-upon ground rules.  


JANUARY 7 - Club Updates and Fellowship

Guests:  Kevin Annis  (Finley); Elijah Laird  (student of the month)  (Hart); Angela Weymouth  (parent of S.O.M.)  (Hart)


Members We Missed:  Blair, Cole, Dennis, Dunham, Fraher, Kulik, Laux, Murphy, Tyler, Whitney


Scholarship recipient Kevin Annis updated us on his status and plans.  He is a freshman at Boston University majoring in chemistry.  He hopes to go to France for his next college year.  In answer to questions, he said his science and math courses at Telstar prepared him well for his college courses. 


Elijah Laird was recognized and congratulated on being the underclass student of the month.


In the absence of the scheduled outside speakers who could not attend, there was a status report by Pat Roma on the Monahan Fund committee's work.  He described several of the ideas the committee has been discussing, but said they have not yet arrived at a definite recommendation.  Additional input is to be sought from the wider community, including the Bethel Area Nonprofit Collaborative.


~ Walter

JANUARY 7 - Club Updates and Fellowship 0

DECEMBER 31 - Online Make-Ups

Visiting Rotarian:  Peter Redman  (Waterville)


Guests: Kurt Mason  (Finley), Shirley Powell  (Powell), Julie Hart  (Hart), Ella Kellogg  (Andrews), Grady Kellogg  (Andrews)


Nice to see Cynthia! 


Members We Missed:  Cole, Dunham, Fraher, Kulik, Murphy, Steven, Thrall, Tyler, Whitney


Scholarship recipient Kurt Mason described his studies at Univ. of Maine -- Farmington.  His current interest is secondary education.


Kevin's program was a slide presentation about on-line makeups.  There are many websites available, but a particularly good one that Kevin suggested is Rotary eClub One, who are "proud to be the very first eClub ever created."  Their site has a "How to do a makeup" section, as well as a number of makeup programs to choose from, typically running 20-30 minutes.  The programs included a large number of videos as well as articles.  Rotary eClub One uses its makeup offerings as a fundraising tool to generate income for its service projects and thus asks for a donation -- suggesting the amount that would have been spent on attending a weekly meeting.


~ Walter

DECEMBER 31 - Online Make-Ups 0

December 24 - Fellowship

Ella Kellogg, Ellie 's granddaughter raised $120 for Christmas for Children. In lieu of birthday presents, her friends donated money.  Thank you Ella!

There was no "program" today.  There was an extended Happy Dollars period which occupied the time.



Ella Blair  (Blair)

Grady Kellogg  (Andrews)

Ella Kellogg  (Andrews)


Members We Missed:  Cole, Dennis, Dunham, Fraher, Laux, Murphy, Thrall, Tyler, Whitney





December 24 - Fellowship 0

DECEMBER 17 - Fellowship

There was no "program" today.  There was an extended Happy Dollars period which occupied the time.


Guest:  Ryder Scott  (Steven)


Members We Missed:  Blair, Cole, Dunham, Fraher, Hart, Laux, McGrew, Murphy, Tyler, Whitney, Zinchuk


~ Walter

DECEMBER 17 - Fellowship 0

DEC 3 - Youth/Volunteer Policy

Members We Missed:  Dennis, Dunham, Kulik, Laux, Mann, Murphy, Thrall, Tyler, Whitney


The program was an interactive discussion led by Dan Hart and Dave Fraher on proposed documents to fulfill the club's youth protection responsibilities under the District 7780 Protection Policy for Prevention of Abuse and Harassment.  The proposed documents included Youth Volunteer Application, Youth Management Interview Questions, Volunteer Management Policy and Procedures, Volunteer Expectations Sheet, and Volunteer Complaint Procedure.  A specific suggested change to the application form was to eliminate the Social Security No.  Specific suggested changes to the complaint procedure document were to substitute "complaint" for "incident" wherever the latter word appears, and to eliminate the paragraph about the club's involvement in investigating the legitimacy of a complaint and determining consequences.  The primary goal is prompt notification of a complaint to law-enforcement, the SAD 44 Superintendent (if a SAD 44 student is involved), and our club officers and the District 7780 contact.  The discussion of the various documents was still ongoing when time ran out, so further discussion will be needed.


~ Walter

DEC 3 - Youth/Volunteer Policy 0



Shirley Powell  (Powell)

Nik Conrad  (Student of the Month)  (Hart)

Kristi Hanscom  (S.O.M.)  (Hart)

India Orino  (S.O.M.)  (Hart)

Kathy Conrad  (parent of Nik)

Nonie Stecher  (grandparent of Nik)

David Hanscom  (parent of Kristi)

Amy Hanscom  (parent of Kristi)

Wanda Orino  (parent of India)


Members We Missed:  Blair, Dennis, Dunham, Kulik, Murphy, Thrall, Tyler, Zinchuk


The students of the month were introduced by Dan Hart and congratulated by the Club.


Bob Laux's program presentation gave highlights from his experience as a consultant for individuals with special needs.  These needs could be age related, health related, or some other reason, but there are common themes for all.  Because of the latter, Bob thinks there is currently too much specialization in support organizations focusing narrowly on one category.  One recurring theme is the desire to be a valued, contributing member of a community.  Having or developing a usable skill is a key goal.  The opportunity to have meaningful relationships with others is important.  Having as much independence as possible, including some choice of the people you live with, is everyone's wish.  Many of the common themes, plus cost factors, point to the choice of engaging home care assistance and living in one's own home whenever possible instead of moving to a group facility.


~ Walter



Guest:  Tom Watson (Hynek)


Members We Missed:  Dennis, Dunham, Laux, Murphy, Roma, Thrall, Tyler, Whitney, Zinchuk


Signup sheets for the Dec. 1 Country Breakfast and the Dec. 10 Senior Xmas Luncheon were circulated.  Walter continued his collection of $20 for Senior Luncheon gifts.


The program was an interactive discussion of alternative meeting types and formats that might spur increased attendance by current members and more easily attract new members.  On the subject of periodic socials in place of regular meetings, the consensus was that once a month would be too frequent, and once per quarter might be about right.  As to social locations, Jim Mann recommended that we consider the Stone Mountain Arts Center in Brownfield as a special place with great performances and great dining.  The regular breakfast meeting time needs to be re-examined, and current members' preferences will be sought.  Ian mentioned that breakfast is often a tough time for people with young families.  Discussion also included aspects other than meeting time that affect the ability to attract new members.  It was agreed that we need to publicize all of our service projects as much as possible, noting the good example of the recent wood splitting event with its great newspaper coverage afterward.






Visiting Rotarians:  Beth Abbott  (Asst. Distr. Gov.)  (Oxford Hills), Ron Morse  (Oxford Hills)


Guests: Ella Blair  (Blair), Tom Watson  (Hynek)


Members We Missed:  Dennis, Dunham, Hart, Laux, McGrew, Murphy, Thrall, Tyler, Whitney, Wight


Announcements included the annual request by Walter for a $20 donation for gifts to seniors at the Dec. 10 Christmas luncheon.  If by check, it should be made out to the club.




By: Suzanne Dunham


            Bethel – Members and friends of the Rotary Club of Bethel, along with Telstar High School Interact students, gathered at Dunham Farm in Greenwood for the annual, and sometimes semi-annual, wood splitting event on Saturday, November 2.

            The Dunham’s have a sawmill and donate wood slabs to the Rotary Club, who split and deliver the firewood to families in the Bethel area. The project began four years ago. Three very full truckloads were delivered this year. 


Names of people in photo:

Volunteers who took part in the wood splitting, pictured left to right: Tommy Watson, Tom Watson, Scott Hynek, Avry Griffin, Austin Ryerson, Alyssa Brands, Nick Johnson, Liam Gallagher, Maddie Prentice, Fred Johnson (in back), Dave Fraher, Dave Freiday, Jim Mann and Brian Dunham. Not pictured: Becca Howard, Maverik Griffin, and Bruce Powell (who was off delivering a load of wood).



Guests: Dave Scanlan  (speaker)  (Mann), Tom Watson  (Powell), Hanna Pelletier  (Finley), Dave Freiday  (Hynek)

Members We Missed:  Andrews, Blair, Dennis, Dunham, Laux, Murphy, Thrall, Tyler

Wood splitting on Nov. 2 went successfully, aided by 9 Interact students.  Rene advised that our club will contribute $700 to the District's project of providing Christmas aid to Lac-Megantic families.

Dave Scanlan, the new General Manager at Mt. Abram, updated us on "what's happening" at the resort, including a little of his own background -- most recently in Alaska.  He noted that small ski resorts like Mt. Abram are welcomed by the larger resorts as places for families to get started with skiing, providing a less intimidating atmosphere and a lower cost.  Later, many families "graduate" to the larger resorts.  New thrusts at Mt. Abram this season include bringing back tubing (Fri.-Sun. and holidays), a renewed race program, snowmaking on Lower Easy Rider, and new food options.  A large solar panel installation will, on a year-long basis, generate as much electricity as the entire resort uses.  There a two charging stations in the parking area for electric vehicles.  Mt. Abram is a partner of Mountain Riders Alliance whose motto is "Creating Sustainable Mountain Playgrounds.  One of Mt. Abram's goals is to have community cooperative ownership of the resort.

~ Walter 

P.S. Happy Birthday Bob!


A COUNTRY BREAKFAST ... Sun December 1





Sun, December 1 at Ordway Hall at Gould Academy, Bethel ME from 7:30 - 11 am

                                       Tickets are Adult $7 ($8 at the door), Children (under 12) $3

                         Proceeds benefit the Club's Community Projects and Local Scholarship Program

                                                See flyer in the download section of the website FMI



A COUNTRY BREAKFAST ... Sun December 1 0


Student Lance Tyler receiving Student of the Month recognition with Pres. Rene and Rotarian Dan Hart.

BTW: Lance's mom is Rotarian Lorena Tyler and his grandfather is former Bethel Rotarian Roger Conant.

Visiting Rotarian:  Joel Speakman  (Oxford Hills)

Guests: Meryl Kelly  (speaker)  (Hart), Julie Hart  (Hart), Hanna Pelletier  (Finley), Tom Watson  (Hynek), Lance Tyler  (student of the month)  (Tyler), Megan Goodrich  (Tyler), Roger Conant  (Tyler), Lillian Conant  (Tyler)

Members We Missed:  Blair, Dennis, Dunham, Kulik, Laux, Murphy, Roma, Thrall, Whitney, Wight

We were reminded of wood splitting on Saturday, Nov. 2.  Rene advised that our club will contribute $500 to a District 7780 project to aid the families of Lac-Megantic, focusing particularly on children's clothing and toys for Christmas.

Lance Tyler was recognized as student of the month. 

In Meryl Kelly's presentation, she described her involvement as an AmeriCorps volunteer.  Typically, AmeriCorps volunteers serve for two years and receive an allowance for living expenses.  She has been involved in a wide variety of community and youth service activities in the area.   This has included after-school activities for kids, programs at the Bryant Pond 4-H Camp, and experiential education for special-ed students.  She strives for a balance of inside and outside activities.  During  questions/answers after Meryl's talk, Robin brought out Meryl's motivational skills in organizing young people to tackle the voluminous trash remaining on the Common after Harvest Fest and to separate what could be composted -- to avoid everything going to the landfill.  A lesson in sustainability that much impressed observers.



Congratulations Ellie!

An Email from Ellie 10/31/2013:

To Rotary Club of Bethel….I am soooo happy to announce that I have been chosen to go to Guatemala!!!!!!   There are only 3 of us going from 7780 because we couldn't raise all the money needed. Ann wanted me to thank all of you for the extra donation to  Rotoplast.  I'll keep you updated as I get more information.  Thanks for your support to me and the Mission,  Ellie


Excerpted from the District 7780 website, Marty Helman Report follows ...

Congratulations Ellie! 0


Visiting Rotarian:  Herb Lemcool  (Traverse City, Mich.)


Randy Bennett  (speaker)  (Hatch)

Dave Skibowski  (Herb Lemcool)

Maisey Griffin  (Interact)  (Hart)

Austin Ryerson  (Interact)  (Hart)

Michael Cintron  (Interact)  (Hart)

Alyssa Brands  (Interact)  (Hart)

Members We Missed:  Andrews, Dennis, Dunham, Fraher, Kulik, Laux, Murphy, Steven, Tyler, Wight, Zinchuk

During Happy Dollars, guest Herb Lemcool noted that his club is a bit larger than ours, having 257 members.

The Interact students from Telstar gave a rundown of their activities and plans.  It is a very active group, but they still are seeking new additions.

Randy Bennett, Executive Director of the Bethel Historical Society, described the background and plans for the Mary E. Valentine Collections Wing currently being added to the Robinson House.  Mary was a long-time dedicated volunteer at the Society, and a generous bequest from her estate is what has made the new wing possible.  On the exterior, the two-and-a-half story structure will replicate the summer kitchen/shed ell as it appeared before it was remodeled under the Bethel Inn's ownership.  Inside, the 20 by 40 foot wing -- including a full basement with humidity control -- will offer much-needed and greatly improved storage space for the Society's extensive museum collections, as well as for materials used in the development of various exhibits at the Robinson and Mason Houses.  It is expected that construction will be completed by spring 2014.






Visiting Rotarian:   Dave Carter  (Oxford Hills)


During "happy dollars," Scott favored us (?) with a colorful description of his recent "pig party."  Steve noted a birthday milestone - his 70th.


Upcoming events:

+  Oct. 15 at 5:00 pm (replacing the morning meeting): a social at the Bethel Inn's Millbrook Tavern

+  Nov. 2 at 9:00 am: wood splitting at the Dunhams', with Interact participation 

+  Dec. 1:  Country Breakfast

+  Dec. 10:  Senior Xmas luncheon  (no Club Assembly in December)


The Board report included their acceptance, with regret, of Dean Walker's resignation.


Committee reports included the club's decision to donate $1,000 to Rotoplast, and a donation of $300 to the nursing training program in Haiti.  We were reminded of the need for "every Rotarian every year" to contribute to the Rotary Foundation.  The Membership committee plans an offsite meeting to discuss strategies, including ideas Bruce picked up at a recent district-wide meeting.  The current goal for the year is 5 new members.  Youth Services noted that written procedures for youth protection are being finalized.  The club should seek ways to assist the Interact group in their projects, as a complement to Interact assisting the club in our projects.  The committee looking into use of the Monahan bequest said their discussions are temporarily on hold, awaiting results of a town committee's study of recreational needs.




OCTOBER 1 - New Member Bud Kulik's Classification Talk

Members We Missed:  Andrews, Blair, Dennis, Dunham, Hart, Laux, Mann, McGrew, Murphy


Happy Dollars featured 100% participation, very probably a first for the club.


The program was Bud Kulik's classification talk.  (This may also have been a first, in terms of soonest after induction.)   Bud's early years were in Phoenix, Ariz., where his creativity and interest in trying new things led to more than one "cease and desist" order from local authorities.  A particulary notable experiment involved a rocket fueled by gasoline and medicinal oxygen.  It was in Phoenix that in 1995, in eighth grade, he met his wife Lynne.  Early in his working career, he had a gas station and auto repair shop in Portland Oregon. Later, he moved into the construction business there, and into house remodeling.  His final occupation became small engine repair.  Bud and Lynne lived and traveled in an RV for many years, their travels covering 49 of the 50 states, and extending from Alaska to the Panama/Colombia border.  They now reside in a house on Elm St., Bethel.



OCTOBER 1 - New Member Bud Kulik's Classification Talk 0

Rotary Leadership Institute This Fall

Image Rotary Leadership Institute (RLI) was created to promote all Rotarians' knowledge and leadership skills and to provide a platform for future leaders of our Rotary clubs. Classes are held in locations throughout New England. Registration is $75-$95 including breakfast and lunch, depending on individual facility costs; many clubs, recognizing RLI's value, help their members defray this expense. Coming up soon:

Saturday, October 19: RLI in Lewiston, ME

Saturday, November 9:  RLI at Rutland, VT

Each "institute" offers three distinct day-long sessions, and in addition, "graduate" course are offered.

Level 1:  Focus is on the individual Rotarian.

Level 2:  Focuses on the workings of the Club and your part in its success.

Level 3:  Delves into the organization of Rotary international.  

FMI contact our District RLI chair:  Marge Barker,  To register: go to
{Excerpted from District 7780 website}


Rotary Leadership Institute This Fall 0

District Membership Seminar - Friday afternoon, Oct. 4

wh-4p-olExcerpted ... By David Longo,  District 7780 Website, Sept 08, 2013  SEE DISTRICT WEBSITE for more information and registration.

Join all Rotarians interested in improving their club's membership engagement and outreach at the District's Membership Seminar which will be held at the Regatta Banquet Center in Eliot, Maine (right over the NH border), on Friday afternoon, October 4.  Our Keynote Speaker will be Brad Howard, who will offer new strategies to the age-old topic of Membership when he answers the question, "Why Rotary?"  Come to learn, renew your perspective on membership, and while you are at it, enjoy fellowship the way only Rotarians can. 
Club presidents will remember PDG Brad from his engaging talk at PETS this past March, when he offered innovative perspectives on how to engage Rotarians, and expand membership. 

Registration: 2:00 p.m.

Program:  2:30-5:00 p.m.

Networking and Fellowship (heavy hors d'oeuvres and cash bar):  5:30 - 7:00

Evening program and speaker:  7:00 p.m.:  PDG Brad Howard (2002-3 governor, District 5170 - Oakland, CA)

Regatta Banquet Center, Eliot, ME

Cost is $27.50 per person and includes dinner. 



District Membership Seminar - Friday afternoon, Oct. 4 0

Welcome Bethel Rotary's Newest Member!

Welcome Bud Kulik!  Inducted into the Club Tuesday by DG Carolyn on Sept 24th and pinned by his wife Lynne.  Sponsor Scott Hynek looks on.






Welcome Bethel Rotary's Newest Member! 0

SEPTEMBER 24 - DG Carolyn's Official Visit

 DG Carolyn addressing Bethel Rotary

Visiting Rotarians:

Carolyn Johnson  (District Governor)  (Yarmouth)

Beth Abbott  (Asst. Distr. Gov.)  (Oxford Hills)

Peter Redman  (Waterville)

Guests:  Lynne Kulik  (Bud Kulik)

Members We Missed:  Andrews, Dennis, Hart, Murphy, Zinchuk, Laux

Bud Kulik was inducted into membership, with Carolyn Johnson presiding.  Welcome, Bud!

In District Governor Carolyn's presentation, she noted that we had skipped "happy dollars" to allow her more time, but that happy dollars are a feature of Rotary that indicates how Rotarians treat each other as family and care about each other.  Similarly, Rotarians care about community members, and she told a story about participating in the Yarmouth club's baskets for seniors at Christmas time and being touched when a woman told her "this is the only Christmas present I will receive."  Stories like this, of clubs reaching out to others, can be likened to features of the Rotary wheel -- the key-way near the axle hole and the notches on the outside.   Without them, things would spin without producing any useful action.  The outside gears, connecting with other gears, can also illustrate how clubs have connected with other groups on projects to make something happen.

~ Thank you Walter

SEPTEMBER 24 - DG Carolyn's Official Visit 0

SEPTEMBER 17 - Oxford County Government

Guests:  Scott Cole  (speaker)  (Powell)

Members We Missed:  Andrews, Dennis, Dunham, Fraher, Mann, Murphy, Steven, Walker, Whitney, Wight

Scott Cole's presentation was a rundown of the organization and responsibilities of the Oxford County government.  Scott is currently County Administrator, having moved there after his stint as Bethel's Town Manager.  He noted that counties are responsible for unorganized territories as well as municipalities, and that Oxford County has the most densely populated unorganized territories of any county in Maine.  There are 36 organized municipalities.  The county has a $7.5 million budget, supported in large part by property taxes -- about 7% of a person's property tax bill.  Oxford Co. is somewhat unique in being the manager of an airport -- located near the Oxford Plains Speedway.  Also unusual is the fact that there are two county registries, with a registry in Fryeburg as well as the one most of us are familiar with in So. Paris.  Scott cited his three goals for county government administration:  transparency, efficiency, and accountability.

Thank you Walter


SEPTEMBER 17 - Oxford County Government 0

SEPTEMBER 10 - Club Assembly

Club Assembly


Guests:  Bud Kulik  (Hynek)


Members We Missed:  Andrews, Blair, Cole, Dennis, Dunham, Mann, Murphy, Roma, Thrall, Whitney


During committee reports, it was noted that the Fall Country Breakfast date has now been set for December 1.  For the upcoming Sept. 16 golf tournament, Bruce plans to assign times and duties by e-mail to members who volunteered to help.  Membership is working on new attendance requirements.  International gave another reminder of the Portland club's special program on Haiti on Sept. 20.  Service hopes to work jointly with Telstar's Interact group on one of their projects.  Ellie will be asked to write something for the Citizen's Letter to the Editor section, giving locations for cell phone donations.  Youth Services is developing goals for the year, and noted the need for reviewing procedures applicable to working with youth groups.




SEPTEMBER 10 - Club Assembly 0


Posted by Michele Varuolo Cole

The Board of Directors submit membership proposal for Bud Kulik with the classification of Small Engine Repairs.

If no written objection to the proposal is received by either Pres Rene McGrew or Sec Michele Cole within seven (7) days, then Bud will become a member at the Tues Sept 24th meeting.


*** MEMBERSHIP PROPOSAL *** Michele Varuolo Cole 0

SEPTEMBER 3 - Monthly Board Meeting in the Morning

Visiting Rotarians:

Glenn Huntley  (Oxford Hills)

John Griffith  (Oxford Hills)

A visitor from Prince Edward Island joined us part way through.



Bud Kulik  (Hynek)


Members We Missed:  Dennis, Dunham, Finley, Hart, Murphy, Steven, Tyler, Whitney


In place of a regular program, a Board meeting was conducted, instead of the Board's meeting separately later.  This included the announcement of a social with the District Governor, jointly with other nearby clubs, at Stony Brook at 5:00 pm on Tuesday, Sept. 24.  At our regular morning meeting that day, the Distr. Gov. will address the club.



SEPTEMBER 3 - Monthly Board Meeting in the Morning 0

AUG 20 - RYLA Update


Bud Kulik  (Hynek)

Liam Gallagher  (RYLA)  (Hart)

Nick Johnson  (RYLA)  (Hart)

Anna Sawyer  (RYLA - counselor)  (Hart)

Maisey Griffin  (Interact)  (Hart, Andrews)


Members We Missed:  Dennis, Dunham, Fraher, Murphy, Steven, Tyler, Walker, Whitney



+  Fireside Chat no longer scheduled

+  Camp Sunshine landscaping work day Sept. 14, starting at 8:00, cookout at noon.

+  Sept. 16 golf tournament will need 8 - 10 Rotary volunteers


Liam and Nick gave thoughts on their RYLA experience.  Treating obstacles as challenges, not problems.  Developing trust -- in yourself as well as in others.  Challenging yourself.  Learning from others' approach to dealing with situations.  More than one style of leadership -- "take charge" style not always best.  Getting others to speak up.  Realizing cases were joining is better than competing with groups aiming for common goal. 


Anna, who was a RYLA 2012 attendee and was one of the ten chosen (from 120) as a counselor for RYLA 2013, emphasized the life-long value of the program in making people better individuals as well as better leaders.  It's one of the best investments Rotary could make, she said.


Maisey described first-hand what we have all been hearing about Telstar's Interact program, that it really "took off" last year.  But they have even bigger plans for this year, she said -- one particular goal being an international project to add to a wide variety of local projects.  Our club is highly impressed with their accomplishments.



AUG 20 - RYLA Update 0


Club Assembly


Guests:  Bud Kulik  (Hynek)


Members We Missed:   Blair, Dunham, Fraher, Mann, Murphy, Roma, Steven, Tyler, Zinchuk


During committee reports, Membership noted that a Fireside Chat is scheduled for 6:00 on Aug. 23 at the Riverview Resort.  Foundation asked for and received club approval to donate $300 of luggage-tag money to the Haiti nursing training program described at our July 30 meeting.  Service reminded everyone of the Sept. 16 golf tournament (definite); a potential bike rally fundraiser for next July; and a new fundraising proposal to collect, for recycling, no-longer-used cell phones, i-phones, and i-pads.  Youth Services' report included the four categories of RYLA, Interact, Rotaract, and live skills workshops.





Rotarian Dean Walker

Guests:   Bud Kulik  (Powell)

Members We Missed:   Blair, Cole, Dennis, Fraher, Hart, Murphy, Whitney, Wight


Two potential fundraisers were brought up, both of which would appear to require a minimum of club effort:   (1) a bike rally next July, occurring between the Art Fair and Mollyockett Day, with the organizing done primarily by a biking group, and (2) a golf tournament in September, with the Bethel Inn handling most of the organizing.


Dean Walker's program was his classification talk.  He explained that shortly after he joined the club, he gave a talk but it was focused primarily on his model train hobby, not his own background.  Dean was born in Gardiner, Mass, but later his family moved to New Hampshire, and he graduated from high school in Manchester in 1951.  During high school, he realized that his interests were mechanically-oriented, and opted for a general course featuring shop.  After high school, he was employed in machine-shop related jobs, and then served in the U.S. Marines for several years where his assignments included working as a prison guard in Portsmouth, NH.  It was during this time that he met and married Priscella.  After his Marine tour of duty, he held a series of machine-shop related jobs with New Hampshire companies, culminating in his final position at the Portsmouth Naval Shipyard from 1977 to 1995, becoming machine shop supervisor there.  He and Priscella lived in Kittery, but also spent time in Bethel at an Eden Ridge condo.  They ultimately decided to have a single permanent residence in Bethel, and had a home built on Forest Drive -- equipped with a machine shop in the basement, as well as an elaborate model train set-up over the garage.


~ Walter


JULY 30 - Partners in Development: Nurse Scholarships in Haiti

Visiting Rotarian:  Marie Williams  (PDG)  (Kittery)


Guests: Matt Perejda  (speaker)  (Thrall),Sally Chase  (Marie Williams),Dewaine Craig  (former member),

Sarah Craig 


Members We Missed:  many !


During happy dollars, Steve reminded everyone of the Mahoosuc Land Trust's Eco-Home Tour on Sunday, Aug. 4.


The program was by Matt Perejda (son of former member Michele Perejda), currently a senior at Bates College.  He focused on a project he is working on for Haiti.  He and a group of friends have a goal to raise funds for scholarships that will allow 5 students in Haiti to complete a four-year nursing program there.  The group is working through Partners in Development, Inc., a nonprofit organization operating in Haiti and Guatemala to help the extreme poor attain independence and whole life improvement.  It is visualized that the trained nurses will be able to pass their skills on to others, as well as providing much-need medical care.  Hygiene and nutrition are among the fundamental areas of need in the country.  In answer to a question, Matt acknowledged that a contribution by our club would be most welcome.  Click here for a web page link explaining the program.   Matt's power point presentation is available in the download section of our website.  See the home page and the download section is the lower left.


~ Walter

JULY 30 - Partners in Development: Nurse Scholarships in Haiti 0

JULY 23 - RYLA Recap

Prog Chair Steve Wight and 2013 RYLA Participants Gabi Stone and Katie Merrill


Guests: Bill Strauss  (Varuolo Cole), Gabi Stone  (RYLA - speaker)  (Hart, Wight), Katie Merrill  (RYLA - speaker)  (Hart, Wight), Mr. Stone  (parent), Jen Merrill  (parent)


Members We Missed:  Blair, Dennis, Dunham, Mann, Murphy


Dan Hart noted that a third RYLA participant from Telstar, Liam Gallagher, could not attend and will be invited to come to a future meeting.


Gabi and Katie gave brief rundowns of their RYLA experiences, and then answered a number of questions from Rotarians.  It was a very positive experience for both girls, learning how to handle challenges of a different type than they had ever been faced with before, and working with students from other towns that they were meeting for the first time.  Some common threads were finding ways to communicate under challenging conditions (e.g., simulated conditions of being blind, deaf, or mute) and learning different ways of thinking about leadership -- there are times to step back and let others step in, as well as times to step forward.  An interesting aside was Gabi's mention of being so eager to apply to RYLA that after picking up the application she filled out the paperwork during the next class!


~ Walter

JULY 23 - RYLA Recap 0

JULY 16 - Maine Rail Transit

Pres Rene, Savannah Vermette, and Youth Services Co-Chair Dan Hart


Guests: Tony Donovan  (speaker)  (Zinchuk), Chad McGrew  (Rene), Savannah Vermette  (student of the month)  (Hart), Steven Vermette  (parent), Darci Vermette  (parent) and Aaron Vermette  (brother)


Members We Missed:  Andrews, Blair, Dennis, Dunham, Finley, Murphy, Roma, Tyler


Savannah was recognized as Telstar's under-class student of the month for May.


Tony Donovan's presentation, sponsored by the Maine Rail Transit Coalition and in cooperation with the Bethel Area Chamber of Commerce, was on "Boston - Montreal Passenger Rail via Portland & Bethel --- Can We Do That?"  Tony's profession involves commercial real estate and economic development.  He stressed the importance of local communities taking action to move projects along, rather than waiting for the State or others to do something.  Having passenger service in a town can spur investments there and be of significant economic benefit; he cited Brunswick as an example.  He is gaining traction for his proposal, and noted that Portland, Auburn and Lewiston have given resolutions of support.  He has his eye on the specific diesel multiple unit trains -- now sitting idle -- that he feels would be perfect for such a project.  From Bethel's standpoint, he noted that we have the only railway platform and station between Montreal and Portland.   FMI Contact Maine Rail Transit.


~ Walter

JULY 16 - Maine Rail Transit 0
JUNE 25 - Year End Social Meeting Photos Michele Varuolo Cole 0

The New Rotary Year: Changes you should know about

The New Rotary Year: Changes you should know about By Arnold R. Grahl from RI website - Rotary News - 1 July 2013

       Above link is to the full article ... below is excerpt of changes noticeable at the Club level ...


Other changes for 2013-14:

  • Rotarians will be allowed to form satellite clubs, whose members meet at a different time and location from their parent clubs. The change, approved by the Council on Legislation in April, is intended to make it easier for members to develop the core for a new club.
  • Districts will be able to form an unlimited number of e-clubs. The Council removed a limit of two e-clubs per district. The change is designed to bring in new members and appeal to young professionals, who may be less able to meet in person weekly.
  • The name of Rotary’s fifth Avenue of Service will change from “New Generations Service” to “Youth Service.” This change was also approved by the Council. In 2010, this avenue of service joined Club Service, Vocational Service, Community Service, and International Service.
  • The dues Rotary clubs pay Rotary International will increase US$1 to $53 per member.
  • A redesigned Rotary website will be launched in late summer.
The New Rotary Year: Changes you should know about 0


Pres Rene, Austin Ryerson (May Upper SOM), Youth Svc Co-Chair Dan Hart


Visiting Rotarian:  Erik Covitz  (Boca Raton - Sunrise)


Guests: Bud Kulik  (Hynek), Laurence Austin  (Hynek), Austin Ryerson  (student of the month)  (Hart), Sandi  Parker  (Austin grandmother)  (Hart)


Members We Missed:  Blair, Dennis, Dunham, Finley, Murphy, Powell, Roma, Steven, Thrall, Tyler, Whitney


Austin Ryerson was recognized as upperclass student of the month for May.


Steve Wight reported that the Rotary Foundation is placing increased emphasis on outreach to other countries.  Dan Hart's report on New Generations (to be renamed Youth Services) covered a series of Rotary-related opportunities extending from high-school age through college-age and beyond.  Telstar's Interact group is “fired up” for next year and hopes to get distinctive T-shirts.


~ Walter



The Board recommends the following Bylaw change for the Rotary Club of Bethel:

Article 2      Board

                  The governing body of this Club shall be the Board and Officers consisting of  twelve (12) members of this Club, namely, President, President-elect, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer,  Membership Committee Director, Foundation Committee Director, Service Committee Director, Public Image Committee Director, and Youth Services (aka New Generations) Committee Director,  Sergeant at Arms, and Immediate Past President.


Effectively what this proposal does is add the New Generations Committee Chair to the Board as a voting member as well as administratively update Committee Names.


According to our Bylaws Article 16 ... These by-laws may be amended at any regular meeting, a quorum being present, by a two-thirds vote of all members present, provided that notice of such proposed amendment shall have been mailed to each member at least ten (10) days before such meeting.  no amendment or addition to these by-laws can be made which is not in harmony with the standard Rotary club constitution and with the constitution and by-laws of RI.

Please accept this notice here as such notice with a vote to be taken by the club membership within the month.



The yard sale and auction grossed over $12,000.  Ellie led a discussion of ideas to further improve the event next year.  Jim Mann urged everyone to read the first UP FRONT article in the July "Rotarian" about a man's inspiring dedication to forming the first Rotary Club in Armenia.

 ~ Walter



Guests: Matt Ruby  (speaker)  (Blair), Jack Kallis  (Wight)


Members We Missed:  Dennis, Mann, McGrew, Whitney


Matt Ruby, Head of School at Gould Academy, described two examples of new initiatives aimed at capitalizing fully on the schools assets.  He said that nationally the number of applications to private schools has been decreasing, and although Gould has been holding its own so far, he is seeking new ways to enhance the school's attractiveness.  His first example is the music program where excellent physical facilities exist, but top-level teachers for some instruments are not available locally.  A partnership has been formed with the Manhattan School of Music to conduct lessons "at a distance" using video technology that creates the feeling of being together in person.  A valuable feature of this system is that the lessons are archived for future reference.  His second example is veterinary science instruction, taking advantage of the animals kept at Gould's "farm," and assisted by local veterinarians. 


~ Walter



Visiting Rotarian:  Nelson Durgin  (Bangor)

Guests: Mitchell Sabins  (student of the month)  (Hart), Jiranan "Pin" Jintasataporn  (one of senior Top Scholars)  (Hart)

Members We Missed:   Andrews, Blair, Dennis, Fraher, Mann, Murphy, Roma, Tyler, Walker, Whitney, Wight, Zinchuk


Announcements included the plan for our club to serve lobster rolls on Mollyockett Day, July 20.


 Mitch was honored as upperclass student of the month, and told us his plans.

 “Pin," who was not able to attend Rotary with the other Top Scholars on May 28, described her experiences as an exchange student from Thailand.

~ Walter



Guests: Tim O'Connor  (speaker)  (Dennis), RayAnne Morin  (Telstar student)  (Dennis), Buddy Williamson  (Telstar student)  (Dennis)


Members We Missed:  Cole, Dunham, Mann, Murphy, Thrall, Walker, Whitney, Wilson


Special alert!   Wood splitting time changed to Sunday, June 9 at 12:00 noon.


Tim O'Connor's presentation described the School-to-Work program at Telstar, which he coordinates.  The program, currently in its 4th year, is for students in their junior and senior years and currently has nine students enrolled.  As the name implies, its goal is to prepare students for the workplace and to actually launch them into it.  There are different levels of involvement.  Initial stages are primarily mentoring in such things as proper dress in the workplace, preparing a resume, interviewing for a job.  Intermediate stages involve job shadowing at a work location, or working there as an unpaid intern.  The top stage is actual part-time paid employment. The latter can be done during normal school hours by taking advantage of any extra credits the student has built up and because credits can be earned by the program itself.  Two current students with part time jobs, RayAnne Morin and Buddy Williamson, described what they are doing and the value they are getting from the program.  RayAnne works as a bank teller, and Buddy works as an electrician.   Our club is closely involved with the program, with Bruce, Dan, Robin, and Rene M. serving on the Advisory Board.  Also, Ian met with the group to talk about entrepreneurship.


~ Walter



Visiting Rotarians: Marty Helman  (Boothbay Harbor)  (Distr. Gov.), Carolyn Johnson  (Yarmouth)  (Distr. Gov. Elect), Sheila Rollins  (Bridgton - Lake Region  (Asst. Distr. Gov.)


Guests:   (Telstar H.S. Class of 2013 Top Scholars)  (Hart)

Gabrielle Conrad

Carlee Beatson

Kurt Mason

Brianna Santos

Richard James

Tabitha Corriveau

Jessica Casey

Kevin Annis

Jannell Waterhouse

David Mason

Althea-Jean Cary

Colton Davis

Rachael Wheeler

Jiranan "Pin" Jintasataporn -- an exchange student from Thailand


Members We Missed:  Dennis, Dunham, Mann, Murphy, Steven, Thrall, Tyler, Whitney, Wilson


All of the Telstar Top Scholars introduced themselves and told us where they live, who their parents are, their plans for after graduation, and a particularly memorable high school experience.  They received a much-deserved standing ovation for their high school achievements.


~ Walter



Guests: Jack Day  (speaker)  (Finley); Ellen Whitney  (Rick); Anthony Deiulio  (Hynek); Blair Stevens  (student of the month)  (Hart); Amy Stevens  (parent)  (Hart)


Members We Missed:  Dennis, Dunham, Mann, McGrew, Murphy, Roma, Steven, Thrall, Wilson, Wight


Blair Stevens was honored as Student of the Month 


Announcements included the June 25 changeover meeting -- replacing the morning meeting -- to be held 5:00 - 7:00 pm at Steve Wight's home.


Jack Day's presentation described "Camp To Belong," which reunites siblings who are separated by foster care.  This unique program was founded by a person who was herself separated from siblings by foster care.  It has been in operation in Maine for four years, using facilities and staff (other than camp counselors) of Camp Wigwam on Bear Lake in Waterford, for the week following the end of the regular Camp Wigwam season -- this year Aug. 19-24.  During the week, the campers enjoy typical summer-camp activities such as swimming, boating, hiking, wall climbing, arts & crafts, theatre, bocce, and badminton.  In addition, there are special events such as an evening "birthday bash" where siblings pick out and present gifts to each other, from a collection of donated items.  Jack said the camp's biggest challenge is to find volunteer camp counselors, who must be age 18 or older.  Thirty counselors are needed for the one-week camp and for a 3-day training session preceding it, and Jack is hoping that our club members will consider this.  Their phone no. is 899-7507, e-mail address

~ Walter



Visiting Rotarian:  Glenn Huntley (Oxford Hills)


Guests: Patty Monahan  (Club), Anthony Deiulio  (Hynek)


Members We Missed:  Dennis, Hart, Mann, Murphy, Roma, Thrall, Tyler, Wilson


From Committee Reports:

     +  Club is considering doing lobster rolls for Mollyockett Day

     +  2 boys and 2 girls going to RYLA under our club's sponsorship

     +  Bethel Area Cleanup Day on Sat. May 25 starting 9:00 at Davis Park  (rain date June 1)


Mike Steven expressed gratitude to Patty for Jim Monahan's generous gift to the club, noting that will be used for local needs, and that a committee has been formed to review various possibilities.  Mike described Jim as having been a true Rotarian -- giving service above self -- "someone who quietly did the right thing."  He had been a club member since 1974.  He made many contributions over the years, but is best remembered in recent years for his work at the Christmas luncheon for seniors, where his famous raisin sauce became a fixture.  Touching on other aspects of Jim's life, Mike recalled his 20 year service in the U.S. Air Force, his love of cooking, and his love of the outdoors.  His sports prowess extended to four different sports.  Golf was one of these, and he served for a time as golf pro at the Bethel Inn.  Jim was a great Rotarian and a great friend, and will be missed us all.


 ~ Walter



Visiting Rotarian:  Oscar Legere  (River Valley)


Guest:  Suzanne Legere  (Oscar Legere)


During happy dollars, there were several interesting stories by Steve and Kevin about the Nigerian GSE team's visit to Bethel over the preceding weekend.


Everyone was urged to attend the May 14 meeting at which Patty Monahan will be present, and at which Bob Laux is expected to express appreciation for Jim's many contributions, including his generous bequest to the club.


Kevin noted that although there was an initial mix-up in getting applications for Rotary scholarships, things are back on track and applications are currently under review.


Oscar Legere, who achieved 67 years of perfect attendance, recalled his early years with the Rotary Club of Rumford (now the River Valley club), which he joined in 1942.  This was the club that later sponsored the formation of the Bethel club, and Oscar joked that he pushed this idea so he would have a good place to go when he needed a make-up.  As an aspect of his being a dedicated Rotarian, he said he had traveled to international Rotary meetings 38 different times.


~ Walter


Nigeria GSE Team Visit

Posted by Stephen Wight


We certainly had a great time with the Nigerians.  Thanks to all who were able to spend some time with them over the weekend.  Special praise to Scott Hynek who will drive them to Gray on Monday to meet Rotarians from Saco for their next adventure and to Ian who loaned a vehicle for the trip that is large enough to hold the team and their month's worth of luggage!  Sympathy to Kevin who was "forced" to play golf on Sunday with Team Leader Mike.  We KNOW how he hates playing golf!!!

Nigeria GSE Team Visit Stephen Wight 0


Guest:  Anthony Deiulio  (Hynek)


Members we missed:  Dennis, Finley, Mann, Murphy, Powell, Thrall, Tyler, Whitney


Announcements included the May 4 cleanup day at the 4H Camp; the May 4 potluck social with the GSE visitors at the Riverview Resort; and, the May 7 going away party for Joe & Lynn Arizzi.


Dan Hart's program was his classification talk (High School Principal).  Dan grew up in the Camden, Maine area.  His original college degree was in Criminal Justice from what is now USM at Gorham, after which he worked 5 years at Cumberland County CETA (Comprehensive Employment & Training Act).   He next moved into the secondary school education field as guidance counselor at Telstar where he worked for 11 years, having obtained a master's degree in counselor education from USM.  Moving into administration, he obtained a Certificate of Advanced Studies from USM and became Asst. Principal of Tripp School in Turner.  He then became principal of Dirigo high school for 7 years, before moving into his current position as principal of Telstar High School.  Family-wise, Dan and Julie were married in 1980 and have two daughters, Lauren and Lindsay.  Dan recalled the time when he was Dirigo principal and their graduation day coincided with Telstar's, at which his daughter was graduating.  He managed to get the Dirigo graduation time moved to late afternoon, so he could attend Telstar's in the evening.  He also recalled the positive influence of Outward-Bound-type experiences he had, initiated by Dewaine Craig when he was Superintendent.





Visiting Rotarians: Glenn Huntley (Oxford Hills), John Griffith (Oxford Hills), Read Dickinson (River Valley)


Guests: Richard Fain (past president) (McGrew), Natalie Fain (McGrew), Anthony Deiulio (Hynek), Colton Davis (Telstar Interact) (Hart), Maisey Griffi (Telstar Interact) (Hart), Rebecca Andriozzi (Gould Academy), Sara Shifrin (Gould Academy), Will Lyman (Telstar student of the month) (Hart), John Walker (Telstar student of the month) (Hart), Debra Brown (grandparent of SOM), Owen Brown (grandparent of SOM)


Members We Missed:  Andrews, Blair, Dennis, Dunham, Mann, Murphy, Roma, Thrall, Tyler, Whitney, Wilson, Zinchuk


Scott Hynek announced the Camp Susan Curtis general cleanup day:  Friday, June 7.   There will also be a separate "skilled labor day" to build kayak racks.


Walter's program was his classification talk (Chemical Engineer - past service) which he said he has been waiting 17 years to give.  His entire working career was with Exxon -- originally Esso -- in the central technical group dealing with refining and petrochemical manufacture, located in New Jersey.  The work involved research and development, design, and troubleshooting of processes and equipment for the company's worldwide installations.  It included a two-year assignment in The Hague and a four-year assignment in London.   Walter grew up in Old Town, Maine, went to U. Maine Orono his freshman year, finished his B.S. degree at Worcester Tech as part of the Navy's V-12 college training program, and got an M.S. degree from M.I.T.  Family-wise, he and wife Carolyn have 5 daughters, 12 grandchildren, and 8 great-grandchildren.  His connection to Bethel started in the early 1970's with golf vacations at the Bethel Inn, which continued each year and led to the choice of Bethel as a retirement location in 1987.





Posted by Stephen Wight

The District 9125 GSE Team will be in Rumford May 1-4 and on retreat in Bethel at the Hastings Suites May 4-6. 

Rumford has invited the Bethel Club to join them at 49 Franklin for 5:30 pm social and 6 pm dinner with the team presentation on Thursday Evening May 2. 

Steve Wight will have a sign-up sheet at tomorrow's club meeting.  If you miss the sign-up sheet, please RSVP to or (207) 890-8356.

Click here for the Team Bio and Visit Schedule.

****** NEW ******   See Events Section of the Website for information regarding Sat May 4th GSE Team Pot Luck Social at the Riverview. 


2013 DISTRICT 9125 GSE TEAM Stephen Wight 0


Below ... Kristen Powell receives a Paul Harris Fellow.  Now the whole family has one!


Scott Hynek was presented with a PHF too!


And, a good time was had by All!




Visiting Rotarian:   Dave Carter (Oxford Hills)


Members We Missed:  Andrews, Blair, Dennis, Hart, Mann, Murphy, Roma, Tyler, Whitney


Mike Steven gave us the good news that Jim Monahan made a sizeable bequest to our club.  His intent is for us to use the gift locally, but there are no other restrictions.  A committee of seven has been appointed to discuss possible uses of this gift.


Personal news:  Paige is expecting an addition to the Crockett family.


Kathy advised that a grant is being developed to fund a visit to Haiti to look into opportunities for additional assistance to the orphanage there.


Steve alerted us that a new grant system is being developed by the Rotary Foundation.  He also advised that the GSE visitors from Nigeria, hosted by the River Valley club, will be spending a weekend in Bethel in early May.  The GSE visitors are all in occupations assisting special-needs persons.


The Membership committee continues to consider attendance policies that would better accommodate individuals who have difficulty attending morning meetings but would like to participate in service activities and projects.





Visiting Rotarian:  Dave Carter (Oxford HIlls)

Guest:  Bud Kullik (speaker)  (Hynek)

Members We Missed:  Andrews, Blair, Dennis, Dunham, Mann, Murphy, Whitney



     Bud Kulik's presentation dealt with the resolution passed at a special town meeting, stating that the Town of Bethel opposes the transport of tar sands oil through Maine.  Bud is spearheading a petition drive to revisit this decision at the June annual town meeting, by including a warrant article rescinding this resolution.  His motivation is to have the issue decided in a fairer manner and by a larger cross-section of residents, unlike the manner in which the special town meeting evolved, with no opportunity to hear both sides of the question.  This was grossly unfair, he said, and reflected badly on the town.  He stressed that the proposed article rescinding the resolution is to correct this unfairness -- not to advocate for a particular position.  Bud distributed both the detailed resolution which was passed, and also material that was subsequently presented at a March 21 public forum in which industry and Canadian government representatives participated.


~ Walter


In Memoriam - James L. Monahan, 1918 - 2013

Jim Monahan  We miss you Jim.

Rotarian Mike Steven recently announced that Jim left a blessed legacy to our Club.  We will be learning more in the coming months.  His daughter Patty will be back in the area mid-May.  Thank you Jim.



In Memoriam - James L. Monahan, 1918 - 2013 0


Visiting Rotarian:   Dave Carter (Oxford Hills)

Guests:  Eric Lowell (upper class student of the month), Robert Lowell  (parent), Cassidy Smith  (under class student of the month), Ernie Peare  (parent), Penny Peare  (parent)

Members We Missed:  Andrews, Dunham, Roma, Thrall, Whitney

During "happy dollars," Dean was the happiest -- celebrating his acquisition of two long-sought vintage train items.

David Murphy's program presentation stressed the need for new thinking on public school educational methods, noting that current systems are basically the same as those defined by the Committee of Ten in 1892, with a prescribed curriculum for each grade.  Public education is a dinosaur, he said, and a transformational change is needed -- not just tinkering.  Taking full advantage of technology is important, but keeping in mind that technology is a tool, not the system itself.  Customized learning is a key concept -- an individualized approach -- meeting kids "where they are." 

~ Walter






Guest:  Adam Mahar  (Finley)

Members We Missed:  Andrews, Blair, Dennis, Dunham, Hart, Whitney, Zinchuk

Scholarship recipient Adam Mahar told us that things were going well for him at Cornell University.  He hasn't yet zeroed in on a specific major.  He noted how valuable he regarded his RYLA experience in building leadership qualities and character.

March 24 Country Breakfast:  Scott Hynek will send out an e-mail reminder of duties and times people have signed up for.  It's hoped that Interact people can help, particularly during the second shift, and Steve will remind them about this again.

Kevin described the:"Patient Portal" system which Bethel Area Health Center patients can enroll in.  Quoting from the brochure he provided:

 +  It's Fast!  The Patient Portal provides instant, direct access to our providers and staff, providing a more streamlined health care experience.  You can send and receive messages to staff and providers regarding your health care needs.

 +  It's Easy!  The Patient Portal will allow you to request and manage your health center appointments at your convenience, from the comfort of your home or office.

 +  It's Safe!  Our patients' privacy is our number one concern.  The Patient Portal is a password protected website that gives secure access to each user so you can feel safe when using it.

 Thank you Walter



Guest:  Kallie Brown (Finley)

Members We Missed:  Dennis, Dunham, Hart, Murphy, Tyler, Wilson, Zinchuk

Scholarship recipient Kallie Brown reported that she is in her 2nd semester at St. Michael's College in Vermont, and is aiming at Education as her specialty.  She raised eyebrows by mentioning that she's gotten interested in playing Rugby football.


Service committee:  Discussion of the 3/16 wine tasting event and the 3/24 country breakfast.  Steve will contact the Interact group about helping with the latter.

Foundation committee:  Discussion of the GSE team's visit from Nigeria in early May, and possible assistance to the host River Valley club. 

Membership committee:  Discussion of needing a new high-profile service project that would attract people's interest and lead to their considering joining Rotary. 




Visiting Rotarian:  Dave Carter (Oxford Hills)

Guests:  Shirley Powell   (Bruce), Dr. Carl Francis  (Jim Mann)

Members We Missed:  Andrews, Dunham, Hart, Murphy, Tyler

As a "mini-program," Dr. Francis updated us on the Maine Mineral and Gem Museum (MMGM), now undergoing final construction at the corner of Main and Chapman Sts. in Bethel.  Carl retired as curator of the Harvard University Mineralogical Museum in 2011 and is now serving as curator of MMGM.  Plans and resulting construction of MMGM have kept expanding, and an exact opening date has not been set.  An example is the decision to put a whole new foundation and basement under the Odd Fellows building -- not in the original plans.  The MMGM exhibits will tell the complete story of mining, minerals, and gems; how minerals are formed, found, and mined; the historical and current industrial uses for minerals; and the art of cutting gems and creating jewelry.  This will be the world's most extensive collection, exhibits, and archival documents of Maine mining, minerals, and gems in one location.  It will even include out-of-this-world items, i.e., meteorites. 

Rotary information:  Everyone was urged to read the great "Rotarian" article and accompanying picture of Ann Lee Hussey and her recent polio-related trip to Nigeria.

~ Walter



 Jim with his daughter Patty - Country Breakfast 2012

James L. Monahan 

NORWAY — James L. Monahan, 95, of Bethel, passed away on Tuesday, March 5, at Stephens Memorial Hospital.

He was born in Montreal, Canada, Jan. 28, 1918, the son of George T. and Margret Houley Monahan. He graduated from Berlin, N.H. High School in 1937 and attended the University of Wisconsin. He graduated from Black Hill State College, with a degree in marketing. He married Josephine McMillian on Sept. 5, 1942.






Visiting Rotarian:  Peter Skeels-Riggins  (Falmouth, Cornwall, U.K.)

Guests: Charity Webster  (Int'l. Student Exchange - speaker), Allen Jenkins  (Peter-Skeels-Riggins), Anneliese Smith  (Telstar upper-class student of the month), Liz Smith  (parent), Kaitlyn Brown  (Telstar under-class student of the month), Kim Dupuis  (parent), Heather and Sean (ISE)

  President Bruce with SOM Kaitlyn Brown (left) and Anneliese Smith.  Thank you Kevin and Suzanne.

Members We Missed:  Andrews, Blair, Dunham, Mann, Murphy, Tyler, Wilson 

The program presentation described the International Student Exchange (ISE), founded in 1982 and headquartered in Babylon, NY, "A Partner in Education for Tomorrow's Leaders."  It operates in 55 different countries and offers an academic year program, a semester program and a summer program.  Students are 15 to 18 1/2 years old.  They reside with host families and experience family interactions, as part of the overall culture exchange experience.  Considerable effort is spent on finding the right host family, who are asked to treat the student a member of the family -- following all its rules and practices -- rather than a guest.  Thank you Walter.

   Pres Bruce with ISE representatives.




wh-foil         The new Rotary Year will bring significant changes to the process and opportunities for accessing grants from the Rotary Foundation. To take advantage of these opportunities, clubs will need to start preparing now. One requirement of involvement in Foundation Grants (Community Grants or Global Grants) will be for at least two members of each club to participate in a Grants Management Seminars.    (Excerpted from C Johnson story District newsletter)


Visiting Rotarian:  Dave Carter  (Oxford Hills)

Guest:  Dave Bean  (speaker)  (Walker)

Members We Missed:  Andrews, Cole, Dunham, Hart, Mann, Murphy, Thrall, Tyler, Wilson

During happy dollars, Robin told about going through her father's things (part of moving), finding a box of memorabilia and clippings from his cross-country track coaching days, and deciding to track down and contact the students her father had coached, and which obviously had meant so much to him.  Her "Hello, this is Robin Horvath" resulted -- after initial surprise -- in many poignant reminiscences.

Dave Bean's presentation covered the nuts and bolts of how the Bethel Food Pantry operates.  It is part of the District Exchange and is currently located in a room in the Nazarene Church on Church St. in Bethel, accessed from a side entrance on Park St.  Recipients make an individual appointment in advance.  Donations to the pantry -- non-perishable food items and also paper goods -- can be left at Dave's home on Park St. (easiest for him) or at the Bethel Foodliner for him to pick up periodically.  Monetary donations can be made at the Northeast Bank.   Dave noted that a donors get more bang for their buck if they give money rather giving goods they have purchased, because he is able to secure items at much lower prices at places such as the Good Shepherd Food Bank.




Visiting Rotarian:  Sheila Rollins  (Asst. Distr. Gov.)  

Guest:  Dave Freiday  (Powell)

Members We Missed:  Andrews, Dennis, Dunham, Mann, Murphy, Tyler, Whitney

We were reminded to bring to the Feb. 19 meeting non-perishable food items or money to purchase same.

Sheila Rollins was congratulated on being selected to be District Governor for 2015-16..  She described plans for a GSE trip to Nigeria, including the many hurdles involved.  She also advised that the district has made the decision to cease being involved in GSE in the future, at least in its present format.  Other formats for international exchanges are being considered.




Seabury Lyns listens to a question posed from the audience with Pres Bruce listens on ...

Visiting Rotarian:  Dave Carter  (Oxford Hills)

GuestsBrendon Bass  (Thrall), Seabury Lyon  (speaker)  (Thrall)

Members We Missed:  Andrews, Crockett, Dennis, Hart, Laux, Moran-Laux, Murphy, Roma, Tyler, Wilson

Country Breakfast date may be changed to March 24 instead of March 10.  Stay tuned.

Seabury Lyon started off his talk on tar sands oil (TSO) by expressing disappointment at how the recent town meeting proceeded, with no opportunity for the other side of the story to be heard.  Having said that, Seabury described why he and others are extremely concerned about any possibility that the pipeline through Bethel would be used to transport TSO.  He cited the devastation caused by a pipeline rupture releasing TSO into Marshall Creek and the Kalamazoo River in Michigan.  The incident highlighted that traditional methods for handling oil spills are inadequate for handling spills of TSO, because the heavy tar-like TSO sinks rather than floats after the lighter diluents used to make it pumpable have evaporated.  Seabury detailed other aspects of his concern, which have been covered extensively in recent editions of the Bethel Citizen.  During the question/comment period Scott Hynek took issue with the need to rush through the recent resolution, noting "why couldn't this issue have waited for the regular June town meeting, when it could be considered by folks other than partisans of this particular issue?





Tom Carey  (speaker)  (Wight), Jim Sysko  (speaker)  (Wight)

Members We Missed:  Andrews, Crockett, Dunham, Fraher, Hart, Laux, Moran-Laux, Roma, Steven, Tyler, Whitney, Zinchuk

New date for wine-tasting event:  March 16

As an off-shoot to the District's World Peace and Understanding event on Feb. 23, we were asked to bring contributions for the local food pantry to our Feb. 19 meeting:  non-perishable items or money.

Tom Carey, with Jim Sysko's assistance, presented plans for a zip-line project in Rumford.  As many people know, Jim's 5,000 ft. zip line on his Newry property is one of the longest in the world.   The proposed Rumford project would take scenic advantage of the Rumford Falls, which Tom described as having the highest vertical drop of any falls east of Niagara Falls.  His ultimate plans envision seven different zip line routes, although the project would proceed in stages.  Each route would have three parallel lines.  Many of the routes end up passing under Rumford's Memorial bridge.  Jim displayed the high-tech stainless steel mechanism that rides along the cable and supports the rider, and then surprised most of us by showing a braking mechanism he had devised featuring a wooden dowel needing periodic replacement.  In answer to "why not something more durable than a wooden dowel?", Jim explained the important need to protect the cable against any kind of wear.  Although riding zip lines is not for the faint of heart, Tom visualized a lot of interest both summer and winter, noting the highly visible location next to Rt. 2 with a lot of recreational visitors passing by year-round.  

~~ Walter


RLI - Rotary Leadership Institute - March 2 - Wells     Click for RLI bulletin.

Dear District Rotarians,

Like to meet Rotarians from other clubs and learn how they operate? Then Rotary Leadership Institute is for you. Our next course is on March 2, 2013 at York County Community College in Wells from 7:30am-3:30pm. All three levels and the Graduate program are being offered.

The Rotary Leadership Institute (RLI) is a series of fast paced, interactive, courses offered to refine a Rotarians leadership skills and increase their base knowledge of Rotary.

Courses are fun, topical, interactive and geared to busy business people and professionals who would like to be more dynamic as leadersand members of their vocation and club. The training provides a better understanding of Rotary and its programs, thus developing more effective Rotarians.

Participants contribute their experience and ideas in facilitated discussion groups (not more than 15 participants) and the aim is to acquire leadership skills and grow Rotary knowledge.  A deeper understanding of the unique nature of each Rotary club is fostered and participants are encouraged to learn from these differences. The style of the courses is conversational and learning comes by sharing knowledge, ideas and opinions.

Graduates return to their club with enthusiasm, new contacts, fresh ideas, an increased understanding of their potential as Rotarians, adding valuable skills that will impact on the club.

The cost is only $75 per person and includes breakfast and lunch. It is usual for many clubs to pay this charge for their members.   Register before February 20 to avoid a $10 late fee.

To register:

We hope to see you March 2nd in Wells!

John J. Rainone, District RLI Chair, Rotary Club of York

RLI - Rotary Leadership Institute - March 2 - Wells 0

JANUARY 22 - Camp CaPella


Dana Mosher  (speaker)  (Lynn Wilson); Students of the Month- Mariah Millett,  Colton Godwin, Becca Howard; Parents - Corey Millett  (parent), Stacy Millett, Arthur Godwin, Cathy Godwin, Donna Howard

Members We Missed:  Andrews, Blair, Crockett, Dennis, Dunham, Laux, McGrew, Moran-Laux, Murphy, Tyler, Zinchuk.


Wine-tasting event:  Not to be held on Feb. 23.  Later date being worked on.

World Peace & Understanding Dinner:  Feb. 23.

Country Breakfast:  March 10


Dana Mosher gave an informative presentation on Camp CaPella,, which is located on Phillips Lake, Lucerne-in-Maine, between Bangor and Ellsworth.  With a capacity for about 25 campers, Dana describes it as "the little camp that could."  It serves both children and adults with physical and developmental disabilities.  These include cerebral palsy, muscular dystrophy, spina bifida, Down syndrome, autism, spinal cord injuries and other conditions.  The camp's philosophy is that all campers, regardless of abilities, will have a program that offers recreation, learning experiences and an opportunity to discover and strengthen their abilities.  It is one of a very few camps of this type in the country.  Prior campers have written later to describe their experience as "magical" and "life-changing."

~ Walter

JANUARY 22 - Camp CaPella 0

UPCOMING March ....

Tickets for Country Breakfast March 24th are now available.  Flyer available in download section of Home Page.

Club vote on 2013/2014 Officer and Board Slate at Tuesday's Meeting March 19th.

Good to see you walking around Pres Bruce!

Happy March Birthday to David Fraher!

UPCOMING March .... 0


Club assembly.  No visiting Rotarians or guests.

Upcoming events:

+  Wine-tasting fundraiser being planned for Feb. 23 at Sunday River's Whtecap Lodge.  Dave Nivus has agreed to assist again.

+  Country Breakfast tentatively scheduled for March 10 -- awaiting confirmation from Gould.

Summer golf tournament:

+  Pat Roma explained that unless a new coordinator steps forward, along with assistants willing to commit themselves to soliciting sponsors, the club should be thinking of other ways to generate equivalent income.  He has been asked by the Inn about reserving a date, and has not done so because of this uncertainty.





At the January 8 meeting, the Rotary Club of Bethel presented scholarship awards to area college students who successfully completed their first semester. In all, 12 scholarships were awarded, nine traditional scholarships and three Rocky Freda Memorial scholarships. 

Pictured Front l-r: Kevin Finley, Scholarship Chair; Susan Newkirk (Rocky Freda award recipient), Emily Bellinger, Karen White (Rocky Freda award recipient), Abbie Goldberg, Britany Douglass; Back row: Daniel Whitney, Trenton Bonney (Rocky Freda award recipient ), Kyle Peterson, Jeb Clarke. Recipients unable to attend the meeting are: Adam Mahar, Kallie Brown and Molly Siegel.





Visiting Rotarian:   Dave Carter  (Oxford Hills)

Members We Missed: Andrews, Blair, Crockett, Dennis, Dunham, Thrall, Tyler, Wilson 

Dave Fraher, our newest member, described his background and activities leading up to his present calling as pastor of the Pleasant Valley Bible Church in West Bethel.  He started life in Wareham, Massachusetts, but his family subsequently lived in many different locations both in and outside of the U.S.  It was during his senior year in high school that he  knew he wanted to become a minister.  He had occasion then to observe how successful evangelism is done, and over the years learned how do it himself.  He attended college in Oneonta, New York, where he met his wife.  Dave is married with two children, a son and a daughter.




Posted by Suzanne Dunham

Rotary Breakfast a Success

Bethel – The Rotary Club of Bethel held its bi-annual Country Breakfast on Sunday, December 2, Ordway Hall, Gould Academy. A Rotary Country Breakfast is also held in March. In spite of the less than perfect weather the event was a great success, exceeding its goal. A special thank you to Rotarians, friends of Rotary and the Telstar Interact students, a program of Rotary, for staffing the event. Bruce Powell, Bethel Rotary President, commented that “the Club is very thankful to the community for its continuing support, which enables us to provide needed programs, and scholarships for area youth.  Pictured, l-r: Rick Whitney, Eric Lowell, Steve Wight, Cynthia Laux, Mike Cintron, Mike Steven, Maisey Griffin, Bob Laux.



Visiting Rotarians: Ashley Rand  --  speaker from Electricity Maine  (Powell), Patty Rice  --  past Asst. Distr. Gov.  (Oxford Hills), Beth Abbott  --  (Oxford Hills - past pres.)

Members We Missed: Andrews, Cole, Crockett, Dennis, Hart, Laux, Moran-Laux, Murphy, Thrall, Tyler, Wilson

Ashley Rand's presentation on Electricity Maine addressed the questions "what is Electricity Maine?", "why Electricity Maine?", and "how do I sign up?"  The company is a locally owned electricity supplier to CMP, dedicated to providing Mainers with a lower rate than the Standard Offer supplier.  Mainers have the option to choose their electricity supplier (the 2nd part of our monthly bill), even though CMP would continue to be the deliverer in our area (the 1st part of the bill).  Electricity Maine can handle residential and small business accounts, but not large commercial accounts.  In answer to questions, Ashley explained that using Electricity Maine would have no effect whatsoever on reliability of power, restoration of power, how meters are read, or any other activities currently handled by CMP.  Enrolling can be done online at or by calling toll free at 866-573-2674.

~ Walter



Visiting Rotarians: Patty Rice -- past Asst. Distr. Gov. (Oxford Hills), Beth Abbott  (Oxford Hills -- Past. Pres.)

Guests: Matt Ruby -- speaker  (Hatch), Kevin Annis -- upperclass student of the month (Hart), Nancy Annis -- parent  (Hart)Jessica Kelly -- underclass student of the month  (Hart), Michael Kelly parent  (Hart),Teresa Kelly -- parent  (Hart)

Members We Missed: Blair, Cole, Crockett, Dennis, Mann, Murphy, Roma, Thrall, Wight

Matt Ruby described, in a most entertaining way, his background and activities leading up to his current position as Head of School at Gould Academy.  Matt was born in Boston, grew up in Montana, attended high school in Houston, and lived in Virginia and Pennsylvania prior to his next-previous position as Associate Head of School at Shattuck-St. Mary's School in Minnesota.   He obtained a bachelor's degree frrom Carleton College in Minnesota, where he met his wife Kathy, and later obtained a master's degree from the University of Minnesota.  He served as an officer in the U.S. Navy and in the private sector in the trucking business, prior to entering the education field which he came to realize was his path.  His long range goal at Gould is to make the school the most agile and creative school around, in deling with the changes that are happening in the field of education and in the world in general. 

~ Walter

Christmas For Children Campaign Kicks Off Suzanne Dunham 0


Note:  Although it was Club Assembly day, the speaker scheduled for Nov. 20 mistakenly came a week early, and time was made to accommodate his presentation.

Guests: Phill McIntyre  (speaker)  (Hatch), Matt Ruby -- Gould Academy, Becky Andreozzi  -- Gould Academy, Todd Ormister  (Finley), Chase Ormister  (Finley)

Members We MIssed: Crockett, Dunham, Hart, Laux, Murphy, Thrall, Tyler, Whitney, Wilson, Wight

Walter began collection of $20 for Senior Xmas Luncheon gifts, noting that anyone paying by check should make it out to Maine Line Products.

A very special surprise came from young Chase Ormister, who had personally raised money to give to charity, and had decided on our Christmas for Children project.  She received a well-deserved standing ovation.

Phill McIntyre's presentation described the Crossroads International Celtic Festival  -- "Rooted in the Mountains of Maine".  The inaugural Festival will take place in small towns through Oxford and Franklin Counties during five days, Sept. 11 - 15, 2013.  The mission is to produce an exceptional Celtic music festival featuring musicians of the highest caliber who entertain, educate, and delight audiences with the richness of Celtic culture, while generating new opportunities for regional econimic growth.  Phill also talked about the Skye Theatre Performing Arts Center (Carthage, ME), of which he is owner and director, and conducted a lively quiz -- with prizes -- to illustrate how extensive its activities are, compared to what the general public might be aware of.  

~ Walter



And there's lots more happening in the Rotary world during November.

A Future Leaders Seminar will take place on Saturday, Nov. 10 at the Cape Elizabeth Town Hall.  Here's the place to get your questions about serving at the District level (in all capacities, including District Governor) answered in a safe environment.  To quote PDG George Rice, who is organizing the event, "what happens in Cape Elizabeth, stays in Cape Elizabeth."  For more information, check the District website or email George at:

The following week will be a busy one for committee meetings:

On Tuesday, Nov. 13, the Rotaplast Committee will meet at 4:00 in the lounge at the Sable Oaks in Portland.  The Committee will hear from Bill Dunn, just returned from leading a Rotaplast trip to Cebu City, the Philippines.  It will also hear from Chair Ann Demeranville, who will have just returned from California, where she met with Rotaplast's new Director as well as with Alliance for Smiles.  She will have up-to-date information on how each of these good organizations is positioning itself to "play" under the rules of the new Foundation. Contact Ann at:

That same evening, at 6:00 p.m.,  Protection Training will take place at York County Community College.  All those Rotarians who have ongoing one-on-one contact with youth and other protected persons, and who have not had the training in three years or more, should sign up for this refresher.  This is just one of the ways in which we, as Rotarians, look after the youth and other vulnerable people with whom we work.  COntact Chair John Rainone at

And on Thursday, Nov 15,  a Visioning "Vision-to-Plan" workshop is planned for all clubs that have already gone through the Visioning process.  Here's an opportunity for clubs to share success stories and lessons learned. The focus will be on exploring ways to help Clubs move forward in the 'Vision to Plan' phase. It will also be an opportunity for the Vision Facilitation Committee to provide Clubs with information about tools that the District has developed that may be helpful. Appetizers will be served and there is a $7 per person donation to help defray the cost of the food. The event starts at 5:00 p.m. and runs until 8:00; at the Snow Squall Restaurant, 18 Ocean Street, South Portland, ME.  FMI: Jim Price,

Also as I write this, dates are being set for a Foundation literacy meeting, and  being re-set for a service day to load mobility devices for Africa.  What is determined is that we will have a sell-out busload of 49 (! ) Interact students traveling to the Big Apple this weekend to participate in Rotary-UN Day, to see the sights and enjoy a Broadway show.  I'm going along as a chaperone, and I must tell you that I am completely jazzed!

Marty Peak Helman
District 7780



            Rotary Online Makeups   10-20-12    K. Finley

There are many opportunities to do online makeups. If you want to use Google, just type in ‘Online Rotary Makeup’ and a list of clubs will come up.

One of the easiest sites and interesting ones, is Rotary eClubOne. This is the first online club and has good programs.

To get started, you only have to type in the URL web page: and this will take you to the site. There is a tab on the top row that says ‘MAKEUP PROGRAMS’. Click on this and a drop down list will appear and will have a choice of programs to choose from. There is an instructional video on how to do an online makeup and also written instructions.

Follow the instructions and complete the form for a makeup and send in your email address so the makeup form will be sent to your email. You can print off the email and give it to our Sargent at Arms or Email it to them or our secretary.

You will have to spend at least a half hour on the site reading at least three articles and completing a review in order to get the credit. The articles are usually pretty interesting and vary in interest. 





Amy Scott presenting on the Local Food Connection Oct 23.

Thank you Kevin and Suzanne for the photo.

Visiting Rotarian:  Glenn Huntley  (Oxford Hills)

Guests:  Amy Scott  (speaker) (Dunham), Dave Fraher  (Powell), Keith Hillard  (Powell), Huntley Blair  (Blair)  

Members We Missed:  Dennis, Hart, Murphy, Thrall, Tyler, Whitney, Zinchuk

WELCOME to our newest member, who was inducted today:  Dave Fraher

Amy Scott presented an interesting talk on the Local Food Connection, which is fostering a movement in the greater Bethel region that encourages all community members to grow, prepare, serve, purchase, and consume local foods.  Amy has been involved for 3 years.  One activity being promoted is a Buying Club -- now at 35 members -- for purchasing Maine produce.  Another is the formation of a Culinary Club at Telstar, using the kitchen at the Alliance Church.  The Local Food Connection organization meets monthly and is a member of the Bethel Area Nonprofit Collaborative.

For Rotary Information, Ellie gave a rundown of the many activities carried out and planned by the very energetic Interact group at Telstar. 

~Thanks Walter~



Guests:  Dave Fraher  (Powell),  Dr. Carl Francis  (Mann)

Wood splitting on Oct. 6 went very successfully, with the Interact group providing significant help.  Ellie has stepped in as an Interact advisor, and reported that the Interact group is enthusiastic and "ready to roll."  It's expected that the group will wrap gifts for the Senior Xmas Luncheon and help with the luncheon itself.

Country breakfast tickets:  final decision is not to print new ones, but to have Rotarians mark up tickets they sell with the correct Dec. 2 date.

Rene McGrew gave a presentation and fielded questions about life as a Sergeant-at-Arms, and also her own personal background.  Rene is from "away" (roots in Candia NH), then went a lot farther away (Alaska).  She went to Alaska to visit her sister and met Chad there.

~Thank you Walter ~



From left to right ...  Rotarian Scott Hynek, Scholarship Recipient Katie Sumner, Scholarship Chair Kevin Finley and President Bruce

Visiting Rotarians:

    Dave Carter  (Oxford Hills), Joel Speakman  (Oxford Hills)


    Katelyn Sumner  (Finley); Dave Fraher  (Powell)

Members We Missed: Cole, Crockett, Dennis, Laux, Murphy, Roma, Tyler, Zinchuk

Upcoming Events:

Oct. 13     Wood splitting
Oct. 27     Foundation seminar (Bridgton)
Dec. 2      Country Breakfast
Dec. 11    Senior Xmas Luncheon
Dec. 18    Food baskets

 Katelyn Sumner received a Rocky Freda Scholarship check, and described her plans for a Pharmacy program.

 Misc. notes from committee reports: 

  +  New Country Breakfast tickets with correct date will be printed. 

+  Grant for repairing musical instruments at Telstar not obtained, but other avenues being pursued.

+  Membership goal or five new members by June 2013.  All current members urged to give this priority.

+  Ellie gave a hilarious example of what it means to be a "furniture-grade" Rotarian.

For "Rotary Information," Steve emphasized the power of internet sites such as Facebook and Linkedin in helping Rotary move forward.

~Thank you Walter~



     Welcome our newest club member David Fraher with the classification of Pastor!


Thank you Kevin and Suzanne for the photos.



Welcome! 0


Dee Fournier presents ...


Dee Fournier  (speaker) (Crockett), Ron Fournier, Dave Fraher (Powell), Wade Kavanaugh (Blair), Beth Kavanaugh (Blair), Marcey White (Crockett), Teddy Crockett  (Crockett)

Members We Missed: Andrews, Dennis, Hart, Laux, Moran-Laux, Murphy, Tyler, Wilson

Much attention was given to little Teddy Crockett, making his first visit to Rotary.

Important announcement:  The Country Breakfast date has been changed to Dec. 2 (instead of the customary Thanksgiving weekend date).

Dee Fournier's presentation covered her trip to Nicaragua as part of a PEACE AND HOPE team.   PEACE AND HOPE is an international Christian human rights organization whose mission is to promote justice for people and communities who suffer injustice and poverty.  PEACE AND HOPE teams visit remote villages and carry out a variety of activities and projects such as a medical clinic, construction of rainwater catchment facilities, provision of mosquito nets for prevention of malaria.  Dee mentioned a need that probably would never occur to any of us.  In these remote and poverty-stricken villages, families typically have no photos of family members and when a loved one dies, there is no picture to remember them by. Dee became involved in a project to visit families' homes to take photos for them to keep.

Other announcements:  Wood splitting has been rescheduled to October 13th.

~ Thank you Walter ~


SEPTEMBER 25 - I BLAIR - WHY new members should join Rotary

Visiting Rotarian:   Glenn Huntley  (Oxford Hills)
Guests: Ella Blair  (Ian's daughter), Lee Barth (Barth)
Members We Missed: Crockett, Hart, Dennis, Laux, Mann, Monahan, Murphy, Roma, Steven, Whitney, Zinchuk

Ian's program featured a video aimed primarily at business success but equally applicable to Rotary.  In the video, Simon Sinek talked about a model for success that emphasizes the WHY of what you're doing.  He pictured the WHY as the bullseye of a target, with the next ring being HOW and the outer ring being WHAT.  Rather that simply focusing on WHAT you're doing and HOW you're going to do it, he said, make sure you strongly believe in WHY you're doing it.  To inspire others, you need to have them believe what you believe (the WHY), not just become informed of the WHAT and the HOW.

Thank you Walter ~ 

SEPTEMBER 25 - I BLAIR - WHY new members should join Rotary 0


Guest:   Dave Fraher  (Powell)
Members We Missed: Andrews, Blair, Crockett, Dennis, Laux, Mann, Murphy, Whitney

Al Barth gave a classification talk "rerun" for the benefit of newer members.  In discussing his roots, he mentioned his eligibility to join the Sons of the American Revolution, tracing from ancestors on his mother' side -- and his mother's unsuccessful efforts to get him to join.  He joked that he actually had dual eligibility because an ancestor his father's side also fought in the revolution --- but on the opposing side as a Hessian.  Al was a science teacher at Gould Academy for 28 years, retiring in 1988.  Later, he worked for a time in Stephens Memorial Hospital's Development Office.  His extensive public service activities included four terms in the state legislature, as well as many years as Selectman in Bethel, and member of the SAD 44 school board.

Thank you Walter ~




Guests:  Janet Black   (Bethel club distinguished alumna); Dave Fraher  (Powell)

Members We Missed:  Blair, Crockett, Dennis, Dunham, Hart, Laux, Moran-Laux, Murphy, Whitney,Wight

Dates to remember:
9/24    Fireside chat 
9/29    Wood splitting
11/25  Country breakfast
12/11  Senior Xmas luncheon

Club Assembly miscellaneous tidbits:  Three new prospects for members.  Suzanne taking over from Read as photographer.  Around $2,500 now available for Free-the-Kids project in Haiti -- expected to trigger a 4-to-1 matching grant.  Thought being given to using some of accumulated undesignated funds for local project aimed at young people. 

50/50 news:  Jim Mann draws ace of spades from 51 cards.  Mike Steven grumbles that he couldn't draw ace from 3 cards.

 Thank you Walter



2012 - 2013 Commitee Assignments

2012-2013 Bethel Rotary Committee Assignments

Public Image           Chairs: Suzanne Dunham, Lynn Wilson

Michele Varuolo

Mike Steven

Scott Dennis

Membership           Chairs: Ian Blair, Kevin Finley

Robin Zinchuk

Rick Whitney

Dave Murphy

Jim Monahan

Foundation             Chairs: Kathy Thrall, Cynthia Moran-Laux

Paige Crockett

Bob Laux

Al Barth

Jim Mann

Service                      Chairs: Ellie Andrews, Lorena Tyler

Bruce Powell

Pat Roma

Scott Hynek

Dean Walker

Walter Hatch

New Generations             Chairs: Dan Hart, Steve Wight

2012 - 2013 Commitee Assignments 0


Visiting Rotarian:   Joel Speakman  (Oxford Hills)

Guest:  Maria Agus  (speaker)

Members We Missed: Crockett, Dennis, Hart, Mann, McGrew, Murphy, Tyler, Walker, Wilson

Long-time member but new coffee cup:  Michele Cole

Good news/bad news remark from Steve: He's happy he won the 50/50 last week, but has seen any money yet.

GSE trip presentation:  Maria gave highlights of her trip to northern Germany, where she visted many locations in the lower part of the Jutland peninsula, as well as Hamburg.  She noted the flat, low land in the Jutland area, with large coastal areas reclaimed from the sea and protected by dikes.  There is a big push for renewable energy, with ambitious goals for self sufficiency.  On a sobering note, Maria said that Germany's past wartime actions and experiences remained a sensitive area --she noted that historical museums are not allowed to show anything with a swastika symbol.

Thank you Walter 



Guests:  Robyn Carey (Powell), Stanley Howe (Hatch) (guest speaker), Savannah Sessions (Tyler)

Members We Missed: Andrews, Blair, Crockett, Dennis, Hart, Laux, McGrew, Moran-Laux, Cole, Whitney, Zinchuk

Special thanks were given to those who assisted in the Golf Tournament on Aug. 27.

Dr. Stanley Howe of the Bethel Historical Society, who is writing a book on William Bingham II, presented a number of interesting aspects of Mr. Bingham's life.  William Bingham II had roots in Cleveland, Ohio but became strongly connected to Bethel and helped the town become what is today by financial support of institutions such as the Bethel Inn, Gould Academy, and the Bethel Historical Society -- either during his lifetime or by grants from trusts/foundations established with "Bingham" money.  Many other institutions and individuals were also beneficiaries of his philanthropy.  In answer to the question "where did he get his money?", Dr. Howe replied "He got it the old-fashioned way, he inherited it."  It came from an uncle, Oliver Hazard Payne, a successful businessman who -- among other ventures -- was associated with John D. Rockefeller in the early days of the Standard Oil Co.

Thank you Walter ~ 





There will be NO morning meeting this Tuesday, August 21.  Instead please attend the District Governor (5 club) Social at 5 pm at Stony Brook Campground.  BYOB and family members welcomed. 

The following Tuesday August 28th is "Bring A Friend To Rotary" meeting.



Guests: Heather Sunter - Intern, Bethel Family Health Center; Dave Fraher, Minister, West Bethel Church (sp?)Members We Missed: Blair, Dennis, Hart, Hatch, Murphy, Steven, Cole


Membership Committee - Kevin Finley - The committee assignments will be emailed to members; Kevin reminded that 8/28 is bring a friend to Rotary meeting. The committee is reviewing list of potential members and will be setting p Fireside Chats, soon. 

Public Image Committee - Press release sent to area newspapers, posted on District website. Published in Advertiser Democrat and Bethel Citizen, donations for items drawing at the tournament are coming in: two golf package from golf courses, SS Milton gift certificate; exploring sending greeting cards to members who are ill, etc.; exploring sending congratulations notes to area business people/others in community and inviting to a breakfast (will need to be brought to board). Lynn and Suzanne are developing three goals for Public Image committee.

Foundation Committee - The District Simplified Grant to repair Telstar Middle and High school musical instruments, aka Bandaid, is being finetuned to incorporate more Rotary involvement. The Club volunteers will be reorganizing the school's music library and Rotarians may be bringing the instruments in need of repair to the Turner music shop to expedite the process so that students won't have to be without their instruments for any length of time. The committee is also exploring participation by the Mahoosuc Community Band members. The grand is for $2,000 toward the repair of 16 instruments.

Service Committee - Primarily working on the golf tournament at this time. They are procuring tee signs and are hoping to get more through Rotarians. Please contact Pat or Ellie with any information about tee sign sponsors. The committee is working on three goals:  More, but smaller fundraisers. Focus efforts on oil and wood needs in the community - who are those most in need of this? Holiday gift wrapping. Some people have difficulty in tasks such as wrapping. The idea is to have a day(s) when people can bring their gifts to the Bethel House and have them wrapped by Rotarians. Reactivate plowing for needy people.

New Generations Committee - Steve Wight explained that this is a very new avenue of service that will be formally launched next year, but we have started the preliminaries. He said that the New Beginnings project is already underway to reach out to young people, such as already in existence programs like Interact. More to come on this new area.

Thank you Suzanne … filling in for Walter







Visiting Rotarians:  Marty Peak-Helman -- District Governor, Boothbay Harbor; Sheila Rollins -- Asst. District Governor, Bridgton
Members We Missed: Blair, Crockett, Dennis, Laux, Mann, Murphy, Steven, Zinchuk

The District Governor's talk urged Rotarians to "use your passion to change lives."  "It starts with one Rotarian, one inspired individual," she said, and gave a number of striking examples of what single Rotarian's idea and passion turned into.

She addressed the issue of declining membership, noting that the world is changing faster than Rotary, and that Rotary has increasing difficulty attracting under-40 professionals.  Reconsideration of traditional meeting times and formats may be in order.

Thank you Walter ~


Rotary is Coming to a Theater Near You

     Story excerpted from The District 7780 Website ...

Thanks to Dave Reid, our district’s public image chair, District 7780 has been awarded a PR grant from Rotary International with the intent of this funding to increase awareness of Rotary to drive membership. So, spread the word to fellow Rotarians, families and friends, because it’s time for a  ‘movie night’ with popcorn, candy, soda and a Rotary commercial. Yes, we’re advertising in seven theaters across our district – Newington, NH, Wells, Saco, So. Portland, Westbrook, Falmouth and Brunswick on 78 screens with 18,000 :30 second commercials.
Rotary is Coming to a Theater Near You 0


Visiting Rotarian:  Joel Speakman (Oxford Hills)

Guests:   Dave Fraher (Powell), Mary Ellen Hern (Mann)

Members We Missed: Andrews, Blair, Crockett, Dennis, Laux, Moran-Laux, Murphy, Whitney, Zinchuk

Pat Roma stressed the need for both sponsorships and foursomes for the Aug. 27 golf tournament, which is one or the club's major fundraisers, generating $5,000 - $8,000 in the last few years.

Bruce reported on a recent Fireside Chat, which will likely bring in a new member. 

Everyone should make a special effort to attend the Aug. 7 meeting at which the District Governor will be the featured speaker.

The fall wood-splitting project will be on Saturday, Sept. 29 starting at 9:00 am.

For Rotary Information, Scott Hynek highlighted a very intriguing article "Waste not" in the latest Rotarian magazine, which describes how a city has turned its water treatment plant into a gold mine by selling its water, sludge, and gas products.

Thank you Walter



The Board Meeting for August will be held on Tues Aug 7 at 4:30 pm at The Office of SAD 44 Administration which is located on the second floor of the Norway Savings Bank, Bethel ME.  Thank you Bruce.


Visiting Rotarian:  Dave Carter (Oxford Hills)
Guest:  Roy Gedat (speaker)
Members We Missed: Blair, Crockett, Dennis, Hart, Laux, Murphy, Powell, Thrall, Whitney
Program:  Roy Gedat of Norway described the benefits of home care in place of nursing home care for the elderly or those with special needs, and how his Halcyon Home Care company fits into the picture.  Being able to stay in ones own home and community is very important to many, but finding high-quality home care providers can be difficult.  Halcyon was founded two years ago, with the mission to allow clients in western Maine to remain home in a familiar, comfortable, and safe environment.  It's Personal Support Professionals, who are thoroughly screened, trained and fully insured, provide a wide range of non-medical services tailored to each client's needs.  Services included assistance with household management and maintenance as well as personal care needs.

~Thank you Walter~ 

2012 Golf Challenge Information

The Golf Tournament is about one month away. 

Here are the details:

                Where:                 Bethel Inn & Country Club

                When:                  Monday, August 27, 2012 at 9AM

                What:                    Scramble format (provides an opportunity for each player to contribute regardless  
                                                                                                                                                          of playing ability)

Cost:                      $85 per player

Why:                     Proceeds are used to fund scholarships, donations to local organizations, senior citizen events, holiday food baskets, international projects and more

 Each club member can help ensure this important fundraiser is successful by soliciting one team to participate in our tournament.  Here’s how:

 1.       Do you have relatives who might enjoy a day on the course to help our cause?

2.       How about friends from out of town who might enjoy your hospitality and then a great day on the course?

3.       Do you have business dealings with companies who might enjoy contributing to our community support efforts by sponsoring/sending a team?

4.       How about customers of your business who enjoy the area and would like to contribute to our community?  Maybe you could offer a discount to those who come to play.

Too often we continue to ask the same locals and local businesses to aid in our fundraising.   There are many out-of-towners who would enjoy the opportunity to support our cause.

I have attached two files (SEE files in Download section of the website homepage) with supporting information.

Please make an effort to find one team (4 players) to participate.

Pat Roma
(207) 749-6038

2012 Golf Challenge Information 0


Visiting Rotarian: Jon Pressley (Tyler, Texas)
Guests:  Dave Fraher, Cole Davis (Interact), Alyssa Brands (Interact), Maisey Griffin (Interact)
Members We Missed: Blair, Crockett, Laux, Moran-Laux, Steven, Tyler, Walker, Wilson
Reminders:  District Governor with us at Aug. 7 meeting.  Social on Aug. 21 at 5:00 pm in place of breakfast meeting.
We were all sorry to learn that Read Dickinson had resigned.
Presentation by Interact students from Telstar: 
 + Planning presentation at first Telstar assembly, sign-ups afterward.  Regular meetings every other Monday, board to meet separately.  Publicity by bulletin board, Facebook, website.
 + Looking for interested adult advisors.
 + Will focus on service projects for school and community, also looking for international project.  Example of community project: taking care of a trail or landmark in SAD 44 area.  Example of possible new event: field day/mini Olympics for elementary schools.
 + Interested in assisting with Rotary Club projects.
Presentation and discussion led by Dave Murphy on origins and historical evolvement of Rotary Auction & Yard Sale.  Although very successful overall this year, a deficiency needing attention is tracking down quality items for the Auction.  This includes efforts to solicit gift certificates, the number of which has fallen off considerably in recent years.
Thank you Walter


Guests of Kevin, scholarship recipients: Jeb Clarke, Abbie Goldberg, Molly Siegel
Members We Missed: Blair, Crockett, Dennis, Dickinson, Laux, Moran-Laux, Murphy, Walker, Zinchuk
Service Comm. noted the next major fundraiser, the Golf Tournament on Aug. 27.
Foundation Comm. goals include Every Rotarian Every Year, Project Hope, District Simplified Grant.
Membership Comm. will be looking to develop a list of individuals and businesses as prospects to work on.  Fireside chat scheduled for 5:30 pm July 17 at River View Resort.  Bring-a Friend-to-Rotary on Aug. 28.  Dine-Around sometime in Sept.
Public Image Comm. ideas included better-looking signage for events, letters-to-the-editor from recipients of Rotary scholarships or other assistance.
Secretary's report noted the resignation of Lynn Arizzi.
District Governor visit on Aug. 7.

August 21

There will be no morning meeting on August 21st.  Instead, meeting will be the District Governor Social that evening at 5 pm at Stoney Brook Campground.  See "Event" section for more information.  "Bring a Friend to Rotary" Meeting will be rescheduled to the following week, August 28th.
August 21 0
2012 Rotarian of the Year 0


Guests: Arla Patch  (speaker), Robyn Carey, Marcel Polak, Maria Agus Silveira
Members We Missed: Blair, Crockett, Dickinson, Finley, Tyler, Whitney, Wilson
Happy Dollars time was highlighted by Michele's payment of $52 in advance to cover late dollars for the coming year.
Bruce put in a plea for a 4th golfer to join Bethel's team for the Rumford club's golf tournament July 10.  (Contact Bruce if you can play.)
Arla Patch's presentation topic was Truth and Reconciliation for indigenous peoples everywhere, focusing on native Americans,
and in particular the injustices involved in separating native American children from their parents.  A recent positive step in
Maine is the establishment of the Maine Wabanaki - State Child Welfare Truth & Reconciliation Commission.  Maine is the first state to establish such a commission.
Thank you Walter ~


Guests:  Dave Freiday  (Friend of Rotary), in outrageous costume; Priscella Walker; Carol Savage
Dean reported highly successful gross receipts of over $14,000 for the yard sale and auction.
Rene McGrew was named Rotarian of the Year in recognition of her outstanding dedicated service to the club, and in addition, she received a Paul Harris Fellow award (her 2nd!).
Members completing milestone years of club membership were recognized, as well as members who had perfect attendance for the year.  Milestone years included: 10 year anniversary (2002) = Pat Roma; 15 years (1997) = Mike Steven; and ********* 25 years (1987) = Dave Murphy and Steve Wight!
After the "passing of the gavel" from Ellie to Bruce, Ellie received a standing ovation for her service as President this past year.  Bruce awarded her his own Past President's pin, from his presidency many years back.
Thank you Walter
REMINDER - New Year Notes 0


Visiting Rotarian:  Nelson Durgin (Rotary Club of Bangor, Maine)

Guests:  Gabriel Aguilar (upper class Student of the Month for June); Matthew Bolen (upper class S.O.M. for May); Savannah Clough (under class S.O.M); Ernie Aguilar (parent of S.O.M.); Shawn Coffin (parent of S.O.M.); Stephanie Coffin (parent of S.O.M.); Melissa Clough (parent of S.O.M.); Terri Mulks  (Camp Susan Curtis)

Members We Missed:  Arizzi, Joe & Lynn; Dennis; Mann; Steven


Terri Mulks presented some Camp Susan Curtis highlights.  Over 500 campers this year. Telstar represented by counselor and two campers.  New kayaking program. 

The program "Snapshot of Graduation Week" by Dan Hart, Gabe Aguilar, and Matt Bolen covered the various events for Telstar graduating seniors last week, ending with all-night Project Graduation. 


JUNE 4 - OPEN DISCUSSION - TOPIC: Fundraising Events

Guests:  Autumn Morin (Underclassman of the Month) and Hunter Chase
Members We Missed: Arizzi, Joe & Lynn, Barth, Dennis, Kunkle, Laux, Moran-Laux, Mann, Monahan, Murphy, Zinchuk 
Announcements included a reminder of the Auction & Yard Sale June 23.
JUNE 4 - OPEN DISCUSSION - TOPIC: Fundraising Events 0


Posted by Michele Varuolo
Guests:  Dutch Dresser (Maine Energy Systems - speaker), Debbie Dembski (REACH - received check earlier), Lauren Dembski (REACH), Julie Hart (Mahoosuc Kids - received check)
Members We Missed: Arizzi, Joe & Lynn,Dennis, Dunham, Kunkle, Laux, Moran-Laux, Thrall, Tyler, Wilson
Announcements included a reminder of the Auction & Yard Sale June 23.


Posted by Lynn Arizzi

Aaron Speakman and Lyndsay Merrill, Students of the Month for March & April, 2012 with Dan Hart, Principal of Telstar and Ellie Andrews, President of Rotary.  Picture by J. Arizzi

Telstar Regional High School 2012 Top Ten.  Picture by Carol Savage

GSE Team Visits Bethel

Posted by Lynn Arizzi

GSE Team Visits Bethel Lynn Arizzi 0
MAY 15 MEETING Lynn Arizzi 0


Posted by Lynn Arizzi



MAY 1 MEETING Lynn Arizzi 0
April 24 - Oxford County Sheriff Wayne Gallant Lynn Arizzi 0

More Photos ...

Posted by Michele Varuolo

GSE Team - Left to Right: Agus, Ashley Randall (GSE member from York), Pres Ellie, Barbara Sutcliffe (w/Lawrence), Lawrence Furbish (GSE Team Leader).  J. Arizzi photo.

Rotarian Dan Hart took Alyssa Brands, Colton Davis, and Maisy Griffin to the District Interact Conference on March 24.
J. Arizzi photo.
More Photos ... Michele Varuolo 0

Rotarians in Action - March 18th Country Breakfast

Posted by Michele Varuolo
Rotarian Walter Hatch breaking eggs ...

Rotarian Bob Laux making flapjacks, aka pancakes.


GSE Out-Bound Team Member Agus Silveira-Galban with an Exchange Student from Catalina, Chile enjoy the fixin's.  The Exchange Student presentaly lives with a host family in the Falmouth area.  She loved meeting Agus and it was a nice surprise to the morning's event.

Thank you Joe Arizzi for the photos.

Rotarians in Action - March 18th Country Breakfast Michele Varuolo 0

February 7 - Shelter Box

Posted by Michele Varuolo

Bill and Dennie Dyer of Shelter Box.  J Arizzi photo.

Visiting Rotarians and Guests
:  Bill Dyer and Dennie Dyer (Londonderry NH Rotary)
Members We Missed:  Not available
Announcements: Reminder for Foundation Giving   
Presentations:     None

Bill Dyer from Londonderry NH Club shared with us about the Shelter Box Program.  Here are snippets from his presentation and excepts from their brochure.

“In 1999, UK Rotarian and former Royal Navy search and rescue diver Tom Henderson spotted a gap in aid provision after natural disasters.  While food and medicine were immediately delivered, little or no assistance was given in terms of proper shelter to help survivors through the first few days … ShelterBox was launched to fill that void.

One green ShelterBox provides a durable tent for an extended family of up to 10 people and life-saving tools such as water purification supplies, blankets, a cook stove and mosquito nets.  The contents can be modified depending on the nature and location of the disaster …”

They are affiliated with Rotary with regards to support but not with funding and they have a similar arrangement with the Boy Scouts.  ShelterBox does not deal with governments but has accepted payment in kind such as from China.

In 2012, ShelterBox has been already in Brazil, Columbia, Philippines (3) – there is a disaster every other week.  The cost of a box including transportation is $1,000.00


February 7 - Shelter Box Michele Varuolo 0

RLI: Rotary Leadership Institute - March 3

Posted by Michele Varuolo
     Like to meet Rotarians from other clubs and learn how they operate ? Then RLI is for you – see details about RLI below. We still have places available in our next course on March 3, 2012 at York County Community College in Wells from 7:30am-3:30pm.

     The Rotary Leadership Institute (RLI) is a series of fast paced, interactive, (three one–day) courses offered to refine a Rotarian’s leadership skills and increase their base knowledge of Rotary.

     Courses are fun, topical, interactive and geared to busy business people and professionals who would like to be more dynamic as leaders and members of their vocation and club. The training provides a better understanding of Rotary and its programs, thus developing more effective Rotarians.

     Participants contribute their experience and ideas in facilitated discussion groups (not more than 15 participants) and the aim is to acquire leadership skills and grow Rotary knowledge.  A deeper understanding of the unique nature of each Rotary club is fostered and participants are encouraged to learn from these differences. The style of the courses is conversational and learning comes by sharing knowledge, ideas and opinions.

     Graduates return to their club with enthusiasm, new contacts, fresh ideas, an increased understanding of their potential as Rotarians, adding valuable skills that will impact on the club.

     The cost is only $65 per person and includes breakfast and lunch. It is usual for clubs to pay this charge for their members.  

     To register:  Register before February 21 to avoid a $10 late charge.

We hope to see you March 3rd in Wells!
John J. Rainone
District RLI Chair 
Rotary Club of York

RLI: Rotary Leadership Institute - March 3 Michele Varuolo 0

January 24 - Ellie's African Rotoplast Trip

Posted by Michele Varuolo

Visiting Rotarians and Guests:  Students of the Month: Kurt Mason with his parents Christen and Peter Mason and Rebecca Tuttle with her parents Todd and Laurie Swan; Suzanne Dunham (Hynek)

Members We Missed:  Crockett, Dennis, Kunkle, Monahan, Perejda, Tyler, Zinchuk


Announcements: Keep up your speedy recovery Dean!  We’re thinking of you Jim Monahan!  See the EVENTS section of the website for updates.


Presentations:     President Ellie presented the Students of the Month Sward to underclassman Rebecca Lynn Tuttle and to upperclassman Kurt Mason.


Program: Ellie’s African Rotoplast Trip


Through photo slides, Ellie described the process and selection and her daily sights. Ellie’s job on the team was sterilization.  The photos provided a sense of the conditions, the people especially the children, the surroundings and the greatness of the work of Rotoplast.

January 24 - Ellie's African Rotoplast Trip Michele Varuolo 0

January 17 - Fellowship and Ian Blair

Posted by Michele Varuolo

Visiting Rotarians and Guests:  Jean Lawrence (Finley), Suzanne Dunham (Hynek)

Members We Missed:  not available


Announcements:  See “events” section on the homepage of the website for updated details.


Presentations:   Thank you Kevin Finley for the new wooden Happy Dollar bowl!

Past President Joe and Treas Dean presented a pin to Rotarian of the Year Jim Mann for his continued contributions to polio plus!

Kevin Finley presented Jean Lawrence her educational assistance award.  Jean is attending UMass Amherst and majoring in Japanese.  She participated on the Ultimate Frisbee Club last fall and lives in the Language Dorm.

Michele Perejda, joined by Robin and Kathy T) announced their neckie project to raise funds for the water project.


Program: Ian Blair

Ian is the incoming co-chair with Kevin for the Membership Committee.   He’s looking forward to it and asks to share our thoughts on membership with him.  An idea mentioned was recruiting by having local business representatives.



 Rotarian and Principal Dan Hart with the December Students of the Month.  J Arizzi photo. 

January 17 - Fellowship and Ian Blair Michele Varuolo 0

January 10 - Club Assembly

Posted by Michele Varuolo

Visiting Rotarians and Guests:  Scholarship Recipient:  Hannah Wheeler

Members We Missed:  Blair, Crockett, Dennis, Hart, Murphy, Monahan


Announcements: There was a number of event dates announced – See EVENTS section of the website.


Presentations:     Kevin Finley presented a Rocky Freda Educational Assistance check to Hannah Wheeler who is attending CMCC.  She would like to transfer to either UNH or UMF to become a therapeutic riding instructor.


Program: Club Assembly


Lorena Tyler reported for the Membership Committee that they are working on attracting new members.  They reviewed a list of potential members to ask them to attend a meeting as a guest.


Lynn Wilson shared that the Public Image Committee is updating the club brochure.  PR for the upcoming Rocky Freda event is on the docket next.  Joe Arizzi announced that the District’s Dec 2011 newsletter has some of our club photos.


For the Foundation Committee, Kathy Thrall communicated that they are looking into applying for a matching grant to be used towards M. Perejda’s water project or the DGE’s project.  Brainstorming was also done too for a District Simplified project.  This is for local projects up to $2,000.  The Committee discussed BANC and shared that the luggage tags project is ongoing.


The Service Committee listed upcoming events.  Mike S explained that the Rocky Freda Pizza Party event will be Thu Feb 2 at the Matterhorn from 6 – 9 pm.  The event will have a 50/50 raffle (The raffle is split 50/50 between the Matterhorn and Rotary.)  The ticket price is $15 pp.  Thus far, 8 sponsors have stepped forward to help sponsor the event at $200 each – more are welcomed.  A volunteer sign-up sheet will be circulated starting next week and event flyers will be out next week as well.

            The Wine Tasting event is scheduled for Feb 25 – more details forthcoming.

            The Spring Country Breakfast is Sun March 18.

            Although RYLA is in late June, discussions have started.

            The Resume Writing and Interview Skills Workshop is scheduled for March 2.  This Committee has been meeting almost weekly after club meeting.


SO VOTED   Pat Roma lead the discussion of the Board’s recommendation to eliminate the breakfast dollar and instead increase dues.  Steve Wight motioned with Scott Hynek seconding to eliminate the breakfast dollar and increase dues to $160.00 per member starting the next fiscal year of July 1, 2012.  It was acknowledged that payment plans would be available.  The motion carried with one opposed.


OPEN FORUM    Pres Ellie led the club in the discussion of the membership having open forum meetings.  At the recommendation of the Membership Committee, the Board will schedule such meetings quarterly.  It is hoped that the membership would discuss in an open forum style various pre-identified topics so that would help set the priorities for the club in the future.  Future topics learned from this discussion include prospective new members/packet; replacing the wine tasting event with another fundraising event as this is the last year; and fundraising in general.  With regard to our fundraising health, Pat Roma challenged the members.


SO VOTED  Pat Roma motioned and Lorena Tyler seconded to accept the 2011-2012 officer and board slate (See related story for listing).  The membership voted unanimously.

January 10 - Club Assembly Michele Varuolo 0

January 3 - Al Barth's Club History Trivia

Posted by Michele Varuolo

Visiting Rotarians and Guests:  Scholarship Recipients:  Jamie Steven, Morgan Lee, Elek Pew, Victoria Forkus, Rose Wright; Suzanne Dunham (Hynek)

Members We Missed:  J Arizzi, Blair, Dennis, Kinkle, Muprhy, perejda, Thrall, Monahan


Announcements: Celebrating Jim Monahan's 94th Birthday on his birthday January 28th - see events section for details. 


Presentations:   Educational Assistance Awards were distributed to:  Jamie Steven attending UMO majoring in economics with a minor in renewable energy; Victoria Forkus attending Washington & Jefferson, PA, looking to major is Spanish with possible minor in history.  She participated on the Field Hockey team this past fall; Morgan Lee attends Providence and is majoring in marketing with possible minor in Spanish; Elek Pew is going to UMO and is doing a double major - business management and economics;  Rose Wright is an undeclared major at CMCC but hopes to transfer into the nursing progam at UNE.


Program: Club History Trivia 

Rotarian Al Barth challenged the members to some club history ... Bethel Club formed in 1974.  We were sponsored by the Rumford Club then Bethel, Oxford Hills, Bridgton Lake Region and lastly Fryburg.  People joined because of service, good work and 4-way test.  One of the first projects was the fence around the civil war monument - others since then included the gazebo, clock, swimming pond, skateboard park - we're involved in the local community as well as International.  The Club use to meet as a lunch club at The Sudbury or Martha's for example and then it became a breakfast club meeting at The Bethel Inn.


The Auction use to be on The Common ... Al shared Jim Hudson stories.  Other remembrances included fellowship meeting at a Quebec meeting; in 1998, Benni (sp?) a Belgium exchange student; and Alex Gillies an ambassadorial scholar in Ghana on 9/11. 

January 3 - Al Barth's Club History Trivia Michele Varuolo 0

December 20 - Marimba and Flute

Posted by Michele Varuolo

Visiting Rotarians and Guests:  Students of the Month Guests: Anna Torina, Valentina Torina, Loraine Duclos, Joey Blanchard, and Gaby Conrad: Suzanne Weenham (Hynek), Carol Savage (Arizzi)

Members We Missed:  Not available at this time


Announcements: Welcome Back Pres Ellie!  Bell Ringing weekend brought in $1,347.00 for Christmas for Children.  The cup sales fundraiser raised $617.00!


Presentations:   Robin our Bethel Inn Waitress was presented with our Christmas tip thank you!  Thank you to Gould's Cookie Walk which presented the Christmas for Children program with $1,007.00!  Ellie presented Kathy T with material from Togo trip.  Kathy will use the material to continue sewing luggage tags.  Mary Tenant and her daughter from the Brunswick Coastal Club have been busy selling the tags to churches.  the tags are $5.00 and go to the orphanage in Haiti.


Program: Music and Music History


Rotarian Scott Hynek and Kathleen Devoe performed the Bach 24 preludes on the marimba and flute.  Scott shared the history of the marimba as well as the music they were playing.

December 20 - Marimba and Flute Michele Varuolo 0

December 27 - Allagash Tales

Posted by Michele Varuolo

Visiting Rotarians and Guests:  Tim and Susan Caverly (Arizzi), Sheila Rollins (Assistant Gov.)

 Members We Missed:  Not available at this time


Announcements: The next meeting of the Rocky Freda event and Wine Tasting event will be on Wed Jan 4 at Mike Steven's Office.  Thank you to those who helped at 1 pm on Dec 27 at Barbara McDougall's home.


Presentations:  Thank you to the Students from bridget's School of Dance for their contribution to Christmas for Children.  The kids opted their coins totally $32.00 to be split between out program and Christmas for Families.


Assistant Governor Sheila Rollins explained what an Assistant District Governor (ADG) does.  They are basically the liason between the District Governor and the Clubs.  She has found it an enjoyable position and will continue to do it in 2012-2013! 


Program: Tim Caverly and Allagash Tails


Tim Caverly from Millinockett was an Allagash Supervisor for 18 years and worked for the Dept of Conservation for 32 years.  For more information on him and his works, please visit the download section of our website and see "More on Tim Caverly."   Or see


Tim's goal is to promote literacy - he visits schools and gives an adult version of the program around the state.  With his program and books, he has reached 72 schools in Maine.  He has found that not only is he promoting literacy but also geography. This has been an offshoot of things from his books.


Tim thanks our Club for our contribution and support of his progam 1 1/2 years ago in Telstar Middle School.


Tim brought us through a presentation that included photographs from the following spots providing us with a visual visit: Allagash Mt., Allagash Lake, Glaciel Lakes, the 13 miles of railroad tracks with no roads to them, fire cracked rock - a former Indian cooking area, Eagle Lake and Pillsbury Lake, Chase Rapids, and stories from Henry and Alice Taylor since 1982.  In 1966 the state protected the Allagash and in 1970 it received national protection.


Tim currently works with the Telstar Middle School and invites us to spsonsr a visit to the school (4 hours) or to sponsor his latest book - Wilderness Range Journal. 


December 27 - Allagash Tales Michele Varuolo 0

Pres Ellie's Rotoplast Trip to Togo

Posted by Michele Varuolo

 From the Togo photojournalist presentation:  A critical role on the team is sterilizer Pres Ellie, who keeps clean instruments in the right rooms at the right time. 

 And, to the right: After a hard day at the hospital, the team had a few laughs in the evening.  Pres Ellie with team members Sule, and Ann in local attire.


To learn more about Rotoplast, visit the link on the home page. 

Pres Ellie's Rotoplast Trip to Togo Michele Varuolo 0

Rotarians In Action

Posted by Michele Varuolo

   Rotarian Al Barth and friends at the Senior Luncheon 2011 and below Rotarians Steve Wight and Cynthia Moran-Laux bell ring for Christmas for Children along with Friends of Rotary Carol Savage.


 Rotarian Jim Monahan at the Senior Luncheon 2011.

Photos: C Savage and J Arizzi  

Rotarians In Action Michele Varuolo 0

Cruthes 4 Africa

Posted by Michele Varuolo
From Steve Wight ...Rotarians--Thanks for all your help on the Crutches4Africa Project!  See Below...
Dear District Rotarians,
Did you know that Crutches4Africa shipped 5 - 40ft. containers to Africa in 2011?    And our District 7780 filled one of the containers.  As we continue this effort in the coming year, we will be able to fill another container with almost new crutches and walkers which our citizens no longer need.   
Yours in Rotary,
Ilse Yanis
District Chair - International Service 
Crutches4Africa final newsletter of 2011

Cruthes 4 Africa Michele Varuolo 0

December 6 - Fellowship

Posted by Michele Varuolo

Visiting Rotarians and Guests:  Steve Ethridge (Moran-Laux), Beth Abbott (OHRC President)

Members We Missed:  Not available at this time


Announcements: December 16th is Gould's Cookie Walk; March 24th is the Big Brother's Big Sister's Annual BowlAThon - see Rene about forming a team!


Presentations:  Steve Ethridge from Rooster's Roadhouse and on behalf of RR and their customers presented the club with a $2500.00 check for Christmas for Children.  RR does fundraising through out the year.  Thank you!

Lynn W. presented the promotional check she received on behalf of the club at Sunday River's Santa Sunday.  It's $2200.00.  Thank you!


Program: Fellowship


Rene has a reprieve on presenting her program as we ran out of time. 


Ian distributed the Spirit fundraiser.  This first time fundraiser yielded 69 orders of $400 plus.  Thank you Ian!


The remainder of the meeting was sharing dates and event updates. 

December 6 - Fellowship Michele Varuolo 0

November 22 - Telstar's Community Service Program

Posted by Michele Varuolo

Visiting Rotarians and Guests:  Maria Silviera Galban (Arizzi), Megan LaCroix, Roger LaCroix, Michael Cintron, Angela Bouknight, Dylan Helms, Phil Catanese, Brianna Santos – guests of Dan Hart and program


Members We Missed: Blair, Barth, Dennis, Kunkle, Monahan, Murphy, Nivus, Thrall, Tyler, Whitney, Wilson


ProgramTelstar High School’s Community Service Program


A handout of the program including a fact sheet, certification form, and reasons to volunteer were distributed.  These are uploaded to the download section of our website.


Phil Catanese, in his third year teaching at Telstar, mentors their Community Service program.  Although participating in community service is a graduation requirement (60 hours) at the high school, the program tries to steer away from the stereotypical connotation of community service and instead tries to invoke the passion of “service learning.”


A student from each class year shared with us their service and hours to date.  Senior Megan LaCroix has completed 372.5 hours as a teacher’s aid and daycare assistant.  Brianna Santos, a junior, has completed 69.52 hours participating in service such as assisting Edna York.  Sophomore Dylan Helms shared that as a teacher’s aide and safety/fire dept volunteer that he has 1-2.5 hours.  As a freshman, Michael Cintron is a teacher’s aid and has volunteered at several Andover community events.


For more information, please contact Phil Catanese at


Furthermore, here is the link to the Service page of the Telstar High School web page- here you can not only learn more about the program but also have listed service requests


This has also been added as a link to the Club Links section on the home page of our website.

November 22 - Telstar's Community Service Program Michele Varuolo 0

Rooster's RoadHouse Fundraiser for Christmas For Children

Posted by Michele Varuolo








(including Christmas for Children!)



FROM 4 PM – 10 PM



Complimentary pizza, drink specials, watch the Patriots,

music, raffles, friends – join the fun!


*** Please bring some canned/dry goods to donate to the

Bethel Food Pantry too!


FMI – see download section of website for flyer


Rooster's RoadHouse Fundraiser for Christmas For Children Michele Varuolo 0

November 15 - Gould's Reach Out Program

Posted by Michele Varuolo

Visiting Rotarians and Guests:  Beth Abbott – Pres Oxford Hills, Patty Rice – PP Oxford Hills, SOM Guests: Michael Cintron, Shelley Peterson, Maisey Griffen, Kyle Peterson, Heather Carver, Angela Bouknight, Tomas Bouknight; Rebecca Andreozzi (Kunkle)


Members We Missed: Murphy, Nivus, Perejda, Thrall, Zinchuk, Monahan


Announcements:  See “This week …”


Presentation:  Beth Abbott from the Oxford Hill Rotary presented Ellie with a $200 check as a contribution towards her Rotoplast trip.

            Joe Arizzi presented the Student of the Month Awards to Maisey Griffin, September 2011 underclassman; Kyle Peterson, October 2011 upperclassman; and, Michael Cintron, October 2011 underclassman.


Program: Becky Andreozzi and Gould Reach Out/Community Service Program


Becky has been with Gould for about 5 years and this year is working with Erin Parker and Gould’s Reach Out Program.  This group works on local community service and global projects.  It is not a reactive organization but tries to do everything, ie. Vermont clothes donations but ongoing projects as well.  They will be looking to reach out to Telstar students and try to connect on some projects.


            They meet 6:15 to about 7 pm-ish on Thursdays.  They have about 50 participants and it’s structured so that participants can come and go according to what project is being worked on.  Here is a list of the projects they have been worked on this fall: bottle drive for the food bank; helped with District Exchange move; Hunger Walk; Supportive of fellow student’s and staff’s fundraising efforts; International Peace Day; Darfur Refugee Project – collaborated with Falmouth and Yarmouth schools for solar cookers in refugee camps; community dinners in Bethel; a second bottle drive for their toys and book program at Rumford Home Shelters; Safe Passage – which also is a Gould senior program; sponsor “Faces of Homelessness” in January.


            Can’t forget the Cookie Walk on December 17th at Ordway Hall!



November 15 - Gould's Reach Out Program Michele Varuolo 0

Interesting Tidbits on Christmas for Children

Posted by Michele Varuolo

Our Club’s

Christmas for Children Program

Points of Interest

~ excerpted from D. Murphy’s SOP


  • The program began in 1987.
  • We have people who have made donations who were once recipients of the program.
  • Many of our donations come from people who live outside the area.
  • When the program first began, we would take convoys of trucks to Auburn, Lewiston, or Portland and purchase toys.  We would bring them back to the “old” Crescent Park School and set up plastic bags of toys for each child.  These bags would line the hallway for a weekend while parents came in to pick their gifts up.
  • Eventually, some parents had concerns that some of the toys purchased were not one they would want their children to have.  After several years, the Board made a decision to begin purchasing gift certificates instead so parents could choose to buy whatever they wanted for their children.  Originally, these were purchased at the Ames Department Store.
  • One year a blackout occurred and since the bags needed to be put together that night, Rotarians parked their cards at both ends of the CPS hallway and shined their lights down the hall so we could get the job completed.
  • Dave has handed out gifts to families on Christmas Eve at least twice.


Interesting Tidbits on Christmas for Children Michele Varuolo 0

November 1 - Meeting

Posted by Michele Varuolo

Visiting Rotarians and Guests:  Jake Tyler (Tyler), Laurence Austin (Andrews)

Members We Missed: Crockett, Dennis, Kunkle, Laux, Mann, Moran-Laux, Murphy, Nivus, Perejda, Thrall, Zinchuk


Program: Ended up being Fellowship and Announcements …


Fundraising Sustainability Committee Pat Roma will lead a discussion this Thursday, Nov 3 at 7 pm.  Meet at Suds Pub.  Look for more dates in the future for this committee’s meeting dates.


Moose Tour – Follow our Moose on Facebook  - see Bethel Moose.


Annual Senior Luncheon – This year it will be Tues, Dec 13th.  It was the consensus of attendees to again continue with purchasing gifts for the senior citizens.  Walter Hatch will again collect $20.00 from each Rotarian and Walter with his committee will pick out two types of gifts to purchase for the seniors on our behalf.  Thank you Walter.  Tickets are available from Pat Roma.


Rocky Freda Fundraiser and Wine & Beer Tasting Event Meeting – Mike Steven called a meeting of this committee for Wed. morning Nov 30 at 7:30 am at his Office on Main Street.  All interested in helping out with this are welcome.


The Glass House Hot Dog Social  All Rotarians and your family and friends are welcome to a Rotary Social to “use up” the hotdogs  from this summer.  The Glass House is the home of Ken LeClair located in Viking Village.  This will be on Sun, Nov 20 at 3pm.  See Ellie for details or visit the “events” section of the website for more information.

November 1 - Meeting Michele Varuolo 0
Follow the Bethel Moose ... Michele Varuolo 0

October 25 - D Connors and Legislative Sessions

Posted by Michele Varuolo

Visiting Rotarians and Guests:  Mary Gage, Larry Risko, Alexandra Risko, Jen Martin, Amie Davis (Arizzi), Alison Aloisio, Dana Connors (Varuolo), Steve Ethridge (Laux)


Members We Missed: Crockett, Dennis, Garner, Monahan, Murphy, Nivus, Perejda, Thrall, Tyler, Walker, Whitney


Announcements:  We will be participating in the Oxford County Expo this weekend.

And, a show of hands indicated they would participate in a Club Get-Together at The Glass House, arranged by Ellie, on Sunday, November 20th.


Presentation:  Joe Arizzi presented the Student of the Month Awards to Alexandra Risko who is the underclassman June 2011 recipient and to Jennifer Martin who is the upperclassman September 2011 recipient.  Congratulations!


Program: Dana Connors and Legislative Sessions


Dana Connors, President of the Maine State Chamber of Commerce, shared with us the priorities that the legislature had in this two-year cycle.  As with any new cycle, year 1 had to work through to a budget then the items of priority were Healthcare, Energy, Regulation (new subject that reached this high of a priority, Taxes, Transportation and Skilled education/job opportunities.  The first year showed work done with the healthcare, regulation, taxes, and transportation.  In year two, you will see the mandatory supplemental budget that will need to be completed.  Then you’ll see that energy will be a priority in this session – the source or supply, the transmission or t & d, and the government add-ons.


October 25 - D Connors and Legislative Sessions Michele Varuolo 0

Cribbage Tournament!

Posted by Michele Varuolo


The Suds Pub hosted Our Club's First Cribbage Tournament

Thank you Rotarian Pat Roma 

Pat recaps the event ... it was moderately successful and generated $175 for the Club.  We had 14 participants.  Thanks to Suds Pub, all had their fill of delicious pizza.  Advertising for this consisted of word of mouth and a line in the Sudbury Inn (Bethel Citizen ad) noting the event.  As a test case, this appears to be a good possibility for future fundraising.  All who attended seemed to enjoy it very much; better advertising could bring in a larger crowd.

Cribbage Tournament! Michele Varuolo 0

October 18 - Evening Social Meeting

Posted by Michele Varuolo

Visiting Rotarians and Guests:  Beth Abbott (OH Rotary – Pres), Patty Rice (OH Rotary – PAG), George Rice (OH Rotary – PDG), Sheila Rollins (BL-R Rotary – AG) Merrill Rollins (BL-R Rotary), Shirley Powell (Powell), Joyce Roma (Roma), Dave Freiday (FoR), Peggy Wight (Wight)


Members We Missed: Barth, Crockett, Garner, Hart, Hatch, Kunkle, Mann, Monahan, Murphy, Nivus, Perejda, Thrall, Tyler, Walker, Whitney


Program: Evening Meeting Social


Dave Freiday performed his skit … Moose Fall Tour 2011.


Steve, Ellie and Scott H. demonstrated the hand equipment.


Ian rolled out his fundraising project – the Brax Spirit cups and popcorn.  Order forms were distributed and are available from Ian.  The selling period is now and will conclude on the Country Breakfast date of Nov 27.  As you collect money, you may turn it in to Ian.  Cost is $15 per order for the popcorn and $15 per pack of 4 cups.  The Club makes $6 on each cup pack and $5 on each popcorn pack.  FMI contact Rotarian Ian Blair at

October 18 - Evening Social Meeting Michele Varuolo 0

October 11 - Club Assembly

Posted by Michele Varuolo

Visiting Rotarians and Guests:  Mathew Campbell (Blair)

Members We Missed: Arizzi J, Barth, Crockett, Dennis, Garner, Kunkle, Monahan, Murphy, Nivus, Perejda, Tyler, Wilson


Program: Club Assembly


Service Committee Report – Pat Roma reported that the calendar of events is being worked on and will be posted to the website when completed.  A sign-up sheet is being passed around for the Oxford County Expo on October 29.  If there is member participation, then the Club will participate.  This will be an opportunity to “wave the flag.”  The Fall Country Breakfast is Sun Nov 27 and tickets will be available to pre-sell.  The fundraising Cribbage Tournament will be Nov 9.  There was discussion to have a vocational service type project for March 2012 where Rotarians would assist local students with resume building and interview skills.  Ian’s fundraising project should be arriving any day and then it will be rolled out.


Foundation Committee Report – Kathy T. announced that Maria’s application has been submitted to the GSE Team selection committee.  Ellie, Steve and Scott H attended the Hands Project.  The cost is $50 each.  We’ll learn more about this at our Oct 18 social/meeting as well as learn about a Rumford Club water project then.  She updated in the luggage tag program.  EREY envelopes are available – the Club is aiming for 100% participation.


Public Image Committee Report – the Committee is leaderless at this time.  Lynn A. is on a 4-month leave.  The Club was represented well in the recent District newsletter.


Membership Committee Report – Jim Mann shared that the Committee recognizes that perhaps exit interviews be conducted with members who leave the club which led to a discussion in member retention.


Treasurer Report – Dean shared the balances and announced that we have eight website sponsors.


Secretary Report – Michele reported that September attendance was 80% with 33 members.  Michele shared highlights from the October Board Meeting.  Draft minutes of those meetings are on the Download section of the website home page.  Past minutes are posted to the Club documents section of the website accessible via member login.

October 11 - Club Assembly Michele Varuolo 0
Did you know? The Rotarian Digital Edition Michele Varuolo 0


Posted by Michele Varuolo

Congratulations to President Ellie on being selected to the Rotoplast mission heading to  Togo, West Africa, November 27 - Dcember 11.

For more information on Rotoplast ... 

Rotoplast Michele Varuolo 0
Mystery Member Michele Varuolo 0
Rotary Leadership Institute Michele Varuolo 0

Give Hope A Hand Program

Posted by Michele Varuolo

Rotarians Train the Trainer in Togo on LN4 Hand Prosthesis, by Jim Price

Breakwater Daybreak Rotarian Jim Price and Bethel Rotarian Ellie Andrews trained two volunteers on December 8 in Afagnan, Togo how to fit the LN4 hand and use it to grasp objects. The Togo volunteers, Madrid and Brandon, had assisted the recent Rotaplast mission, and expressed interest in the LN4 after viewing a DVD showing amputees using the prosthesis. Brandon has identified a 14 year old boy who lost his hand two years ago as a potential recipient. Ellie and Jim also trained a Rotaplast volunteer from Mexico who plans to take an LN4 hand to her Rotary Club in January.

 Madrid and Brandon shown here with the LN4.

Give Hope A Hand Program Michele Varuolo 0