Visiting Rotarians and Guests:  Mary Gage, Larry Risko, Alexandra Risko, Jen Martin, Amie Davis (Arizzi), Alison Aloisio, Dana Connors (Varuolo), Steve Ethridge (Laux)


Members We Missed: Crockett, Dennis, Garner, Monahan, Murphy, Nivus, Perejda, Thrall, Tyler, Walker, Whitney


Announcements:  We will be participating in the Oxford County Expo this weekend.

And, a show of hands indicated they would participate in a Club Get-Together at The Glass House, arranged by Ellie, on Sunday, November 20th.


Presentation:  Joe Arizzi presented the Student of the Month Awards to Alexandra Risko who is the underclassman June 2011 recipient and to Jennifer Martin who is the upperclassman September 2011 recipient.  Congratulations!


Program: Dana Connors and Legislative Sessions


Dana Connors, President of the Maine State Chamber of Commerce, shared with us the priorities that the legislature had in this two-year cycle.  As with any new cycle, year 1 had to work through to a budget then the items of priority were Healthcare, Energy, Regulation (new subject that reached this high of a priority, Taxes, Transportation and Skilled education/job opportunities.  The first year showed work done with the healthcare, regulation, taxes, and transportation.  In year two, you will see the mandatory supplemental budget that will need to be completed.  Then you’ll see that energy will be a priority in this session – the source or supply, the transmission or t & d, and the government add-ons.