SUN JOURNAL 7/9/2024 SUBMITTED PHOTO Two Maine Rotary Clubs came together recently for a Clothing Jamboree organized by the Rotary Club of Bethel in partnership with Maine Immigrant and Refugee Services (MEIRS). The Bethel Rotarians traveled to Lewiston with more than 200 large bags filled with clean clothing, shoes, bedding, and other essentials to distribute to local families. Members of the Lewiston-Auburn Rotary Club joined in to help out. From left are Ed Plourde, L-A Rotary; Peter Fetchko, Bethel Rotary; and Larry Delhagen, the new president of the L-A Rotary Club.
Our History
By Robert Laux
Reprinted from the Club's 50th Charter Anniversary Program
Rotary Clubs are formed when a group of like-minded citizens unite in “common values” with a desire to address their community needs. All members of Rotary International pledge to live and work by the “Rotary Four Way Test of the Things We Think, Say or Do:”
- Is it the truth?
- Is it fair to all concerned?
- Will it build good will and better friendships?
- Will it be beneficial to all concerned?
In September of 1974, sponsored by The Rotary Club of Rumford, 21 local business professionals, formed The Bethel Rotary Club. Our first President was Romeo Baker while John Head and Roland Glines were Vice-Presidents. Other officers rounding out the charter included Basil Kinney as Secretary and Ray Moran as Treasurer. Members in Rotary were selected by profession so as not to have too many lawyers, bankers or accountants but rather representing the diversity each community entails. Our Club originally met for lunch at The Bethel Inn.
Rotarians Mark and Per at the Yard Sale 2022!
RIVER VALLEY: Monday, Hope Assoc, Noon, Rumford
OXFORD HILLS: Wednesday 7:30 am, First Congo Church, So Paris
BRIDGTON-LAKE REGION: Thurs. 7:30 am, Stella on the Square
FRYEBURG: Tues. 7:30 am, St Eliz-Ann Seton Catholic Church
WHITE MT.: Fridays, Noon, Androscoggin Valley Hospital, Berlin, NH
Service Above Self
Bethel, ME
United States of America