Guests: Matt Ruby  (speaker)  (Blair), Jack Kallis  (Wight)


Members We Missed:  Dennis, Mann, McGrew, Whitney


Matt Ruby, Head of School at Gould Academy, described two examples of new initiatives aimed at capitalizing fully on the schools assets.  He said that nationally the number of applications to private schools has been decreasing, and although Gould has been holding its own so far, he is seeking new ways to enhance the school's attractiveness.  His first example is the music program where excellent physical facilities exist, but top-level teachers for some instruments are not available locally.  A partnership has been formed with the Manhattan School of Music to conduct lessons "at a distance" using video technology that creates the feeling of being together in person.  A valuable feature of this system is that the lessons are archived for future reference.  His second example is veterinary science instruction, taking advantage of the animals kept at Gould's "farm," and assisted by local veterinarians. 


~ Walter