Guests:  Robyn Carey (Powell), Stanley Howe (Hatch) (guest speaker), Savannah Sessions (Tyler)

Members We Missed: Andrews, Blair, Crockett, Dennis, Hart, Laux, McGrew, Moran-Laux, Cole, Whitney, Zinchuk

Special thanks were given to those who assisted in the Golf Tournament on Aug. 27.

Dr. Stanley Howe of the Bethel Historical Society, who is writing a book on William Bingham II, presented a number of interesting aspects of Mr. Bingham's life.  William Bingham II had roots in Cleveland, Ohio but became strongly connected to Bethel and helped the town become what is today by financial support of institutions such as the Bethel Inn, Gould Academy, and the Bethel Historical Society -- either during his lifetime or by grants from trusts/foundations established with "Bingham" money.  Many other institutions and individuals were also beneficiaries of his philanthropy.  In answer to the question "where did he get his money?", Dr. Howe replied "He got it the old-fashioned way, he inherited it."  It came from an uncle, Oliver Hazard Payne, a successful businessman who -- among other ventures -- was associated with John D. Rockefeller in the early days of the Standard Oil Co.

Thank you Walter ~